

中文摘要 為了讓國人更重視土壤與地下水的保護,及建立國人土地品質即價值、健康水源即資源之觀念,提醒國人對環境應有之責任與態度,本計畫委託則越廣告行銷有限公司(以下簡稱:則越廣告)於104年度承辦之「土地品質宣傳推動計畫」,業已完成各項委託之工作項目,並達成本計畫預期之效益目標。 本計畫今年度規劃一系列符合行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱:環保署)需求效益之工作項目,執行搭配活動宣傳及媒體操作共創造1626萬3,677宣傳接觸人次及30篇新聞露出紀錄。於「學童教育宣傳活動」完成10支宣傳動畫製作;5場兒童舞台劇及3場繪本說故事校園巡迴活動,參與學童人數達1,816人;大型活動部份已完成「愛土地生態體驗宣傳活動」,民眾報名率及出席率皆100%;地方活動參與完成「雞籠中元祭」、「桃園土地公文化節」、「彰化二水跑水節」3場宣傳活動,參與人數共達3,778人,「民眾體驗宣傳活動」宣傳效益共創造5萬3,475觸及人次;「媒體行銷」完成大眾運輸廣告為期一個月的刊登,共創造931萬5,675人次瀏覽效益,及透過異業合作於東森房屋全國310家門市、臺東原生應用植物園2家門市、國立臺灣科學教育館以及臺鐵鐵路全國131個站點張貼共444張議題海報,宣傳廣度觸及至全國民眾。公益託播檔次共計124次,接觸總人次670萬7,087人次。Facebook粉絲團完成420篇「土壤與地下水」訊息張貼,並達成粉絲人數9,000人以上之目標;「文宣品」已全數製作完成,於各項活動中發放。綜合以上執行項目,為本年度之宣傳議題達成並超越預期效益與目標。
中文關鍵字 土壤;地下水、土地品質、污染、宣傳


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-GA11-03-A090 經費年度 104 計畫經費 5928 千元
專案開始日期 2015/03/06 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 林信安
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 黃韋瑄 執行單位 則越廣告行銷有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年度土地品質宣傳推動計畫-期末報告.pdf 37MB

2015 Land Quality Media Campaigns and Promotion Project

英文摘要 Tse Yueh Advertising and Marketing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as, “Tse Yueh Advertising”) has been commissioned for the 2015 “The Promotion Project for Land Quality” under this project to allow the people to pay closer attention to the conservation of soil and groundwater, create the quality value of land, healthy water resources, and alert them of their responsibilities and attitudes for such purpose. Tse Yueh Advertising has accomplished the assigned duties and has accomplished the expected results and objectives of the scheme. In continuation of the aforementioned objective, the scheme for this year also aims at series of tasks in conformity to the needs of the Environmental Protection Administration. The activities for promotion planning and media operation of the scheme in this year has created 16,263,677 head counts of contact and 30 pieces of news, which is a record high. Ten animated films have been produced for the promotion of “Children Education and Promotion” , supported by 5 stage performances for children and 3 caricatures performance in different school campuses. These events have attracted 1,816 schoolchildren. In big events, we have accomplished the “Experience in Land Conservation Campaign”. We have accepted 100 people with 100% attendance rate. In regional activities, we have accomplished the “Keelung Chung Yuan Worshiping Ceremony”, “Taoyuan Land God Cultural Festival”, “Changhwa Ershui Water Running Festival”, with fairs supporting the events for promotion. There were 3,778 head counts in the events. In the “Experience of the People” event, we have attracted 53,475 head counts of participants. In “Medial Advertising”, the advertisement on mass transit for phase has been launched in October that attracted 9,315,675 viewing. Through cross-industry cooperation, we have put posters in 310 stores of ET Real Estate across Taiwan, 2 stores of Taitung Yuan-Sen Applied Botanical Garden, National Taiwan Science Education Center and 131 stations of the Taiwan Railway System for the advocacy of environmental protection nationwide. We also assisted 124 counts of broadcasting for charity purpose with 6,707,087 contacts. On Facebook, we have posted 420 pieces of news on “Soil and groundwater” in the fans circle, and attracted more than 9,000 people we had expected. We have completed all the “promotional materials” and have circulated the materials in all events. In sum, the aforementioned events have helped to attained and even surpassed the goals set for promotion and education.
英文關鍵字 Land quality, soil, groundwater, pollution, promotion