

中文摘要 為打造高雄市成為低碳、宜居城市,並鼓勵民眾以公共腳踏車替代汽、機車等私有運具轉乘大眾運輸系統,從事通勤、通學及遊憩觀光之旅運使用,高雄市政府於民國98年3月率全國之先建置營運第一個自動化接駁型公共腳踏車租賃系統。 104年2月由高雄市政府環境保護局辦理「104年高雄市公共腳踏車租賃系統委外營運服務工作」招標案,由高雄捷運公司取得營運資格,合約日期自104年4月01日至105年3月31日。工作項目包括:營運暨維護高雄市公共腳踏車租賃系統、維持公共腳踏車良善可供民眾租賃、設置24小時0800免付費客服電話及服務、維持及更新高雄市公共腳踏車租賃系統相關軟體、每月規劃及製作公共腳踏車電子報、完成民眾滿意度問卷調查至少1,200份以上、建立本市公共腳踏車減排績效資料、其他空氣污染改善行政配合事項。 在系統及硬體設施方面,本公司新設虛擬主機及硬碟陣列伺服器,提供後台系統發生異常時備份備援資料之用。在腳踏車維護方面,提供4處調度中心、6組調撥人員及6輛調撥車,以及2組機動調撥人員,分東、西、南及北區進行腳踏車調度及簡易維修,故障狀況嚴重者則送至維修廠進行專業維修,另以三組系統維修人員分區進行租賃站維護及設備維修更換工作。 在宣傳方面,提供捷運車站內諸如廣播、旅客資訊顯示系統等,以推廣高雄市公共腳踏車。另經營後土除廣告業務,增加本案營收。 在客戶服務方面,提供38個人工諮詢服務站、發送各項活動或優惠訊息簡訊給民眾、0800免付費專線電話,電話服務人次超過6萬1千人次。 自104年3月至104年11月底止,使用人次已逾169萬5千人次,騎乘總時數約4,935萬分鐘,換算騎乘里程約達1,110萬公里,減少約105.9公噸之各類污染物、以及約1,353公噸的二氧化碳排放量。
中文關鍵字 高雄市公共腳踏車


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 39300 千元
專案開始日期 2015/04/01 專案結束日期 2016/08/31 專案主持人
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 謝芳珮 執行單位 高雄捷運(股)公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104 年高雄市公共腳踏車租賃系統委外營運服務工作.pdf 0MB

2016-2018 Kaohsiung Public Bike Rental System Operations and Services Plan

英文摘要 In order to create a low-carbon city and inspire people to use public transportation to complete their journey for commuting, learning and recreation, Kaohsiung City Government has established the first automated bicycle sharing system on March 2009. The Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation (KRTC) obtained the contract (2015 Kaohsiung Public Bike Rental System Operations and Services Plan) from the Environment Protection Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government, the execution period was from April 1st, 2015 to March 31th, 201 6. The project items include operating and maintaining the Kaohsiung public bike rental system, keeping the bicycles in good condition to use, offering a 24/7 toll-free number for customers, hold bicycle-riding activities and propaganda, accomplishing at least 1,200 questionnaires, establishing carbon reduction performance and other improving strategies for air pollution. On the part of bicycle distribution, KRTC set up four distribution centers, having six crews for maintenance and repair, 2 mobile crews who are allocated at south area 1, east area 2, south area 3, west area 4, north area 5 and west area 6 to do some easily maintaining and repairing works. Moreover, there are 3 crews to maintain equipment and rental stations in different areas. From operational point of view, besides the promotions on the bicycles to increase the profit, KRTC also offers 38 information centers and 24/7 toll-free number for customers. Until now, over 71,000 people have been served by our customer service centers. Moreover, KRTC also sends and broadcast latest news and information for customers in order to promote Kaohsiung public bike. From April 2015 to December 2015, more than 1.94 million people have used the system, the total riding time comes to over 56.8 million minutes which is tantamount to ride 12.78 million kilometers. Our system reduces 22.6 tons of varied pollution and 284.8 tons of carbon dioxide.
英文關鍵字 City bike