

中文摘要 本計畫為政策規劃及檢討之核心上位計畫,104年主要工作為掌握環境背景資料、排放量,以及環境負荷,進而評析本市空氣品質。工作項目亦包含研擬104-109年版空氣污染防制計畫,與本市104-109年符合空氣品質逐年改善目標。並且協助環保署(局)執行空氣污染相關委辦計畫考核作業、相關會議辦理、各式文件編訂及租賃空氣污染管制計畫業務管理系統。計畫簽約金額548萬,契約規定專任人力含計畫經理、專案工程師2位,計畫主持人為非專任人力。 臺中市103年執行環保署考評工作績效持續榮獲直轄市「特優」殊榮,104年計畫執行重點包括協助訂定「臺中市細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)排放管理自治條例(草案)」;修訂「104-109年版臺中巿空氣污染防制計畫」,後續配合環保署規劃109年全國細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)濃度能達成年平均標準15μg/m3目標進行減量規劃;推動104年16項計畫考核作業,如環保署報表查核、考核成績統計。統計至今年12月底,本市空氣品質PSI不良等級有18個站日數,PM2.5(自動)平均為23.6μg/m3,為持續改善空品,本計畫針對固定源、移動源及逸散源,研擬33項管制措施。另本年度PM10減量達779.86公噸、PM2.5減量達179.29公噸、SOx減量達1.15公噸、NOx減量達3,357.01公噸、NMHC減量達506.53公噸。本計畫計算環保署自評成果,總計92.92分。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、環保署考評、環保局考評、總量、空氣品質模式、空氣品質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 5483 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/01 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 鐘文舜
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 趙重周 執行單位 思維環境科技有限公司


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期末報告 SIP期末報告定稿本.pdf 19MB
英文摘要 This project is a master project for policy planning and review. Tasks of 2015 are chiefly to comprehend background information of environment, emissions, assessment of environmental loading, and air quality in the City; to draw up the 2015-2020 version of air pollution control plan; to ponder upon gradual improvement goal of 2014-2020 in air quality satisfaction; to assist Environmental Protection Agency(E.P.A.) and execute evaluation of Environmental Protection Bureau(E.P.B.) of Taichung city government; to hold meetings; to compile documents and to lease air pollution control management system. The Project is signed at an amount of NT$5.48 million; it specifies dedicated personnel that include a project manager, two engineers, and non-dedicated personnel, including project conductor.Taichung city won another “Excellence” award among special municipalities in its execution of 2014 E.P.A. performance evaluation. The focuses of 2015 project include the assistance in establishing the “Self-governance articles of PM2.5 in Taichung City (draft)”;the revision of the “2015-2020 version of air pollution control plan in Taichung City” and subsequent planning on the reduction plan aiming to meet the average standard of 15 μg/m3 for national concentration of fine particulates (PM2.5) in 2020 as EPA conceives. Also included are to carry out 16 evaluations in 2015, such as EPA report checking and statistic work of scores. Statistics to the end of December this year, The Taichung city's air quality PSI levels have bad 18 stations days, the average of PM2.5(automatic) is 23.6μg/m3,in order to keep on improving air quality, the project against stationary source, mobile source, fugitive emission source, drawing up of 33 control measures. The PM10 had been decrease 779.86 ton, PM2.5 decreased 179.29 ton, SOx decreased 1.15 ton, NOx decreased 3,357.01 ton, and NMHC decreased 506.53 ton. The project got 92.92 degree at self – assessment.
英文關鍵字 air quality, EPA evaluation, EPB evaluation, total quantity control, air quality model