

中文摘要 為使國內產業了解我國政府於溫室氣體管理之政策實施內容,促使產業將氣候風險納入企業治理方針,故需要政府與產業間的跨界聯盟做為政策交流平台,因此,環保署於102年2月25日籌畫成立「清潔發展與碳權經營聯盟」(以下簡稱為「清碳聯盟」),並於隔年(103)2月召開成立大會,促使產業積極投入減碳行列,加速綠色經濟轉型。 清碳聯盟鼓勵企業參與國際減碳行動,本計畫彙整國際因應氣候變遷與溫室氣體減量之最新發展,研析撰文發布於清碳聯盟新版網站,使企業了解國際氣候政策、低碳及綠色產業趨勢,強化我國企業參與力道,同時,重點研析各國聯盟推動或公私協力夥伴關係之案例,研提適用於我國籌組「清碳聯盟」之運作規劃,分享企業減碳成功案例,協助各產業了解溫室氣體管理工具及制度。並編撰我國政府與民間參與氣候公約及階段性貢獻之文宣,透過文宣的出版拓展臺灣在國際間之能見度,也讓國內民眾了解我國在氣候議題之實際作為。考量國際潮流及民間創意,建議署內應鼓勵企業或法人主動參與扮演清碳聯盟角色,署內可以協同合作,委託業務或合辦活動方式進行,以創造公私夥伴關係之建立,會更有效益。
中文關鍵字 清潔發展與碳權經營策略聯盟、氣候變遷、減碳


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-FA16-03-A282 經費年度 104 計畫經費 6400 千元
專案開始日期 2015/10/29 專案結束日期 2016/10/28 專案主持人 彭啟明博士
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 黃伊薇 執行單位 天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-104-FA16-03-A282.pdf 42MB

Project of Operating Patnership on Cliamte Change and Integrated Information Dissemination

英文摘要 This project aims to promote domestic industries’ knowledge of the government's policy on greenhouse gas management and actions to mitigate emission of CO2. Based on this goal, the Environmental Protection Administration (hereinafter EPA) has established the ‘Clean Carbon Alliance’ on 25 February, 2013 to bridge the communication between government and business, encourage industries to reduce carbon emissions, and accelerate the transformation of green economy. As a platform of experience exchanging and sharing about carbon management, the Alliance also calls for business’ response to potential risks under climate change impacts. The ‘Clean Carbon Alliance’ encourages enterprises to participate in international carbon reduction initiatives. This project has conducted studies and reports of carbon reduction policy and approaches which business engage in. An official website is set for knowledge and information sharing. At the same time, the project case studies international organizations or public private partnership which mainly comprise business partners who join in climate actions. ‘Clean Carbon Alliance’ shares the successful cases on industrial carbon reduction to catalyze use of greenhouse gas management tools and systems. The project also produces a brochures of Taiwan’s participation in UNFCCC to makes the public and international community understand further of the government’s practical action on climate issues.
英文關鍵字 Clean Carbon Alliance, Climate Change, Carbon Reduction