

中文摘要 應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢電子電器及廢資訊物品類)專案工作計畫(以下簡稱本計畫)為二年計畫且具延續性,計畫執行期間自104年1月1日起至105年12月31日止,稽核認證查核內容主要包括:回收量/處理量稽核、作業程序稽核、環境稽核及會計稽核等工作。茲將本計畫執行期間之執行成果摘要如下: 1.期間廢物品稽核認證量部分,廢CRT電視機1,932,844台,廢LCD電視機181,348台,廢電冰箱780,650台,廢洗衣機926,436台,廢冷暖氣機1,358,492台,廢電風扇8,254台,各類廢電子電器總稽核認證量合計為5,188,024台。廢CRT顯示器390,211台及廢LCD顯示器1,585,672台,廢主機(A類、B類與C類)2,627,400台,廢可攜式電腦-廢筆記型電腦245,434台,廢印表機1,000,329台及廢鍵盤732,389台,各類廢資訊物品總稽核認證量合計為6,581,435台。105年10月1日至12月31日配合執行缺件廢物品稽核認證量,廢CRT電視機760公斤、廢LCD電視機2,408公斤、廢電冰箱11,377公斤、廢冷暖氣機5,233公斤、廢CRT顯示器598.6公斤及廢鍵盤90公斤。 2.本計畫執行期間共執行7,830場駐廠稽核,不合格情形共計257件,其中以「稽核認證設施」項目發生異常共213件最高,約占2.72%。本計畫已要求受補貼業者必須加強攝錄系統的保養與維護,並已於手冊中訂定CCTV定期維護保養規範,輔導廠商每月至少需進行1次CCTV攝錄系統與鏡頭維護保養,以降低故障頻率及確保畫面清晰,故本年該項異常已較過去二年減少許多。 3.本計畫每月執行1次環境工安查核工作,共執行388場環境工安查核作業,查核結果以消防措施不合格情形較高,共發生16次,均完成追蹤改善。 4.本計畫執行期間各受補貼機構皆無發生再生料及其他廢棄物庫存量超過3個月之產生量,且各項再生料及其他廢棄物庫存皆於期限內完成出廠作業無逾期未清除之情形,故各受補貼機構於再生料及其他廢棄物庫存皆已符合手冊規範;另出廠流向跟車查核、兩點查核與最終處理廠實地查核作業共計完成72場次,未發現異常情形。 5.本計畫透過會計師事務所專業會計稽核人員每月針對庫存盤點與會計核帳進行查核,期間並無重大異常事件發生,但仍有(1)出貨量與開立發票數無法對應核對之問題,可藉由出貨磅單與發票進行勾稽比對,核對出廠出貨單、磅單及收受端之「無價代處理收貨證明」,並查核其上網申報三聯單流向、數量等方式確認其數量無異常;(2)存貨週轉率偏低之問題,後續輔導受補貼機構應視廠區貯存區貯存狀況、物料產生量大小等適時出理清運,以避免衍生物料庫存量增加,但綜觀整體出貨狀況,應無產出物滯銷之疑慮。 6.本計畫執行期間於每月15日前皆已提交報處理業稽核認證進廠回收量、處理量、不符允收標準數量、異常事件資料分析及追蹤報告,及每單月15日前應提報前2個月成果統計分析報告予環保署。 7.本計畫執行期間各受補貼機構所發生之異常事件共計538件,摘要如下。 (1)重大異常事件共計206件,以「環保工安-冷媒外洩次數超過規範(3次/日)」及「稽核認證設施-非稽核認證時間CCTV異常無法判讀」,占總異常次數之比率最高,分別占34.95%及15.05%,針對受補貼機構所發生之重大異常事件,本計畫均依手冊規定呈報環保署,並視異常情形予以記點/扣量處置。因發生重大異常違反稽核認證作業手冊規定而予以記點,各受補貼機構異常記點共計199點;違規扣量部分,扣除廢CRT電視機673台、廢LCD電視機15台、廢電冰箱631台、廢洗衣機235台、廢冷暖氣機1,683台、廢電風扇3台、廢CRT顯示器65台、廢LCD顯示器404台、廢主機A類450台、廢主B類74台、廢主機C類7台、廢筆記型電腦63台、廢印表機580台、廢鍵盤238台。上述重大異常情形,本計畫均已要求受補貼機構提具改善說明並追蹤至改善完成為止。 (2)一般異常事件共計332件,其中稽核認證設施之異常次數占總異常次數之比率最高,約占53.61%,該項目中又以CCTV雜訊/斷訊、CCTV角度偏移及CCTV檢修/雷擊。本計畫已協助環保署修訂稽核認證手冊之規範,包含受補貼機構必須每月1次在稽核員見證下進行CCTV維護保養等規範。 8.為檢查稽核認證作業過程之嚴謹性,並查核各受稽核人員是否確實遵照稽核認證作業手冊程序執行作業,本計畫制定內部稽核制度以適時改進建議,並落實ISO 9000品質管理系統之精神,確保稽核認證作業執行品質。104年1月1日至105年12月31日共計執行4次現場專職稽核人員考核作業,考核結果本計畫同仁均符合標準通過,另執行52次現場不預警查核作業(包含22場次跨材質主管現場查核)及242人次CCTV抽查作業,未發現重大異常缺失。本計畫依內部稽核制度執行包含系統面及執行面之內部稽核作業,相關內部稽核小組查核之缺失均已立即進行改善。 9.本計畫執行期間有新加入之專職稽核人員均依規範完成40小時以上之訓練課程,此外針對全體人員於104年2月27日~2月28日及105年2月27日~2月28日各舉辦2場次教育訓練研習會,並於104年5月1日舉行北、中、南各區之會計稽核教育訓練,且每月召開至少3小時之不定期會議訓練。另稽核認證作業手冊已於105年5月19日公告,本計畫已於每月不定期會議訓練針對前揭手冊修訂內容加強訓練。 10.本計畫執行期間查驗不符允收廢物品廢電子電器類總計廢CRT電視機11,070台、廢LCD電視機1,727台、廢冷暖氣機1,969台、廢洗衣機4,871台、廢電冰箱4,238台及廢電風扇51台,總不符允收數量合計為23,926台;廢資訊物品類總計CRT顯示器3,977台、廢LCD顯示器7,314台、廢主機A類8,141台、廢主機B類615台、廢主機C類134台、廢印表機4,280台、廢可攜式電腦-廢筆記型電腦1,802台及廢鍵盤1,133台,不符允收數量合計為27,396台,總計減少廢電子電器及廢資訊物品基金14,513,076元之支出。 11.本計畫執行期間查驗廢四機逆向回收計廢電視機47,779台,廢電冰箱27,475台,廢洗衣機45,175台及廢冷暖氣機12,583台,各類逆向回收廢四機總進廠允收合格量合計為133,012台。 12.行政支援與配合 (1)本計畫執行期間完成現勘配合作業共計有10場次,書面審核作業共計有168件。 (2)本計畫已配合環保署研擬不符允收標準之廢物品進入稽核認證體系之相關查核管制作業,未來將依環保署要求建制國外事業廢棄物屬公告應回收之項目進入稽核認證體系之相關查核管制作業。 (3)配合環保署推動「CCTV即時連線系統與計量設備連線」,並協助相關作業。 (4)本計畫已配合環保署執行「受補貼機構廠區全面執行查核輔導」,共執行388場。 (5)加強受補貼機構廢電冰箱及廢冷暖氣機稽核認證查驗,加強冷媒之回收管制。 (6)協助稽核認證作業手冊修訂公告,提升受補貼機構環自主管理能力、加強廠內衍生物料二次拆解能力與提高資源回收再利用比率。 (7)進行稽核員之人力工時分析,以瞭解本計畫稽核員於現場執行稽核認證作業之各項查核項目時間配比。 13.其他控管機制執行成果 (1)藉由管制中心CCTV判讀提升CCTV抽判作業品質。 (2)藉由廢物品單位重量勾稽查核,杜絕受補貼機構回流認證廢物品。 14.額外承諾事項執行成果 (1)已擴充建置數位稽核及預警系統功能,提升稽核認證量審核管理效率、導入雲端管理作業模式,精進稽核認證品質。 (2)持續配合環保署完成CCTV即時連線,並提供CCTV影像即時智慧分析導入方案予受補貼機構,以提供具體改善對策。 (3)已導入職能性格測評工具,協助預測人員性格與職能。
中文關鍵字 廢電子電器物品、廢資訊物品、稽核認證團體、處理量


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-HA13-03-A004 經費年度 104 計畫經費 71691.9 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/01 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 謝永旭
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 吳隆成 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 廢電子電器及廢資訊物品類(定稿本)-公開版.pdf 33MB

Project of Auditing & Certification Group on Regulated Recyclable Waste(Waste Electronic and Electric Appliances (EA)& Information Technology (IT) Equipments)

英文摘要 For the recycled items audit recognized organization (recycled electronic items and wasteful material categorization) – the special project schematized as below (hereafter as the project) for a two years of continuation, the project execution period arise from Jan 01, 2015 until Dec 31, 2016, with the audit context including the below: recycling quantity/managed level, operation procedure, environmental and accounting process. The work summary is as below for the project. 1.The wasted CRT TV audit accreditation quantity set is 1,932,844, with the wasted LCT TV set audit accreditation quantity of 181,348, and wasted fridge audit accreditation quantity of 780,650, the wasted washing machine audit accreditation quantity of 926,436, the wasted air conditioner accreditation quantity of 1,358,492, the wasted fan accreditation quantity of 8,254, with all kinds of wasted electronic materials of in total of 5,188,024 pieces. The wasted CRT monitor of 390,211 pieces and wasted LCD indicator of 1,585,672, wasted host machines (Category A, B and C) of 2,627,400, wasted portable notebook of 245,434, wasted printers of 1,000,329, and wasted keyboards of 732,389, with all kinds of wasted IT items of accreditation in total of 6,581,435. On the other hand, this scheme has also proposed accessory missing items in the period of Oct 1, 2016 to Dec 31, 2016 for accreditation quantity, with total of wasted CRT TV sets of 760kgs, wasted LCD TV sets of 2,408kgs, wasted fridge of 11,377kgs, wasted air conditioners of 5,233 kgs and wasted CRT monitor of 598.6kgs and wasted keyboards of 90kgs. 2.There are total of 7,830 sites of stationed accreditation sites, with unqualified incidents of 257 cases, in which the most common abnormal ones are “accreditation facility” with the highest incidence rate of 213 pieces, approximates at 2.72%. This project has requested the supported parties with reinforcement on the maintenance of the video-taping system, also to propose routine CCTV maintenance regulation, to coach the supplier with CCTV video-taping system and camera shot maintenance of at least once a month, to lower the frequency of malfunction and ensure the clear vision. In conclusion, such abnormality has decreased significantly in comparison to the previous two years. 3.This project proceed with environmental safety work once a month, with total of 388 sets of environmental safety audit work. The audit has resulted with higher incidents of unqualified fire-fighting with total of 16 times, all of the above have proceed with improvement methodologies accordingly. 4.During the period of this project, all the supported organization have not had incidents such as recycled material or other wasted items with inventory quantity exceeding three months of production quantity, with all the inventory have all completed their operation without delay nor has anything being un-cleared. On the other hand, the outflow and car-following checking up, two sites check up and final management site check up with total of 72 sessions without any abnormalities. 5.This project has proceeded with accounting audit through accounting firm in regards to the monthly inventory corresponding to the accounting formalities without any major abnormalities. 6.This project regulates a monthly report with the managed accredited recycled quantity, managed quantity, unqualified standard quality, abnormal incidents with data analysis and tracking report before 15th of each month, and two months result analysis reports to be presented every two monthly before 15th of the odd-numbered month and present to the Environment Bureau. 7.This project execution period has total of abnormal incidents of 538 cases from all the supported organizations with the below summary, (1)Major abnormal events in total of 206 cases, with “Environmental safety – refrigerant leakage frequency exceeds the regulated (3 times/day) and the “accreditation facility – non audit accreditation period of CCTV un-identified CCTV”, as the highest frequency of all, in respective of 34.95% and 15.05%. In regards to the major abnormal events, this project follows the manual regulation to present to Environmental Bureau, in which these events were considered abnormal with point(s) recorded and quantity deduction. Points are recorded due to major violation towards accreditation operation manual, and all the abnormal points are in total of 199 points, in regards to the violation quantity deduction part, there are wasted CRT TV 673 pieces, wasted LCT TV 15 pieces, wasted refrigeration 631 pieces, wasted washing machine 235 pieces, wasted air conditioners 1,683 pieces, wasted fan 3 pieces, wasted CRT monitor 65 pieces, wasted LCD monitor 404 pieces, wasted host machine Category-A 450 pieces, wasted host machine Category-B 74 pieces, wasted host machine Category-C 7 pieces, wasted notebooks of 64 pieces, wasted printers of 580 pieces and wasted keyboards of 238 pieces. All the above major abnormalities have been requested to the supported organization to propose substantial improvement statement and relevant follow-up until all improvements have achieved according to the principle of this project. (2)General abnormal events are in total of 332 cases, in which the audit accreditation abnormality has the highest abnormal rate, with 53.61%. in which CCTV disturbance/no connection, CCTV angle deviation and CCTV analysis/electronic shock. This project has supported the environmental bureau to amend the audit accreditation manual scope, in which to include the supported organization to proceed with CCTV maintenance regulation under the witness of audit officer. 8.In order to scrutinize the audit operation, also to ensure if all audit officers follow the accreditation operation, this project propose an internal audit formality for any appropriate adjustment or any improvement suggestions. Proper execution under the principle of ISO 9000 quality management system is conducted to ensure the audit accreditation quality. During the period of Jan 1st, 2015 to Dec 31, 2016, total of 4 times of on-site inspection for the audit operation on full time audit officers were conducted, and all the officers passed the qualification standard. 52 additional on-site un-warned inspection were held, (including 22 sessions of cross-material managers onsite inspections) and 242 attendees of CCTV inspection operation without any major abnormalities, this project follows internal audit operation including internal audit with systemic sides and operation sides, the relevant faults have all been improved immediately within the internal audit team. 9.This project has executed newly additional full time audit officers with 40 hours and above training course. On the other hand, the whole team training had two sessions on both periods of Feb 27, 28, 2015 and Feb 27, 28, 2016. Also on May 1st 2015 there are accounting audit training sessions at North, Middle and Southern part of Taiwan, with non periodically training sessions each month for at least 3 hours, on the other hand, the accreditation training manual has announced on May 19, 2016 that this project has held non-periodically meeting training to reinforcement on the trainings for any revision made. 10. Non qualified waste electronic items with the total of wasted CRT TV 11,070 pieces, wasted LCT TV 1,727 pieces, wasted air conditioner of 1,969 pieces, wasted washing machine of 4,871 pieces, wasted refrigerator of 4,238 pieces and wasted fan of 51 pieces, with total of unqualified pieces of 23, 926 pieces. The wasted IT items are in total of CRT monitors of 3,977 pieces, wastes LCD monitors 7,314 pieces, wasted host machine Category-A of 8,141 pieces, wasted host machine Category-B of 615 pieces and wasted host machine Category-C of 134 pieces, wasted printers of 4,280 pieces, portable note books of 1,802 pieces and wasted keyboards of 1,133 pieces, non qualified items with total of 27,396 pieces, with total of expenses deduction of 14,513,076 for wastes electronics and wasteful IT item funds. 11.This project execution period has inspected with total of 47,779 pieces of 4- machinery reversible recycled wasted TV sets, wasted refrigerators of 27,475 pieces, wasted washing machines of 45,175 pieces and wasted air conditioners of 12,583 pieces. All kinds of reversible recycle wasted-four machines of qualified quantity of 133,012 pieces. 12. Administration support and accommodation (1)This project execution period completes onsite inspection with total of 10 sessions, with documentary review of 168 pieces. (2)This project has corresponds with the Environmental Bureau to propose the unqualified standard wastes to enter into the audit accreditation system and its relevant audit control process. In the future, overseas wastes items operation and recycled items shall be announced to enter into the audit accreditation system and other relevant control management will be established according to the Environmental Bureau. (3)To correspond with the “CCTV online connection system and quantitative equipment connection” propelled by Environmental Bureau, and assist with relevant operation. (4)To correspond with “holistic audit support for all supported organization” held by Environmental Bureau in total of 388 sessions. (5)To assist all the audit accreditation operation revision official announcement, to elevate the structural self-management ability on the supported organization, and reinforcement on site derivatives for the secondary disassemble ability and raise the resources recycling and utilize its recycling rate. (6)To proceed with the manpower ability analysis, and understand the time-frame for all audit officers in the execution of all kinds of audit items on all onsite accreditation upon inspection. 13.Other control mechanism and execution result (1)To understand the control center CCTV identification to elevate the standard of CCTV operation quality. (2)To check-listed the wasteful items with its weight, to cease any returned items from the supported organization. 14. Additional promised items with its execution result (1)To expand the digitalized audit and warning system function, to raise the audit accreditation quantity to review its management efficiency, with insertion of cloud-management module, to enhance audit quality. (2)In continuation of CCTV immediate online connection corresponding with the Environmental Bureau, and further support on CCTV image immediate wisdom analysis to insert with ideas for supportive organization, in provision of substantial improvement strategy. (3)Insertion of occupational analysis tool, hence to assist to check on the personal characters and ability of each execution officer.
英文關鍵字 Waste Electronics and Electric Appliances, Waste Information Technology, Third-party of Auditing and Certification, treated amount