

中文摘要 本工作計畫之主要執行項目,除研擬本年度中央查核縣(市)政府執行環保設施工程施工品質等相關業務成效之作業流程、表單及後續追蹤外,於環保署所指定之45件工程查核中,依約邀請具有環保設施工程專長之專家或學者擔任外聘查核委員(應為公共工程委員會「工程品質查核小組」成員或環保署推薦公共工程委員會查核委員並接受相關講習)至環保署所指定之案件工程現場進行工程品質查核作業,並彙整前項查核結果,對施工中環保設施工程就工程主辦機關、技術服務廠商與承包商分級予以評鑑量化。已完成45件之工程品質查核中,甲等11件,乙等為34件,丙等為0件,目前查核結果大多數皆為乙等,大部分工程品質中等。另外,104全年度落實工程環境保護及節能減碳查檢表實施成果(共計48件),經委員整體評核為「優等」計10件、「甲等」計19件、「乙等」計4件、「丙等」計0件、「不評等」計15件。 有關安全衛生查核中甲等為9件,乙等為33件,丙等為3件,目前查核結果以乙等件數居多,甲等件居次,大部分的環保施工工程於執行安全衛生方面尚符合規範。
中文關鍵字 環保設施工程施工品質


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-Z103-02-105 經費年度 104 計畫經費 2690 千元
專案開始日期 2015/06/18 專案結束日期 2016/06/17 專案主持人 謝永旭
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 蔡進偉 執行單位 國立中興大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年度期末報告.pdf 24MB

Auditing Project of Construction Quality of the Environmental Protection Facilities (2013-2015)

英文摘要 The main objective of this project was to evaluate the construction quality of environmental protection facilities. Furthermore, at least two engineering or technological experts were invited to evaluate the construction quality of 45 construction sites and to administer the construction material testing. According to the results of evaluation, all of the sponsors, technological consultants and contractors were graded, and proposed the improvement in construction quality and operation management of construction sites. As a result, there were 45 construction sites to be evaluated ; 11 and 34 sites were be rated as level A and level B; respectively, no one were be rated as C. There were 48 efforts of environmental protection & Energy Efficiency and Carbon Reduction be evaluated ; 10 efforts were be rated as the highest level, 19 efforts were be rated as the first class, 4 efforts were be rated as the second grade, 0 effort was be graded as the third grade and 15 efforts were not be rated.
英文關鍵字 Environmental protection facilities