

中文摘要 本計畫工作內容可分成有【行政與作業支援】及【系統維運與功能開發】等2個面向。在行政與作業支援中,今年度除提供了1,046通的電話諮詢服務外,為使環保署、縣市環保局、鄉鎮市區清潔隊等相關人員能暢通資訊往來及熟捻通報程序,工作團隊提高資訊的正確性及疑義資料篩選,並逐一確認各機關單位的災害聯絡人員資料。同時利用情境模擬方式,於全國各地區,舉辦了7場次的實機教育訓練,參與人數達389人。為了使災害發生時相關單位可更熟捻作業程序,本計畫辦理3次的颱洪、水災以及地震的模擬演練。在災時進駐作業方面,本計畫在災時進駐次數達5次,包括計畫主持人、計畫經理、系統工程師、程式工程師或助理工程師等每次超過4名專案人員,在環保署內及本公司解決使用者或系統上的各項問題,總投入人力共40人天。 在系統維運與功能開發方面,為能夠增加橫向聯繫,今年度首度整合環保署垃圾資源回收(焚化)廠、掩埋場。並在通報效率上,也擴大了Android的螢幕解析度及作業版本。此外,在現行系統中,為提升災害發生期間的作業效率,本團隊增強了2大類功能:「請求支援功能」是提供地方單位對天然災害的災損提出所需支援的資源需求;「簡報產製功能」則是提供環保署各處室利用資料庫的資料自動產製制式的簡報功能。更進一步,為讓災害通報相關單位的人員了解災害動態,本計畫在災害發生前、後共提供293則新聞及公告。最後,配合環保署執行12次安全性檢核及7次系統的更新作業。
中文關鍵字 環境災害管理資訊系統、災害管理、天然災害


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-J104-02-105 經費年度 104 計畫經費 1610 千元
專案開始日期 2015/05/29 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 鄭婉儀
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 林美智 執行單位 方達科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 EPA-104-J104-02-105.pdf 8MB

Environmental Emergency Management Information System integration and maintenance

英文摘要 This plan consists of two main dimensions, including the ‘administrative and operational support’ and the ‘system maintenance and function development’. In the aspects of administrative and operational support, 1,046 consulting services by phones were achieved. To correct data and offer it to the related government agencies, the questionable data were examined and corrected from database for the responsible agencies. Meanwhile, leading-in simulated scene training on information system, 7 training sessions of system were held separately in the northern, central, southern and eastern Taiwan, and 389 people participated. Furthermore, in order to let the related agencies be familiar with the process when a natural disaster happens, the project accomplished three typhoon, flood and earthquake simulation practices. As for stationing during natural disaster, the head of the project, project manager, the system engineer, the program engineer, and the assistant engineer were stationed 5 times. More than 4 people were stationed in the EPA and our company to solve user or system problems. Totally, 40 people were involved in the job. In the aspects of system maintenance and function development, the project interfaced data with systems of landfill and incineration plants this year. For the android version, the app has been modified to fit the higher screen resolution and the updated operating version. As for reinforcing the operational efficiency during the natural disaster, 2 system functions were developed. The function of ‘request support’ is for local agencies to ask for resources due to natural disaster damage. The function of ‘briefing production’ is for The EPA internal units to produce the brief report. Furthermore, to pass the disaster situation to related agencies, this project offered 293 news during the natural disasters. Finally, 12 safety inspections and 7 system updates were implemented in cooperated with the EPA this year.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Emergency Management Information System, Disaster Management, Natural Incident