

中文摘要 為協助環保署提升全民氣候變遷的素養,並凝聚全民對氣候變遷因應行動的共識,本計畫藉由活動與宣傳、蒐集與研析、行動與獎勵三大策略,達成推廣民眾氣候變遷素養的目標。活動與宣傳方面,透過響應2015年世界環境日主題,打造氣候變遷展覽館,及參與臺北國際春季旅展之設攤宣傳,推展民眾對於低碳生活的認知;製作節能減碳與氣候變遷宣傳教具,以拉近大眾與氣候變遷議題的距離;另錄製氣候變遷與低碳生活訪談影音,提升民眾氣候變遷資訊交流與互動,並促進公眾對我國各界氣候變遷因應策略的瞭解。蒐集與研析方面,為瞭解全民在氣候變遷調適素養情形,透過文獻蒐研,研擬出全民氣候變遷調適素養指標與檢測方法後,始進行全臺20歲以上民眾之檢測調查,發放1,300份檢測卷;由於本年度屬初步調查階段,故回收數量超過最低門檻(即總數的三分之一)時方進行統計分析,最後完成共計578份有效樣本。根據調查結果顯示,多數民眾對於氣候變遷已有初步之認識與敏感度,但對氣候變遷調適實際意涵及相關政策仍不是很瞭解,未來可將相關議題融入民眾較有興趣的宣傳活動,如展覽活動、觀摩參訪等,並加以設計、提升參與度之外,進而提升民眾的調適素養;就不同地區來看,北部及中部地區對於氣候變遷調適認知程度,略高於南部,故建議未來可多朝向南部地區進行宣傳氣候變遷調適相關知識,進而拉近南北民眾氣候變遷調適素養之差距。行動與獎勵方面,則延續「節能減碳行動標章」的精神,辦理「減碳行動獎」徵選活動,全臺共計130家通過審核,自主落實減碳行動,其中23家榮獲特優獎,在辦公環境、生產製程、員工自主管理與教育宣導等措施,皆融入企業或地方節能減碳政策及精神,並積極推動以展現對永續環境發展的社會責任,持續邁向「低碳社會、永續發展」的願景。
中文關鍵字 氣候變遷、調適素養、減碳行動獎


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-FA16-03-A229 經費年度 104 計畫經費 8000 千元
專案開始日期 2015/06/05 專案結束日期 2016/06/04 專案主持人 彭啟明
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 許值蓉 執行單位 天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-104-FA16-03-A229_1.報告內文定稿.pdf 54MB

Program for Promoting Public Climate Literacy

英文摘要 In order to implement the Environmental Protection Administration (hereinafter EPA)’s program for Promoting Public Climate Literacy and collect people’s consensus of tackling climate change, this project has carried out three approaches: Activity & Outreach, Research & Study, and Action & Reward to reach its goal. With the first approach Activity & Outreach, one of this project is to respond to the theme of 2015 World Environmental Day. The two major events included holding a climate change exhibition in Changhua and participating in the 2016 International Spring Travel Fair to promote low-carbon life. In addition, this project outreaches to the public through a set of teaching aids and a series of video interviews themed of climate change knowledge and low-carbon life, which aims to improve the information sharing, knowledge interaction, and policy understanding of the public. With the second approach Research & Study, the purpose is to survey the public awareness of climate change adaptation in Taiwan. This project begins with the investigation of domestic and international research data about climate change literacy, and then analyzes the indicators and methods. After the research, this project decided to target people who aged over 20’s and do the questionnaire survey. Among the distribution of 1,300 questionnaires, a total of 578 valid samples are collected. According to the result, the majority of people have basic climate change knowledge, but lack of further understanding of mitigation, adaptation and its policy. The statics has presented that civic living in different regions showed various level of climate change knowledge. It is suggested that EPA shall focus more on its strategy to promote climate change literacy in southern Taiwan. With the third approach Action & Reward, the 2016 “Carbon Cutting Action Award” has been accomplished with the engagement of more than 130 domestic companies and local communities. Among the participants, 23 have won the first prize with its contribution, passion and efforts to incorporate the spirit of carbon reduction and energy conservation. This award not only motivates to cut carbon, but encourages companies’ further action on social responsibility of sustainable development. In conclusion, during this annual term, this project aims to build the public’s capacity to address with the impact of climate change, promotes the knowledge and information of climate change mitigation and adaptation, and collects public’s consensus to the vision of “Low Carbon Society and Sustainable Development.”
英文關鍵字 Climate change, Adaptation literacy, Carbon Cutting Action Award