

中文摘要 本計畫因應行政院環境保護署鼓勵應回收廢棄物回收處理創新或研究發展的計畫,針對鋁箔包、牛奶盒與紙餐盒在標準散漿機、水力式散漿機、高濃度散漿機與臥式散漿機等四種散漿設備之散漿效率、散漿後良漿之紙張性質(破裂指數及抗張指數),水質污染負荷(SS、COD),單位能源耗用等進行評估。高濃度散漿機及臥式散漿機自行設計及組裝。實驗參數為散漿時間(15、30、45 min)、溫度(室溫、40 ℃、50℃)、酵素添加量(0, 250, 500, 750, 1000 mg/L)、漿料濃度(水力式散漿機0.25, 0.5, 1, 2%;高濃度散漿機1, 2, 4, 8%;臥式散漿機1, 2%)。 實驗結果顯示在標準散漿機下,溫度及酵素添加量提高,有助於纖維得率的提升。鋁箔包纖維得率從50%提升至57-73%,牛奶盒纖維得率從65%提升至72-87%,紙餐盒從65%提升至81-89%。酵素添加量高於250 mg/L,即有明顯提升效果。水力式散漿機及高濃度散漿機的散漿時間提高,有助於散漿效率。在2%濃度時,水力式散漿機紙餐盒的纖維得率最高可達77%;而高濃度散漿機在8%濃度時,紙餐盒的纖維得率則可達85%。臥式散漿機則因散漿時間不足,纖維得率不高,但PE、鋁箔等分離相當乾淨。 水質污染負荷估算,水力式散漿機、高濃度散漿機與臥式散漿機的SS分別為鋁箔包(59.1, 240.0, 157.4 mg/L)、牛奶盒(167.3, 223.3, 302.2 mg/L)與紙餐盒(138.6, 166.5, 153.3 mg/L);COD則分別為鋁箔包(2182.0, 2153.5, 601.8 mg/L)、牛奶盒(2094.1, 2014.0, 645.5 mg/L)與紙餐盒(2554.9, 2480.8, 932.9 mg/L)。 水力式散漿機、高濃度散漿機與臥式散漿機的單位耗能估算分別為鋁箔包(3604.4, 8972.6, 1453.8 度/ton)、牛奶盒(3681.0, 5270.6, 1453.8 度/ton)與紙餐盒(5077.0, 3763.3, 7502.2 度/ton)。
中文關鍵字 廢紙容器、酵素、纖維得率


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-X15 經費年度 104 計畫經費 1540 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/01 專案結束日期 2015/11/30 專案主持人 彭元興
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 顏素真 執行單位 大葉大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-104-X15 期末報告定稿本.pdf 2MB
英文摘要 This study was in response to the incentive program of the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan encouraging waste recycling treatment innovations or research and development projects with focus on the use of standard pulper, hydropulper, high-consistency pulper, and incumbent pulper to treat aluminum-laminated packages, milk cartons and paper meal boxes and examined the repulping efficiency, post-treatment accept fraction pulp handsheet properties (burst and tensile indices), water pollution loading (SS, COD), and unit operation energy consumption of the 4 different treatment facilities. The high consistency pulper and incumbent pulper were design and assembled by our lab. The experimental parameters included pulping time (15, 30, and 45 min), temperature (40 and 50℃), enzyme dose (0, 250, 500, 750, and 1000 mg/L), pulp consistency (for hydropulper, 0.25, 0.5 1, and 2%; for high-consistency puler, 1, 2, 4 and 8%; and for incumbent pulper 1, and 2%). The experimental results indicated that for the standard pulper, increases in temperature and enzyme dose helped to increase fiber yields. The aluminum- laminated liquid pak had yield increased from 50% to 57~73%; milk cartons fiber yield increased from 65% to 72~87%; paper meal boxes yield increased from 65% to81~89%. Enzyme doses higher than 250 mg/L showed significant effects. For hydropulper and high-consistency pulper, increases in pulping time helped pulping efficiency. At 2% consistency, hydropulper acting on paper meal boxes had maximum yield of 77%; whereas the same raw material treated with high-consistency pulper at 8% consistency produced an yield of 85%. The incumbent pulper, due to insufficient pulping time, had low fiber yields, however, the separation of PE and aluminum foil were fairly clean. Estimates of water pollution loading indicated that the SS of effluents from hydropulper, high-consistency pulper and incumbent pulper for the aluminum- laminated liquid paks were respectively 59.1, 240.0, 157.4 mg/L; those for milk cartons were respectively 167.3, 223.3, and 302.2 mg/L; and those for paper meal boxes were respectively 138.6, 166.5, and 153.3 mg/L. The effluent COD of the 3 pulping systems for the aluminum-laminated liquid paks were respectively 2182.0, 2153.5, and 601.8 mg/L; those for milk cartons were 2094.1, 2014.0, 645.5 mg/L; and those for paper meal boxes were 2554.9, 2480.8, 932.9 mg/L. The unit operation energy consumptions of hydropulper, high-consistency pulper, and incumbent pulper for the aluminum-laminated liquid paks were estimated to be respectively 3604.4, 8972.6, and 1453.8 kWh/ton; those for milk cartons were 3681.0, 5270.6, and 1453.8 kWh/ton; and those for paper meal boxes were 5077.0, 3763.3, and 7502.2 kWh/ton, respectively.
英文關鍵字 Wastepaper containers, enzymes, fiber yields