

中文摘要 本計畫旨在減少臺南市境內民俗活動中紙錢、拜香燃燒等行為所造成之環境負擔,執行方式包含推動紙錢源頭減量以及紙錢集中載運政策,計畫期間作業內容包含多面向宣導、寺廟巡查以及各大節慶收運作業等。而自105年6月22日至105年6月21日止,本計畫共辦理完成1場次跨局處協商會、2場次中元期間紙錢集中宣導說明會、2場次淨爐儀式以及1場次祈福迴向法會;媒體宣導方面業發布8則新聞稿、38次跑馬燈播放與21次廣播電台宣導。寺廟巡查拜訪作業完成960家,並於過程中進行相關行政策宣導與說明。 紙錢集中載運作業方面,104年因全市公立納骨塔配合封爐,使得申請次數與收運量均有所成長,分別為1,040處次及1,047.39公噸,較去年成長17%及22.7%。105年至6月21日止集中載運申請次數與數量,分別為568處及698.21公噸。在「以功代金」方面,104年結合10個社福機關團體現場宣導及透過便利商店代收等方式加強推廣,更新增8處大賣場宣導;而經統計,104年有3,482人次響應以功代金,累計金額達1,425,918元,105年統計至6月21日止有2,494人次響應善款達1,120,057元。至於在「以米代金」方面,已推動32間寺廟配合,並另有6間寺廟於中元期間響應政策普渡代金米,而整體以米代金執行成果推估可減少39.2公噸的紙錢量。 整體而言,經本計畫蒐研數據加以換算後,104年至105年6月底紙錢集中燒推估可削減總懸浮微粒排放量6,147公斤,以功代金推估可減少二氧化碳排放量84,007公斤、總懸浮微粒198公斤,以米代金推估可減少二氧化碳58,808公斤、總懸浮微粒138公斤;總體共可達到145,168公斤的二氧化碳以及6,371公斤的總懸浮微粒減量排放。 
中文關鍵字 民俗活動空氣污染減量管制計畫


專案計畫編號 EPB-104-L001-30-417 經費年度 104 計畫經費 5665 千元
專案開始日期 2015/06/22 專案結束日期 2016/06/21 專案主持人 王應堂
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 劉凱 執行單位 堃捷工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104民俗計畫(定).pdf 37MB

The objective of the plan is to mitigate the emission of air pollutants

英文摘要 The objective of the plan is to mitigate the emission of air pollutants produced from burning joss paper and incense during Ching Ming Festival、Ghost Festival and temples’ major festival in Tainan. The major way we conducted includes carrying out the policies named “Reduction of Joss Paper” and “Concentrated Burning of Joss Paper”; moreover, from April 2nd, several councils, personal visits, training classes and ceremonies have been held to educate the public for this project. During Jan. to Dec. in 2015, the amount of concentrated-burning joss paper was 1,047.39 tons, gathered form 1,040 departments. Then, the amount of concentrated-burning joss paper was 698.21 tons, gathered form 568 departments during Jan. to June. in 2016, most were from buildings, temples and general people. On the other hand, we promoted “Donating-replace-joss paper” with 10 charitable organizations. There were 3,482 people taken part in the by donating money, contributed approximately NT$ 1,425,918 during 2014. Then, There were 2,494 people taken part in the by donating money, contributed approximately NT$ 1,120,057 after the next duration. With respect to another “Rice-replace-joss paper” policy, we have mitigated 39.2 tons of the useage of joss paper with the 32 cooperation of temples. Furthermore, we calculated the average amount of joss paper and incense burned per year through these personal visits, intending to maintain good air quality. Generally, during 2014 to June,2015 , the TSP mitigation amount of“Concentrated Burning of Joss Paper” came to 6,147 kg; in “Donating-replace-joss paper” , we have mitigated 84,007 kg CO2 and 198 kg TSP; as for “Rice-replace-joss paper”, we have mitigated 58,808 kg CO2 and 138 TSP. Therefore , 145,168 kg CO2 and 138 TSP of air polltions were reduced from the policies of this project.
英文關鍵字 The objective of the plan is to mitigate the emission of air pollutants