

中文摘要 戴奧辛(polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin, PCDDs)及呋喃(polychlorinated dibenzofurans, PCDFs)等戴奧辛類污染物為持久性有機污染物其明列「有害空氣污染物(Hazardous Air Pollutants, HAPs)」之有害物質,戴奧辛類污染物長期滯留於自然環境不易分解,為進一步維護民眾健康及生活環境品質,針對環境細懸浮微粒中戴奧辛及微量特徵污染物分佈特性進行調查實屬必要。故本研究針對燃煤汽電共生廠、都市垃圾焚化及電弧爐煉鋼廠等臺灣戴奧辛主要固定排放源以及鄰近空氣中PM2.5戴奧辛、重金屬、碳元素、水溶性離子之分布特性進行研究,並利用正矩陣因子法(Positive matrix factorization, PMF)進行來源解析。研究結果顯示,燃煤汽電共生廠煙道氣中PM2.5的質量濃度為0.53±0.39 mg/Nm3最高;戴奧辛濃度則以電弧爐煉鋼廠(0.206±0.107 ng I-TEQ/Nm3)最高,戴奧辛物種分布方面,燃煤汽電共生廠煙道氣氣相及PM2.5中戴奧辛物種的分布皆係以PCDDs所占比例較高;在焚化爐煙道氣中,PM2.5的結果顯示PCDDs所占的比例較PCDFs高;電弧爐煉鋼廠煙道氣則以PCDFs所占的比例較PCDDs高。燃煤汽電共生廠煙道氣中煙道氣中PM2.5樣品金屬皆以Ca、Al、Fe為主要物種,水溶性離子中皆以SO42-質量濃度為最高,而OC/EC的比值為0.78;焚化爐煙道氣中PM2.5樣品金屬中以Ca、K、Na為主要物種,水溶性離子中以Cl-為主要物種,OC/EC比值大於2。煉鋼廠煙道氣中PM2.5樣品金屬元素以Zn、Fe、Ca為主要物種,水溶性離子也是以Cl-為主要物種,OC/EC比值大於2.0。在固定污染源周界大氣中,電弧爐煉鋼廠下風處測站大氣PM2.5平均質量濃度為35.1±4.75 μg/ m3最高;大氣中戴奧辛之毒性當量濃度則以燃煤汽電共生廠下風處大氣測站大氣總戴奧辛(氣相+PM2.5)濃度最高,為31.1±16.3 fg I-TEQ/m3,大氣戴奧辛之物種分布結果顯示,氣相戴奧辛是以PCDFs為主要之物種,大氣中PM2.5樣品金屬皆以Na、K、Ca等為主要成份金屬,水溶性離子皆以nss-SO42-濃度較高,OC/EC皆大於2.0,顯示主要以二次生成為主。PMF模式之污染來源解析結果顯示,燃煤汽電共生廠周界大氣解析戴奧辛污染來源有23.7%來自本計劃採樣之燃煤汽電共生廠;都市廢棄物焚化爐周界大氣解析戴奧辛污染來源有8.3%來自於本計畫採樣之都市廢棄物焚化爐;煉鋼廠周界大氣解析戴奧辛污染來源有52.2%來自於本計畫採樣之煉鋼廠,本計畫目前已初步完成之臺灣燃煤汽電共生廠、都市垃圾焚化及電弧爐煉鋼廠等固定排放源煙道氣污染物之指紋特性及鄰近大氣特徵。
中文關鍵字 戴奧辛、正矩陣因子法、空氣品質、細懸浮微粒、煙道排放


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-1604-02-01 經費年度 104 計畫經費 2400 千元
專案開始日期 2015/03/27 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 紀凱獻
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 陳元武 執行單位 國立陽明大學環境與職業衛生研究所


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期末報告 期末報告定稿本.pdf 10MB
英文摘要 Dioxins (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin, PCDDs) and furans (polychlorinated dibenzofurans, PCDFs) and other pollutants as persistent organic pollutants which listed "hazardous air pollutants (Hazardous Air Pollutants, HAPs)" substances. Dioxin is not easy to decomposed and long-term stay in the natural environment. To safeguard public health and environmental quality of life, it is necessary to investigate the distribution and characteristics of dioxin in the fine particle. In this study, we conducted the dioxion major emission sources, such as cogeneration plant, municipal waste incinerators(MWI), electric arc furnace(EAF), and the distribution of PM2.5 of dioxin, metal, carbon, water-soluble ions in ambient air near stationary sources,and using Positive Matrix Factorization model (PMF) to analysis the source apportionment.The results showed that the highest concentration of PM2.5 was 0.53±0.39 mg/Nm3 in cogeneration plant flue gas; the highest concentration of dioxin was 0.206±0.107 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 in EAF flue gas.The distribution of dioxin species, cogeneration plant and MWI flue gas had higher proportion of PCDDs than PCDFs, but EAF flue gas had higher proportion of PCDFs than PCDDs in PM2.5 and vapor phase. In cogeneration plant flue gas of PM2.5, the main metal were Ca, Al, Fe, the highest water-solube ions was SO42- ,and OC/EC ratio was 0.78. In MWI and EAF flue gas of PM2.5, the main metal were Ca and Zn respectively, the highest water-solube ions were Cl- and OC/EC ratios were greater than 2.0. In the ambient around the stationary sources, the highest concentration of PM2.5 was 35.1±4.75 μg/ m3 in EAF downwind site, the highest dioxin concentration of PM2.5 (Vapor+Solid) was 31.1±16.3 fg I-TEQ/m3. The distribution of dioxin species around the stationary sources were PCDFs in vapor phase, the main metal were Na, K and Ca, the highest concentrations of water-soluble ions were nss-SO42-,and OC/EC ratios were greater than 2.0 that indicated the species generated from secondary aerosol. The result of PMF also showed that analysis of atmospheric dioxins in the vicinity of cogeneration plant, around 23.7% dioxins were provided from cogeneration plants investigated. In the vicinity of of the MWI, around 8.3% from the incinerator investigated. In the vicinity of of the EAF, around 52.2% from the EAF investigated. The results of this study has been initially completed the fingerprints characteristics of cogeneration plants, MWI, EAF in Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 PCDD/F, Positive Matrix Factorization, Air Quality, PM2.5, Stack Gas Emission