

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作重點為一、辦理營運中/濱海河岸/封閉/復育之公有掩埋場及垃圾轉運站三級檢查或抽查等相關工作,二、辦理掩埋場管理資訊平臺網頁維護及功能擴增,三、協辦公有掩埋場挖除再生活化推動工作,執行結果如下: 1.完成擬訂公有掩埋場與垃圾轉運站三級檢查(抽查)制度標準作業流程(SOP)及製訂相關檢查紀錄表單,落實三級檢查制度化。 2.辦理79場掩埋場及29場轉運站第三級查核工作,以及44場濱海河岸/封閉/復育掩埋場抽查工作;掩埋場稽核缺失主要為未落實進場管制及檢查紀錄填報工作,轉運站缺失主要為場內安全衛生問題,稽核缺失之改善須由縣市環保局落實督導代管單位(鄉鎮市公所),協調增加現場人力及調配操作管理維護作業以改善管理上缺失,若為硬體設施則可由縣市環保局統籌辦理轄內掩埋場設施改善工作;而抽查濱海河岸掩埋場之貯存結構設施維護情形,彰化縣鹽埔鄉及金門縣烈嶼鄉等2處掩埋場擋土牆或周邊設施需加強巡查或進行加強作業。 3.每季彙整比對「公有掩埋場及垃圾轉運設施營運管理資訊系統」之掩埋場公務報表進場資料與廢管處「事業廢棄物申報及管理資訊系統」內申報資料,確認相關掩埋場收受處理一般事業廢棄物之資料正確性。 4.完成3場掩埋場(新竹縣新豐場、嘉義縣民雄場及高雄市路竹區舊場)挖除活化模場推演工作,包含現場進行地形量測、鑽探採樣、廢棄物組成分析、垃圾數量推估及挖除活化經濟效益評估等作業,相關數據可作為未來協助地方政府辦理活化工作之參考依據。 5.強化「公有掩埋場及垃圾轉運設施營運管理資訊系統」,新增掩埋場/轉運站三級檢查表單與濱海河岸掩埋場抽查表單之網頁填報系統,以及欄位勘誤、資料之統計/上傳/轉換等功能,強化系統功能以及減少公務報表填報誤植等問題。
中文關鍵字 公有掩埋場、三級檢查、掩埋場挖除活化


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-Z102-02-103 經費年度 104 計畫經費 3300 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/01 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 張名毅
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 林坤樟 執行單位 尚竑工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 102至104年度公有一般廢棄物處理設施營運管理監控及輔導改善委託專案工作計畫(104年,第2年).pdf 50MB
英文摘要 This project contains three sections. First of all is to conduct 3rd level inspection of public landfill and waste transfer station (including in operating landfill, water from and riverside landfill, closed landfill, and restoration landfill). Second, conducting landfill information and management website maintenance and adding new feature. Third, promoting public landfill mining. The consequences of this project are described as follow: 1.79 landfills and 29 waste transfer stations 3rd level inspections were completed. 44 water from and riverside landfills, closed landfills, and restoration landfills were completed by spot checks. In addition, the drawbacks on waste entering and the related record of landfill management were found in the inspection. Moreover, the drawback of waste transfer station is on landfill operation safety and hygiene. However, local environmental protection agency can improve these drawbacks by addition labor assistance and a better operation maintenance and management. Furthermore, the condition of construction of water from and riverside landfill were examined, and there are two landfill retaining wall and other equipment should be inspected more frequently. 2. Colleting the number of waste from ‘landfill information and management website’ compare to the data from ‘Industrial Waste Report and Management System’ (October,2014 to September, 2015), in order to obtain more accurate quantity of general waste from industries received by public landfill. 3.According to the request of EPA, this project updated landfill or waste transfer station 3rd blanket check list, and water from and riverside landfill blanket check list on the application system. Also, this project has audited the feature of landfill information and management website, in order to prevent system errors. 4.From the perspective of economic efficiency, landfill mining possibly creates twice income and also solves the problem form natural disaster waste. Therefore, this task is strongly recommended. 5.Three modeling sites landfill mining results reveal that the composition of landfills are different such as waste component and landfill useful life. These parameters will be the importance to affect landfill mining method and the accuracy of result. Therefore, landfill site background data should be considered when landfill mining conducted.
英文關鍵字 public landfill, three levels inspection, landfill reuse