

中文摘要 1.認證回收量/處理量稽核執行成果: (1)104年1月1日至105年12月31日執行廢車引擎100%逐一實地稽核,廢車殼清運卸載端實地清運稽核與駐廠稽核。 (2)104年1月1日至105年12月31日共計執行廢機動車輛回收業之引擎實地稽核1,281場次與廢車殼清運稽核5,148 場次,5家粉碎分類處理業之駐廠稽核2,203場次。 (3)104年1月1日至105年12月31日引擎實地稽核認證通過廢汽車128,966輛與廢機車298,756輛,認證處理量共計廢汽車104,147輛與廢機車249,837輛;廢車殼清運稽核共64,784,590公斤。 (4)104年1月1日至105年12月31日執行廢機動車輛粉碎分類處理業(H098公司、L098公司、N098公司、E098公司及T097公司)駐廠稽核認證作業(原H098公司環保署已同意自105年1月1日起廢止其受補貼資格)。共計駐廠稽核進場廢車殼301,334,630公斤,認證量核發194,494,213公斤。 2.作業程序與環境稽核成果: (1)回收業引擎現稽作業程序查核計有2,556場次,總查核項次數為76,680項次,缺失項次數計583項次,缺失率為0.76%。各項查核類別以「廠區作業規範」缺失比例最高,缺失率為0.56%。針對所查核之缺失情形,已於現場稽核輔導回收業並要求完成改善。粉碎處理業作業程序查核計有2,203場次,總查核項次數為62,889項次,由於粉碎分類處理業之稽核認證作業係為每日派員駐廠稽核,故若於執行作業程序查核時發現有任何不符合規定時,駐廠稽核人員均立即要求改善,而至105年12月31日為止,缺失項次數計116次,缺失率為0.19%。 (2)回收業環境工安查核計有2,556場次,總查核項次數為61,344項次統計中,缺失項次計161項次,缺失率為0.26%。各項查核項類別以「廠區環境及污染防治」缺失比例最高,缺失率為0.13%。針對所查核之缺失情形,已於現場稽核輔導回收業並要求完成改善。粉碎分類處理業環境工安查核於104年1月至105年12月計有1,974場次,總查核項次數為82,800項次統計中,缺失項次計67項次,缺失率為0.08%。各項查核項類別以「作業環境」之缺失最高,缺失率為0.05%。針對所查核之缺失情形,已於現場稽核輔導處理業並要求完成改善。 3.會計稽核成果: 本計畫已委由安鈺加會計師事務所針對廢機動車輛處理業共進行每月定期盤點稽核108次家次及半年會計稽核人員現場盤點18家次相關會計憑證稽核,查核結果隨機抽查之處理業其相關報表及憑證均確實填寫且能相互勾稽,未見重大異常。 4.人員管理: 產基會執行本專案計畫在人員管理部分均依合約規範進行,包括: (1) 獨立之內稽單位 (2) 每場次稽核人員必達2人以上,且其中1人具有1年以上稽核工作相關經驗 (3) 現場專職稽核人員採每場次輪調 (4) 定期執行計畫人員教育訓練 (5) 針對所有稽核人員提供完善之安全防護具 另本計畫執行初期即已將所有現場專職稽核人力之「警察刑事紀錄證明」、每半年一次的頻率實施平時考核作業及製作考核紀錄表呈送環保署備查。 本計畫執行現場稽核認證作業均依規範進行稽核行程登錄作業。 5.受補貼機構申請案審核執行成果: 計有49家次回收業現(覆)勘審核工作,其中回收業新設申請現勘計4家次,處理業則無新設申請。計有15家次回收業及17家次處理業,完成變更申請作業,而本計畫完成變更覆勘共計32家次。計有12家次回收業,處理業1家次申請廢止。產基會依據對稽核認證作業手冊及相關法令之熟悉,除於此配合作業中提出改善建議,並針對申請業者現場勘查之缺失加以記錄,並追蹤其改善狀況相關文件。 6.全國回收業彙整執行成果: (1) 全國廢汽車總認證回收數量為296,226輛,廢機車總認證回收數量為626,286輛,合計為922,512輛。 (2) 全國廢機動車輛回收業廢汽車總認證處理數量為266,880輛,廢機車總認證處理數量為559,550輛,合計為826,430輛。 (3) 廢車殼總清運數量167,337,665公斤。 8.扣量執行成果: 104年1月1日至105年12月31日執行彰化縣以南及花東、離島等地區之南區廢機動車輛回收業,本計畫共計節省2,109,150元,另全國廢機動車輛粉碎分類處理業之稽核認證作業,經雜質扣量及扣發數量,累計節省9,641,761元補貼費之發放。回收業及處理業共計防止11,750,911元補貼費之發放。
中文關鍵字 回收量、處理量、廢車殼


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-HA13-03-A001 經費年度 104 計畫經費 60000 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/01 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 林萊娣
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 苑守成 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 廢機動車輛類-南區期末報告定稿本(公開版).pdf 2MB

The auditing and certification project of the regulated recyclable waste (Waste Vehicles-south Region)

英文摘要 The performed results of the Project conducted by FTIS during the project period, January 01, 2015 to December 31, 2016, were summarized as following: 1. Inspection and certification include certified recycled-disposal quantity and dismantled quantity (1)Completed 100% engine auditing on site, body clearance auditing on site, and Encamp field auditing in the classifying and comminuting disposal facilities of waste motor vehicles. (2)Field auditing for the engine certification: 1,281 times Field auditing for the body clearance certification: 5,148 times Encamp field auditing in the classifying and comminuting disposal facilities of waste motor vehicles: 2,203 times (3)Certified engine quantity:128,966 vehicles and 298,756 motorcycles Certified disposal quantity:104,147 vehicles and 249,837 motorcycles Certified waste vehicle body quantity:64,784,590 kg (4)Completed encamp field auditing in the classifying and comminuting disposal facilities of waste motor vehicles (H098,L098,N098,E098, and T097 company): the total disposal quantity send to the facilities above (note: the H098 company has been nullify its registration since January 01, 2016) was 298,640,740 kg and the certified quantity was 194,494,213 kg. 2. Operational processes and environment safety auditing (1) Operational processes auditing: The operational processes auditing for recycled-disposal facilities was divided into 4 categories: “The documents for subsidized qualification”, “The equipment inspections”, “The working area standards”, and “The standards for derivatives”. There were total 583 unqualified events (the number of auditing subjects was 76,680), the average unqualified rate was 0.76%. The operational processes auditing for the classifying and comminuting disposal facilities of waste motor vehicles was divided into 4 categories: “The documents for subsidized qualification”, “The equipment for audit inspections”, “The standards for storage”, and “The working area standards”. There were total 116 unqualified events (the number of auditing subjects was 62,889), the average unqualified rate was 0.19%. (2)Environment safety auditing: The environment safety auditing for recycled-disposal facilities was divided into 3 categories: “The working area environment and the pollution prevention in the system”, “Fire safety equipment”, and “Labor safety and health measure”, there were total 161 unqualified events (the number of auditing subjects was 61,344 times), the average unqualified rate was 0.26%. The environment safety auditing for the classifying and comminuting disposal facilities of waste motor vehicles was divided into 4 categories: “The working area environment and the pollution prevention in the system”, “Air pollution prevention and control measure”, “Noise prevention measure”, and “Labor safety and health measure”, there were total 67 unqualified events (the number of auditing subjects was 1,974 times), the average unqualified rate was 0.08%. All the unqualified events above were improved immediately on site by the requests of the auditing team. 3.Accounting audit A total of 108 times monthly periodic inventory, and 18 times for the half year certificates accounting audit, there is no anomaly. 4.Inspectors management (1)independent internal audit unit (2)each audit more than 2 inspectors, one of which has a 1-year work experience (3)each rotation matches (4)education and training on regular (5)provide safety & security apparatus 5.Verify application for subsidized qualification 4 of recycled-disposal facilities industry get subsidized qualification; 15 of recycled-disposal facilities and 15 of the classifying and comminuting disposal facilities industry application to modify; 12 of recycled-disposal facilities and 1 of the classifying and comminuting disposal facilities nullify its registration. 6.Inspection and certification include certified recycled-disposal quantity of Taiwan (1)certified engine quantity of Taiwan:296,226 vehicles and 626,286 motorcycles, Total: 922,512 (2)certified comminution quantity of Taiwan:266,880 vehicles and 559,550 motorcycles, Total: 826,430 (3)certified body clearance quantity of Taiwan:167,337,665kg 8. Subsidy auditing Total 11,750,911 NT dollars of subsidy for waste motor vehicles was saved during the project period due to the disqualified events. The facilities audited were the recycled-disposal facilities in the south region and the classifying and comminuting disposal facilities nationwide.
英文關鍵字 Cellection Volume, Recycling Volume, and Waste Vehicle Body