
桃園市農地土壤污染控制場址排客土 改善計畫污染改善工作(丙)

中文摘要 本計畫主要目的係針對桃園市無法採用翻轉稀釋工法進行改 善之污染坵塊,以排土客土法搭配翻轉稀釋來進行改善工作,俾 能解除列管。計畫範圍涵蓋蘆竹區、大園區及八德區。各工作項 目依規定執行,包含提送工作計畫書、 離場處置計畫書、工作成 果月報及工作日誌、工作進度報告、舉辦農民 地主說明會及農地 巡查,並執行計畫範圍內農地排土客土搭配翻轉稀釋改善、自行 驗證、現地回復解除列管及解除列管等作業。除依計畫預定工作內容與契約書之相關規定執行外,另配合環保局,就本計畫執行 之品質要求與進度控管,定期召開工作檢討會及各項審查會議。 本計畫本階段工程成果為(1)召開 3 場次農民地主說明會。(2) 完成工作計畫書及離場處置計畫書提送及審查。(3)完成改善前 14 筆土系坵塊肥力採樣及改善完成 43 筆坵塊肥力採樣分析作業。(4) 完成 104 年第 4 季至 105 年第 3 季環境監測作業。(5)完成 5,852.74 公噸高污染排土作業及 5,923.44 公噸客土進場。(6)完成大園區及 蘆竹區 43 筆(約 6.1262 公頃)污染農地排土客土配合翻轉稀釋改善 作業並經監督單位監督驗證通過。(7)完成 43 筆坵塊地力回復作業 並取得完工同意書。
中文關鍵字 重金屬污染,排土客土法,農地污染改善


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 33570 千元
專案開始日期 2015/05/12 專案結束日期 2016/10/23 專案主持人 夏安宙
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 盧沛欣 執行單位 業興環境科技股份有限公司 


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期末報告 期末報告定稿本.pdf 13MB

The Pollution Improvement Project By Soil Excavation Method with Clean Backfilled for Farmland Pollution Control Sites at Taoyuan City (C)

英文摘要 The project was to take remediation measures on polluted farmlands at Taoyuan by soil dilution, and soil excavation method with clean backfilled. Aforementioned farmlands are located at Luzhu, Dayuan and Bade districts. By the end of this project, assignments were finished included (1) submitting a work plan, off-site treatment plan, monthly performance reports, daily activity reports, and progress reports, (2) holding discussions for farmers, (3) inspecting the restricted farmlands, (4) improving the degree of heavy metal pollution of farmlands, and finally (5) deregulating farmlands. The department of environment protection held conferences regularly to examine the performances. The achievements included (1) holding 3 terms of discussions for farmers, (2) submitting off-site treatment plan, (3) analyzing soil fertility for 43 farmlands (4) monitoring from fourth quarter of 2015 to third quarter of 2016, (5) off-site disposal and excavating soil for 5,852.74 tons and filling non-polluted soil for 5,923.44 tons, (6) improving and passing verification for 43 numbers of farmlands (6.1262 hectares), (7) recovering soil fertility for 43 numbers of farmlands.
英文關鍵字 Heavy metal pollution, Soil excavation method with clean soil backfilled, Remediation of polluted farmlands