

中文摘要 本年度計畫工作為盤點全國空品監測現況,推動監測資料交換整合,建置空品監測資訊展示平台,並規劃新世代空品監測中心功能架構及運作制度。 經本計畫進行盤點後,全國共計有222座空品監測站,包括環保署設置76站、地方環保局設置29站、特殊性工業區45站、大型事業72站,截至7月8日止,已完成環保署、地方環保局、特殊性工業區、中鋼及台電測站資料介接,另外,已完成全國103廠319根次CEMS資料介接。 展示平台整體系統架構分為地理資訊平台(GIS)及資訊管理平台(MIS)兩大部分,GIS包含全台PM2.5概況、空氣品質資訊、工廠排放資訊、長期趨勢分析及空間等濃度圖等功能,而MIS因包含資料統計分析功能層次較為複雜,主要分為空品監測資訊、工廠排放資訊及空品分析應用三大功能主軸,除可呈現即時監測資料,還可提供歷史數值呈現及相關統計分析應共功能等。同時為確保系統效能及資訊安全,亦執行壓力測試及資安測試,測試結果未發現相關資安漏洞,並可維持多人同時上線查詢。 經由上述執行經驗並參考國外空品監測網站,規劃新世代空品監測中心,主要分為監測資訊中心、空品預報中心、儀器管理中心、分析支援中心四大主軸,並完成所需軟硬體規劃。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質監測、資訊整合、資料分析


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-FA11-03-A262 經費年度 104 計畫經費 4100 千元
專案開始日期 2015/07/16 專案結束日期 2016/07/15 專案主持人 管永愷
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 陳惠媚 執行單位 環輿科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-104-FA11-03-A262.pdf 9MB

Nationwide air quality monitoring integration and application project

英文摘要 The project tasks in this year are to survey the current situation of air quality monitoring nationwide, promote the integration of monitoring data exchange, establish a display platform of information for air quality monitoring, and plan an air quality monitoring center of new epoch for its functional framework and operation system. After conducting the survey by this project, there are 222 air quality monitoring stations nationwide, wherein, 76 stations are established by EPA (Environmental Protection Administration), 29 stations are established by local EPB (Environmental Protection Bureau), 45 stations are established at special industrial parks and 72 stations are established by large-size enterprises; and till June 15, 2016, this project has completed the data interconnection between the EPA station and EBA station; meanwhile, the development of data transmission program for the stations at special industrial parks and stations established by large-size enterprises is scheduled to be completed at the end of June and will be installed for operation at a demonstration site by then; besides that, the project has completed CEMS (Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems) data interconnection for 319 units at 103 factories nationwide. The integrated system framework of display platform is divided into two major systems: Geographic Information System (GIS) and Management Information System (MIS); wherein, GIS is featured the functions to display the following information in Taiwan: PM2.5 overview, air quality information, factory emission data, long-term trend analysis and spatial concentration map, etc.; and that MIS has a comparatively complicated level for its data statistics and analysis; it is mainly divided into three major function aspects: air quality monitoring information, factory emission data and air quality analysis & application; not only the real-time monitoring data can be displayed, but also the display of historical data and the function of related statistical analysis & application are available. Meanwhile, in order to ensure the system efficiency and information security, there are pressure test and information security test conducted as well; and the test results show that there is no leak to the related information security while on-line retrieval by several people at the same time is maintainable. The air quality monitoring center of new epoch has been planned by learning the experiences from abovementioned implementations and referring to the air quality monitoring websites abroad; the center is divided into four major sub-centers: monitoring information center, air quality forecasting center, instrument management center and analysis support center; and it has been completed the planning for the needed software and hardware.
英文關鍵字 Air quality monitoring, information integration, data analysis