

中文摘要 新北市營建工程空氣污染防制計畫,執行期程12個月,目前執行人 力共計20人,工作項目均達成設定目標。各項工作成果依工作範疇區分 成六項,包括空氣污染防制費徵收與管理、網路申報系統維護管理、巡 查作業、營建工程雲端管制系統管理、施工機具噪音管制及教育訓練及 宣導作業等。 在空氣污染防制費徵收與管理工作,以落實污染者付費為目的,計 畫期間協助本市營建工程空氣污染防制費新申報工程徵收3,688件;各月 份空污費主動到繳率達90%以上;在便民服務上,持續辦理提醒申報簡 訊通知服務、設置意見箱廣納申報建議、發送空污費宣導文宣等服務。 在網路申報系統功能擴充及推廣工作,為達到「全面E化作業」及 「提升民眾滿意度」目標,完成辦理1場次大型空污費申報網路系統操作 講習會,另於104年10月邀請本市府工務局及內政部營建署所屬之三個營 建工程相關系統平台之單位進行跨單位資料整合作業協商,並完成介接 養工處道路挖掘系統。 在巡查管制工作,已擴充營建工程電子化稽巡查作業與巡查派遣系 統功能。現場巡查達14,699處次,納管率達81.7%,為提升敏感區域污染 削減率,劃定八大管制專區列管30處營建工程,配合高污染工程階段盯 睄管制、道路管線工程推動廢土不落地、完工洗掃、輪替式輔導缺失工 程、推動工程道路認養等管制策略,未來將持續加強相關輔導管制作業。 在營建工程雲端自主管理系統工作,今年度擴充巡查結果推送,以 告知工程缺失改善項目、後端管理平台模組,增加後端回報案件查詢及 統計功能,新申報第一級工程扣除尚未施工案件,自主回報上傳件數為 830件,第一級營建工程自主回報管制系統使用率為55%。 營建工程施工機具噪音管制,主要目的是輔導營建工程機具減音措 施,並執行施工機具實地運轉音量量測工作,已辦理4場次噪音防制協商 會議。巡查過程亦加強宣導噪音管制法相關法令,及營建工程依符合時 段、敦親睦鄰及圍籬防制措施。 在宣導作業方面,依據不同主題及目的目前已召開4場減量協商會議 及2場法令宣導會,會議中除加強說明營建工程空氣污染防制要點,並同 時宣導本局各項簡政便民服務項目;另完成法令宣導手冊印製及發放工 作,建置營建工程污染防制宣導網,使民眾其能隨時查閱,可於最短的 時間內獲得最正確之知識。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、營建工程、污染削減


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 17799 千元
專案開始日期 2015/08/19 專案結束日期 2016/08/18 專案主持人 張家銘
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 徐禾杰 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年度新北市營建工程空氣污染防制計劃.pdf 28MB

The air pollution control program of construction in New Taipei City in 2015

英文摘要 2015 New Taipei City Construction Project Air Pollution Prevention Program, perform total of 12 months and 20 implementing human, work projects are completed on schedule. The results are classified into eight parts, including data collection and strategy formulation, air pollution control fee collection and management, online reporting system is management and promoted, onsite inspection, cloud self-management system of construction engineering management, construction machinery noise control, policy promotion and QA/QC. Data collection and strategy formulation is project also promotes main channel systems of pollution reporting, and invites the top ten development companies of the city, subcontractors and the builders for participation. The environment evaluation of the ongoing projects in the city was investigated, after guidance and negotiation, the reduction rate of most projects reached over 50%. At noise control measures, conduct propaganda both the perimeter of noise reduction measures and reduce noise. The heavily polluted areas, such as Bali, Xinzhuang, Xindian, and Tucheng, due to constructions, are categorized as special zones for pollution control. For the areas with low pollution reduction rate, the enforcement of the pollution prevention facilities on the construction site, in order to increase the total reduction rate. The air pollution control fee collection and management is based on the concept of pay by user. During the implementation period, a total of 3,688 construction projects paid the air pollution control fees. The average payment rate of monthly air control fees is more than 80%. The public services provided include SMS for notification, suggestion box and pollution control fee pamphlets. Onsite inspection has construction project has expanded inspections verifying the electronic operating system functions and new inspection dispatch mechanism system. Onsite inspection has been conducted 14,699 times, achieving 81.7% of the total control rate. To achieve pollution reduction of the sensitive areas, 30 construction projects in the eight controlled areas are listed for control. And with high pollution project monitoring, pipeline construction projects is the airborne dust required to prevented, and the site needs to be cleaned after construction, rotation tutoring missing project, promote street maintenance and dust reduction and other control strategy. In this year, the cloud self-management system of construction engineering is implemented, expansion check project, upload photos number, establish alert and build admin module. During implementation of the program, 830 construction sites have signed the agreement to participate. Regarding the cloud self-management system of construction engineering demonstrate recognition. The construction machinery main purpose is remedial construction engineering machinery noise reduction measures, proposed four noise counseling to improve the effectiveness case, and construction machinery field operating volume measurement. Regarding the noise prevention consultative meeting. Currently in addition to measuring, for noise control laws in the process of inspections and propaganda to industry, avoid noise interference. In terms of policy promotion, 4 meetings concerning pollution reduction and 4 promotional seminars on the regulation with different themes and objectives were held. These meetings described key points of the air pollution control in construction, and introduced various projects by environmental protection bureaus. The promotional materials include printing and issue of brochures. Moreover, the construction pollution control website is established for convenient access at any time, allowing the public to obtain the correct knowledge quickly. In order to investigate the public’s awareness of the operation of the air pollution fee reporting system, and provide relevant suggestions or projects to be improved, this project conducted a questionnaire survey and retrieved 505 valid samples.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality, Construction, Pollution Reduction