

中文摘要 新北市政府環境保護局為督導公私場所確實依法操作,並推動空污費徵收制度及稽查管制等業務,遂委託辦理「104年新北市固定污染源特定行業管制及空污費催補繳計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),主要工作項目包括:空污費徵收管理、排放量管理作業、特定污染源(如使用高污染燃料者、逸散性粒狀物排放源及工業區等)專案管理及揮發性有機物公告行業管制等,期透過各項審查、查核、檢測等作業,以正確掌握本市污染源排放資料,並藉由空污費申報審理管制等行政作業,落實污染者付費理念,強化污染源減量經濟誘因。本計畫主要工作成果說明如下:(一)受理104年第2季至105年第1季計4,181件次之空污費申報案件,申報總金額約5,939萬元,完成結算4,069件次(占申報案件97%)及核收122件次,核定應徵收金額約6,025萬元。(二)經由主動通知、協助申報等積極性作為,空污費按時到繳率由過去約80%提升至96%,並可降低因延遲申報所衍生的行政資源浪費及避免業者增加繳納滯納金。(三)持續辦理空水廢毒橫向比對、並新增產業上下游關聯性比對等精進查核方式,預估可追繳空污費約4,043萬元,並促使業者改使用揮發性較低之原料以減少繳納空污費,致減少揮發性有機物排放量達20公噸。(四)辦理稽查檢測87件次,發現8件次超過排放標準,均已進行告發處分及限期改善。(五)積極推動逸散性污染源自主管理制度並要求公私場所認養周邊道路進行洗掃,完成開發照片回傳手機APP程式,輔導40家業者自願簽署加入自主管理作業、51家簽署認養週邊道路洗掃,認養道路長度由10公里提升至18公里,累積洗掃長度達5,000公里以上,估算可降低總懸浮微粒(TSP)62.9公噸、懸浮微粒(PM10)11.8公噸、細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)2.8公噸之排放量。(六)宣導及推廣轄內公私場所改使用低污染燃料,計有12家業者由燃料油改為天然氣、液化石油氣等低污染燃料,估算每年可減少硫氧化物35.13公噸、氮氧化物22.78公噸的污染物排放。
中文關鍵字 :固定污染源、空污費、橫向比對、稽查檢測、逸散性污染源


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 16320 千元
專案開始日期 2015/09/17 專案結束日期 2016/09/16 專案主持人 曹曼俊
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 張盈嘉 執行單位 康城工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年新北市固定污染源特定行業管制及空污費催補繳計畫.pdf 14MB

2015 New Taipei City Stationary Air Pollution Source Control for Designated Industries and Air Pollution Fee Late Payment Plan

英文摘要 In order to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements in both public facilities and private business premises, and to facilitate implementation of the air pollution fee system and air pollution audit and control tasks, the Environmental Protection Department, New Taipei City Government has commissioned the implementation of the 2015 New Taipei City Stationary Pollution Source Control for Designated Industries and Air Pollution Fee Late Payment Plan (hereafter referred to as “this Plan”). The main work items covered by the Plan include air pollution fee management, emissions management tasks, designated pollution source (e.g. users of highly-polluting fuels, fugitive particulate matter emission sources, and industrial areas, etc.) project management and implementation of controls applying to designated industries responsible for emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), etc. Various reviews, audits, and tests were carried out to obtain accurate pollution source emission data, and administrative work such as implementation of the air pollution fee declaration and review system has been used to realize the “polluter pays” principle, providing strengthened economic incentives for the reduction of emissions at source. The main results achieved included the following: (1) A total of 4,181 air pollution fee report cases were handled over the period from the second quarter of 2015 through to the first quarter of 2016, which involved a total of approximately NT$59.39 million, and of which 4,069 cases (97% of the total) were settled, with another 122 awaiting collection; the approved total amount of collectible air pollution fees was NT$60.25 million. (2) the percentage of air pollution fees resulting from positive actions such as active notification and assisted reporting that were paid on time rose from 80% in the past to the current 96%, which can reduce wastage of administrative resources due to reporting delays and help enterprises avoid overdue charges. (3) Continued implementation of improved audit methods such as cross comparisons of air, water, waste, and toxic substance and comparisons of up- and downstream linkage in new industries; it is expected that approximately NT$40.43 million in air pollution fees can be collected. Operators were induced to switch to the use of raw materials with relatively low volatility in order to reduce their air pollution fees, which reduced VOC emissions by 20 tons. (4) Inspection and testing in 87 instances found that 8 cases exceeded emission standards, and the responsible enterprises were issued citations and ordered to make improvements within a limited time period. (5) Active promotion of a self-management system for fugitive emissions and requirement that public and private facilities to adopt nearby stretches of road and undertake street-cleaning; development of a cell phone app plan allowing the uploading of photographs was completed, assistance was provided to 40 enterprises voluntarily signed to join self-management operations, and 51 enterprises signed nearby road adoption and cleaning agreements. The length of adopted road increased from 10 km to 18 km, and the cumulative distance of road cleaning work surpassed 5,000 km; it is estimated that this can reduce TSP emissions by 62.9 tons, reduce PM10 emissions by 11.8 tons, and reduce PM2.5 emissions by 2.8 tons. (6) Awareness and promotional efforts were made to induce public and private premises to switch to the use of low-pollution fuels, and 12 enterprises switched from fuel oil to low-pollution fuels such as natural gas and LPG. It is estimated that this will reduce SOx emissions by 35.13 tons annually and NOx emissions by 22.78 tons annually.
英文關鍵字 stationary air pollution source, air pollution fee, emission management