

中文摘要 為促進民眾的環境識覺、關注周遭環境,環保署透過「環境資源資料開放平台」公開各項環境監測及環境品質環保相關資料,運用環境地理資訊系統彙整共通性即時監測資訊,由資料流通供應轉型為以民眾為主之主題式互動地圖瀏覽平台-「愛環境入口網」以及行動裝置應用程式-「環境即時通」。 「愛環境入口網」以儀表板方式呈現,透過互動式主題圖集將方便民眾查詢不同資料瀏覽體驗,經由友善的資料關聯,提升資料存取可及性與易讀性,使民眾能夠快速掌握環境資源空間資訊、取得所需資料與服務。 「環境即時通」除了原先即時空品監測資訊,增加PM2.5與PSI指標的預報及歷史資料趨勢圖,且改以大量運用儀表板及圖表,以及呈現數字更加入不同顏色,並整合空氣品質、紫外線指數、天氣預報圖和戶外活動建議等資訊;另有地圖展示各縣市測站的相關空污資訊,也可以利用監測值排序去看全國各測站空污資訊,提供您豐富完整的環境資訊,結合行動裝置推播通知,使民眾能即時掌握環境資訊,做好相關防護準備,達到提醒之效。
中文關鍵字 地理資訊系統, 愛環境


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-L103-02-203 經費年度 104 計畫經費 6360 千元
專案開始日期 2015/04/02 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 徐承原
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 黃俊銘 執行單位 宸訊科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-104-L103-02-203_結案報告O.pdf 15MB

Project for the implementation of GIS portal using integration of environmental

英文摘要 In order to promote environmental perception, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) releases the data of environmental monitoring and quality information on the platform “OpenData.epa”. Furthermore, the project reveals real-time monitoring data of air pollution, water pollution, and so on.These environmentalinformations integrate by the tools of geographic information system, showing interactive maps on the website named “i-Environment” and APP named “Environmental Messages Now”. “i-Environment” website friendly presents environmental information by dashboard designs for audience.The public can search different places and browsing with the interactive thematic graphs.These dataset links could promote utilizing and readability of data, and help people knowing the local-based environmental information, also help to raise people location-awareness. In addition to the monitoring information of air quality presented in the APP, also providing the forecast and the historical chart of PM2.5 and PSI. A large amount of the dashboard and diagram is used through user interface, also including air quality, UVI, weather and suggestions of outdoor activities. Besides, the information of air-monitoring data shows on the map, and the users can rank data of all the stations. By providing abundant and complete environmental information and combining the push notifications, the APP helps people to get the real-time environmental information.
英文關鍵字 i-Environment, Geographic Information System