
東區環境教育區域中心設置 專案工作計畫(第2年)

中文摘要 東區環境教育區域中心的服務範圍含括宜蘭、花蓮、臺東三縣市,規劃的願景乃仿效日本里山倡議並配合在地環境關鍵觀點所建構。本計畫為行政院環境保護署委託辦理,其工作項目包括專業領導、增能學習、科技支援、研究評估、夥伴推廣等五項。計畫由東華大學環境學院環境教育中心負責將由區域內宜蘭大學與臺東大學二校的環境教育中心聯合,一起執行,並在計畫執行的三年期程中,持續的深化擴展,以形塑東部社會對環境變遷的應變韌性,朝向永續發展的資本及能力。 本次報告為第二年計畫執行的期末工作報告,內容呈現計畫各項工作內容的規劃及執行進度,重點主要為:專業領導項目,配合計畫願景及區域環境特色建立的各個主題社群,並陸續進行、完成年度工作內容;計畫團隊也提出了環境教育機構認證申請,並協助生態學校的推廣。增能學習項目,延續對在地特色社群剖析,已在4月至6月分別於三縣執行三次增能工作坊,並密切與在地環保局、環境相關團體合作,加強縣市間環教資源交流及共享。科技支援項目,持續完善東區環境教育區域中心網站,展開新教案的資料彙整及方案轉換,同時積極規劃結合多媒體、環境議題的區域特色環教課程,執行大專生為主、高中生為輔的青年暑期營隊。研究評估方面,延續前一年績效評估機制並藉本年度各工作坊進行應用試驗,研議環境教育設施場所增能計畫及執行二項推動環教的創新作法。夥伴推廣項目則是強化環教夥伴合作機制,並於8月至10月進行夥伴分享工作坊,同時規劃與東部二個重點產業(礦業及農業)的企業夥伴合作,進行環境教育推動的協商討論。
中文關鍵字 環境教育區域中心、學習圈、增能學習、夥伴關係


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-EA01-03-D030 經費年度 104 計畫經費 3920 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/15 專案結束日期 2015/12/15 專案主持人 國立東華大學環境學院環境教育中心主任梁明煌
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 紀禹圻 執行單位 國立東華大學


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期末報告 EPA104EA0103D030.pdf 4MB

The work plan of establishing Eastern Taiwan Environmental Education Regional Center (2nd year)

英文摘要 The Eastern Environmental Education Regional Center Project granted by the Environmental Protection Administration covered areas of three counties, Ilan, Hualien and Taitung. This Project is being conducted jointly by environmental education centers of three local universities. Satoyama Initiative visions will be pursued by implementing five major tasks: leadership academy, building environmental education capacity, technology to support the field, research and evaluation, and dissemination partnerships which were designated by the Environmental Protection Administration. The project will be operated for three years, with purposes to accumulate the human capitals, environmental education capabilities, and to enhance resilience of the societies in Eastern region to adapt with environmental changes and pursue sustainability. The contents of this report describe the progress of five major tasks in the second year. For the academic leadership perspective, all the academic learning circles are starting their planning and delivery process. The application proposal for environmental education institute has been finished, the team is preparing the process of students recruitment in next year. The project leader has served as committee member of environmental education administration board of all three local environmental protection agencies, and helped contracted consulting firm on various environmental education activities, including make an explanation of the ideology of why to participate and process of how to engage in US-Taiwan Eco-campus project to the local schools. Three capacity building workshops for at each county had been held in April to June. The team continued to discover and analyze assets of local environmental education communities. The team also had initiated several times of dialogue among environmental education facilities at three counties to form local coalition, platform and exchange resources. On the task of application of science technology, the team continues to expanding environmental education technologies and updating contents of the website. The title of new curricula has been decided to focus on restoration by permaculture after disaster, the needed information is under collecting and curricula are under testing. Two summer camps for university or high school students at three counties are being executed by two new environmental education facilities coalitions. On the evaluation and research perspectives, the team continued to develop new performance auditing system and developed a questionnaire aim to collect stakeholders’ valuation on a training program list. Two new innovative environmental education practices area were also developed. On the partnership dissemination perspective, the team had initiated many dialogues meetings with major environmental education facilities at three counties. In addition, the team had delivered three workshops for serving all the parrners and public in Eastern area during summer and fall season, meanwhile, takes the role as bridging environmental education channels into mining and agriculture sectors.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Education Regional Center, Learning Circles, Capacity Building, Partnership