

中文摘要 本計畫於104年2月13日至104年12月15日止,期末報告各項工作成果摘要說明如下: (一)「研擬嘉義市室內空氣品質管制策略」: 已完成室內空氣品質落實政策之推動,並研擬室內空氣品質管制策略,內容架構包含「場所基本資料庫建立」、「場所室內空氣品質調查」、「場所改善與追蹤輔導機制建立」、「列管場所管理策略」等方向。相關工作執行規劃,已參考國內、外執行技術與文獻,統整各局處資源,完成共同推廣、維護本市優良室內空氣品質政策。 (二)「推廣室內空氣品質維護管理政策與觀念」: 總計完成辦理4場次宣導說明會,宣導對象分別為第一批列管場所、第二批草案列管場所、旅館業、圖書館、健身房、補習班及游泳池等,出席率皆達70%以上。會議前、後測驗分數成長率約為2%~3%,會議辦理滿意度皆達95%以上;調查100家場所室內空氣品質概況中,共計20家室內空氣品質異常,異常場所類別以銀行占最多數,其次為醫院,第三為旅館業。銀行異常原因與使用之空調設備無室內外循環有關;醫院異常原因與就診人數眾多有關;旅館業異常原因與空調系統及芳香劑使用有關;輔導100家次場所建立維護管理制度,結合巡檢作業進行調查,總計完成輔導100家次場所建立維護管理計畫書,並協助場所建立室內空氣品質不良應變作業流程及瞭解法規規定事項。輔導之問卷調查回收率為98%,滿意度達100%;總計辦理2場室內空氣品質跨局處協調會議,第一場次跨局處協調會議針對103年度會議紀錄進行追蹤,同時講解104年度工作目標與各局處所需協助事項,且更新各局處聯繫人員資料,並調查各局處可配合的評鑑、稽查及相關自治條例設置等作業。第二場次跨局處協調會議針對第一場會議紀錄成果進行追蹤,同時提供各所屬主管單位瞭解本年度執行成果,加以協助輔導、監督所屬場所室內空氣品質維護情形;於3月、6月、8月、10月委託行政院環境保護署認證檢測機構,針對5類型各1處之公告場所,進行室內空氣四季污染物調查。檢測項目以場所管制項目為主,另增加檢測細、真菌,同時配合直讀式檢測儀器進行調查比對。直讀式儀器調查結果均無任何異常;公告方法標準檢測部分,僅於第一季檢測出家樂福嘉義店與國立嘉義大學2家場所甲醛不合格;執行本市50處自主管理寺廟平日、節慶日各一次之室內空氣品質污染物調查顯示,平日各項污染物平均值為CO:<0.01 ppm、CO2:431 ppm、TVOC:1.28 ppm、PM10:41 μg/m3、PM2.5:15μg/m3;節慶日各項污染物平均值為CO:1.2 ppm、CO2:470 ppm、TVOC:1.67 ppm、PM10:151 μg/m3、PM2.5:91 μg/m3;委託行政院環境保護署認證檢測機構,針對直讀式調查異常16家場所進行複查,檢測結果僅嘉義市政府文化局黃賓圖書館1家場所之CO2 1,699 ppm及甲醛0.15 ppm超出法定標準值;針對直讀式儀器調查異常或標準檢測超標之30家場所,每場邀請兩名專家學者實施現場輔導。輔導常見問題為空調濾網及冷卻水塔未定期清洗、空調系統無引入外氣功能、天花板受潮產生霉斑、室內人員密集及空調機房維護不佳等;已透過抽氣扇設置引入外氣及連續監控CO2之智慧型調節等方式,成功協助嘉義市政府文化局圖書館完成改善室內空氣品質,有效使歷年檢測超標之CO2符合室內空氣品質標準。共計辦理1場次室內空氣品質改善優良示範觀摩會,針對本年度協助嘉義市政府文化局圖書館改善室內空氣品質之「實場改善技術研究及成效」,向本市大專院校、圖書館、政府機關、百貨商場、醫院、幼兒園、銀行、補習班、及健身房等場所宣導及說明,以供各類場所不良室內空氣品質之改善參考。 (三)「室內空氣品質資訊整合與資料庫維護管理」: 每月皆將巡檢調查成果彙整於月報中,並分析相關污染來源、研擬預防及改善方式,透過現場輔導提供場所改善建議,協助維護良好室內空氣品質;辦理之各項活動訊息、會議資料及室內空氣品質相關訊息,皆定期更新於本市室內空氣品質資訊網,提供民眾參閱、查詢。 (四)「其它配合辦理事項」: 發佈相關室內空氣品質宣導新聞稿,提供市民瞭解室內空氣品質維護方式、法令規範及環保局執行成果。另辦理技術轉移訓練,提供環保機關相關業務及承辦人員瞭解健康危害及預防之觀念;規劃室內空氣品質日常維護管理作為、污染預防及政策動向,並製作成宣導海報、摺頁及動畫短片,提供民眾日常維護管理與預防之參考。
中文關鍵字 室內空氣品質、室內空氣品質宣導、室內空氣品質維護管理制度


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 3800 千元
專案開始日期 2015/02/13 專案結束日期 2015/12/15 專案主持人 蔡瀛逸
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳信逸 執行單位 嘉藥學校財團法人嘉南藥理大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年度IAQ期末報告(定稿).pdf 27MB
英文摘要 This project has been scheduled and executed within February 13th and November 20th, 2015. As can be seen at Table One, it represents the overall tasks of varied portions in the project. The summary of final report is shown as followed. The project has been conducted to propose indoor air quality strategies for assisting the Environmental Protection Bureau of Chiayi City to set up indoor air quality control policy and further bring it in execution. The framed tasks include: 1) generating basic location database 2) investigating indoor air quality of the locations, 3) constructing tactics of location improvement and its follow-up guidance, and 4) conducting management strategies for monitored locations. By reviewing domestic and international technological literature as well as relative resources from governing bureaus, this project devotes to maintaining first-level indoor air quality and promoting the superior policy of Chiayi City.Four illustration meetings were held for propagating to the first group of monitored locations, the second group of monitored locations, hotels, libraries, fitness centers, cram schools and swimming pools…etc. The percentage of attendance reached more than70%. The scores of before-meeting tests in comparison with after-meeting tests averagely grow upright as 2%-3%. In total, 95% of satisfaction was rated by the participants of those meetings.Twenty of them were found abnormal; banks were ranked as the first with abnormality, hospitals the second, hotels the third. The reason of abnormality in the banks was the lack of circulation between inside and outside spaces. For hospitals, it has been abnormal because of the numerous patients. For hotels, it has been abnormal because fragrances were mixed into the air conditioning system.In combination with inspection work, 100 counseling services were implemented to assist the locations to create their maintenance and management proposals. Moreover, we helped the locations carry out the working procedure when dealing with unfavorable air quality and understand the details of regulations. The return rate of questionnaires reaches 98% and the satisfaction reaches 100%. An inter-bureau coordination meeting has been conducted to discuss about issues of indoor air quality. In that meeting, according to some follow-up surveys by means of the meeting records in 2014, we illustrated our working objectives within 2015 and brought out cooperative missions among relevant bureaus. Furthermore, we updated personal information of all participants and investigated valuable shared information relating to evaluation, inspection and relevant regulations for self-management. The coming inter-bureau coordination meeting has been conducted to discuss about issues of indoor air quality.In that meeting, according to the first record of meeting, and 2015 implementation of the outcome.Separately in March, June, August, October in 2015, we commissioned inspection organizations certificated by Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan to examine 5 types of air pollutants to each location. The examination items focused on location control, bacteria and fungus examination in conjunction with direct reading examination equipment to work on comparison of the investigation. There was no abnormality found from the comparison. For the announcement standard examination method section in the first quarter, two of the locations were unqualified as failure on formaldehyde; they were Chiayi branch store of Carrefour and National Chiayi University.Pollutant investigations to 50 Temples were implemented two times; one on weekdays and another on festivals. The average amounts of contaminants detected on weekdays were CO: <0.01 ppm, CO2: 431 ppm, TVOC: 1.28 ppm, PM10: 41 μg/m3, PM2.5: 15 μg/m3; while those on festivals were CO: 1.2 ppm, CO2: 470 ppm, TVOC: 1.67 ppm, PM10: 151 μg/m3, PM2.5: 91 μg/m3.We commissioned examination organizations certificated by the Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan to examine doubly towards 16 locations with abnormality upon direct reading investigation. The result showed that Huang Bin Library of Cultural Affairs Division of Chiayi City was worked out over amount of formaldehyde at 0.15 ppm and failed test for the amount of CO2 at 1,699 ppm.The tasks focused on 30 locations with abnormality by means of direct reading instrumental investigation or with overloading according to standard examination. We invited two professionals to provide real-field guidance service in each location. Regular problems were found as followed: 1) lack of routine cleanness on air-conditioning filters or on cooling standpipes; 2) lack of air injection from outside to the air conditioning system; 3) mildew stain on ceilings; 4) too crowded working place; 5) poor maintenance for the air-conditioning controlling rooms.In application with our techniques, we successfully assisted the library of Chiayi Cultural Affairs Bureau to improve its indoor air quality by outside air injection through fans and continuously monitoring CO2 through an intelligent controller. The effort has reduced the extra amount of CO2 and then has made it fit the standard of indoor air quality.A demonstration meeting has been held to represent excellent samples of indoor air quality improvement. In terms of yearly “real field research on improvement of technique study and its effectiveness,” the demonstration propagated and explained the improvement strategies to colleges, libraries, government divisions, department stores, shopping malls, hospitals, nursery schools, banks, cram schools and fitness centers…etc. There are some routine tasks when working on the project. First, monthly investigation reports have been released and maintained every month. Next, we have kept analyzing pollutants and generating effective strategies to prevent pollution. In addition, professional suggestions from real field guidance were provided to help the locations maintain good indoor air quality. Networking information is updated and maintained to provide Chiayi citizens with awareness of current activities, meetings and various messages about indoor air quality.News about indoor air quality was broadcasted to help citizens understand ways of good indoor air quality maintenance, regulations, and execution results worked out by the Environmental Protection Bureau.This project has carried out routine indoor air quality maintenance and management, pollution prevention and policy trend. There have been some posters, brochures and animations provided to guide citizens on daily indoor air quality maintenance.
英文關鍵字 Indoor Air Quality(IAQ)、IAQ Guidance metting、Indoor Air Quality Maintenance Management System