

中文摘要 行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)為維護國人安全飲用水水質,已持續進行以下工作,包括:加強飲用水水源水質及水質監測,檢討及研訂飲用水水質管制標準,執行各項污染物背景資料調查分析。希冀藉由良好有效的宣導資料來傳達正確的飲水安全訊息,讓民眾瞭解政府施政重點,增進對水質安全之認知。 本計畫進行「安全飲用水手冊」改版及製作宣導摺頁,以加強民眾對飲用水安全之認識。手冊之改版內容以95年環保署發行之「安全飲用水手冊」第四版內容為基礎,配合近年新增之相關資料進行增編修。 主要增修內容包含:飲用水水質標準及健康影響、淨水處理單元、水質稽查抽驗成果、飲用水設備維護管理、使用井水安全注意事項、市售包盛裝水的管理、常見的水質問題及如何尋求協助等,圖表亦配合更新及新增。 本計畫亦蒐集新型態市售特殊功效水(如氫水、離子水、含氧水、海洋鹼性水等)之水質內容蒐集;溴酸鹽 (Bromate)、亞氯酸鹽(Chlorite)、陰離子界面活性劑(MBAS)等3項目國內外之毒理資料等。 此外,計畫針對國內外飲用水中生物性標準之管理,也參考環保署已建立之初步蒐集清單,整理國際管制情形資料,瞭解國際指標微生物之管制項目及方式,整理相關評估摘要後透過專家諮詢會議進行討論並彙整與會專家意見,納入計畫成果中。 考量目前網路資訊發達,建議將更新手冊內容及宣傳摺頁置於網頁宣導,以增加民眾對飲水安全的認知,提升國民對我國飲用水品質的信心。
中文關鍵字 飲用水安全、簡易自來水、安全教育宣傳


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-EA04-03-A303 經費年度 104 計畫經費 1480 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/01 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 蕭寶桂
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 葉惠芬 執行單位 國立臺灣大學環境衛生研究所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA104EA0403A303.pdf 25MB
英文摘要 In order to maintain drinking water quality, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of Taiwan has continuously carried out the water quality management works, including source water quality monitoring, reviewing/setting up the drinking water quality standards, and investigating the background information of related pollutants in water. EPA has also devoted to communicate with the public and tried to inform the public the government's policy priorities to raise the public awareness in drinking water quality. This project was implemented through the “Drinking water safety education programs” which include the revision of the "Safe Drinking Water Handbook" and the editing of a new promotional leaflet about ‘drinking water quality’. The newly revised manual in this project was based on the original version of the "Safe Drinking Water Handbook" which was published by EPA in 2006. The information included in the revised "Safe Drinking Water Handbook" contains the following contents: updated information in well water safety on the website of EPA; information about water treatment technologies and water purification equipments; and information related to the so called hydrogen water, deionized water, oxygenated water, alkaline ocean water on water market in Taiwan. Toxicological data of bromate, chlorite, and anionic surfactants (MBAS) was also collected and included in the revised manual. In addition, domestic and international criteria and management policies for biological indicators in drinking water were also collected and summarized. The related information concerning the future management policy on microbial indicators was discussed by a panel and the feedbacks from the panelists were summarized in this project report. In this project some recommendations of the possible tools or plans to promote the water safety awareness of general public were also proposed. Implementation of these plans would increase the public's knowledge and awareness of water safety, and enhance people’s confidence in drinking water quality.
英文關鍵字 drinking water safty, Small water treatment facilities, promotion and education of drinking water safty