

中文摘要 現今由於國人對生活環境品質高度重視,一般民眾對於工廠排放或逸散廢氣中所含物質,對於人體健康危害影響極為關注,尤其近年來民眾呼吸道疾病,特別是兒童氣喘、上呼吸道過敏比例增加,更是造成民眾對生活周遭環境之空氣污染提出抗議或陳情的主因,甚至不惜採取激烈的圍廠抗爭手段。揮發性有機物(volatile organic compounds,VOCs)的排放不僅是造成大氣中臭氧濃度增加的元兇,更是許多呼吸道、循環系統疾病、腫瘤的成因。因此,環保署大力推動相關揮發性有機物排放之管制,期望減少各類污染源之VOCs排放量,藉以提升民眾生活周遭環境空氣品質。 本計畫執行成果,在支援屢遭陳情事件調查,本年度共完成台南科工區、新北市三峽金光明寺、苗栗縣竹南幸福社區和新竹縣新竹工業區等四處“屢遭陳情”的異味來源調查,其中台南科工區和苗栗縣竹南幸福社區經本畫協助大致已獲得解決,近幾個月陳情件數已大幅減少或已無陳情;而新北市三峽金光明寺和新竹縣新竹工業區已協助找出主要污染來源,各污染來源也已著手進行相關改善作業。在減量協談及污染改善,針對台南科工區的異味來源誠益和新日光進行兩場次的減量協談,其中誠益的有機溶劑排放減量可達35公噸。在不明空氣污染來源追蹤調查技術移轉訓練會議,本年度共完成四場次的技術移轉與訓練會議辦理,參加單位包含環保署環訓所、督察總隊、督察總隊中區隊、督察總隊南區隊及地方環保局,四場合計參加人數超過160人。在分析歷年協助處理屢遭陳情的異味污染事件,發現各種材料(金屬、塑膠、紙)之表面塗裝作業、金屬零配件及製品、塑膠零配件及製品、機車表面塗裝及印刷業等因有機溶劑使用量不小有管制必要性,另對前述行業提出管制之建議方案。 在彙整國外煉油及石化製程之熱排放源資料,蒐集/彙整美國聯邦環保署(NESHAP法規)、南加州(BAAQMD)及德州有關煉油及石化製程管制的最新法規,針對製程中的熱排放源包括廢氣燃燒塔(flare)、流體化觸媒裂解程序(FCCU)、觸媒裂解程序(CCU)、焦炭煅燒及延遲焦炭程序等使用到製程加熱器(process heater)的相關管制規定進行彙整。在石化工業區熱排放源之排放成分篩選監測,完成六輕工業區及大社工業區二處監測作業,其中六輕工業區發現大連化工排放乙烯、丙烯和乙醛,台塑海豐區內合成酚廠排放丙烯、聚苯乙烯廠排放乙烯;而大社工業區發現台橡的廢氣燃燒塔排放丁二烯、中石化的廢氣燃燒塔排放氨氣。在分析法規管制成效並研提提升管制效益改善建議暨辦理技術交流會,依據熱排放源的量測結果顯示,主要的VOC排放源仍為廢氣燃燒塔,故針對目前國內廢氣燃燒塔的使用和管制現況,建議加強廢氣流量計的查核和比對,以確保正確的廢氣流量記錄;另針對廢氣燃燒塔使用報告書,應回歸法規管制的設計內容,加強要求使用報告書的審核,尤其是使用原因分析,及後續如何避免或減少類似情形發生的機率部分,此外,本計畫於高雄市環保局和雲林六輕工業區的大連化工完成兩場次技術交流辦理。 在石化工廠法規符合度查核及檢測作業,5家石化工廠無重大不符規範事項,僅各有1~3小事項未完全符合,追蹤改善成果,對於不符合之處於年底前大致皆可完成改善,另在操作許可證上共發現五大項問題,並針對發現相關問題提出改善措施。在修訂石化業製程污染源之查核要點指引,參考96年署裡研擬之「石化廠一般性查驗通則」架構及項目,進而完成石化業製程污染源之查核要點指引編撰。在建立石化業設備元件之VOCs排放係數及排放量計算準則,本年度共完成200件設備元件圍封檢測作業,並彙整歷年圍封檢測結果(總計362件)推估六類設備元件之排放係數,本計畫六類設備元件推估之四種排放係數(平均排放係數、漏/不漏排放係數、層次排放係數與相關方程式)大致皆較美國環保署AP-42係數和國內空污費公告係數低1~2個級距,另因應未來國內設備元件之排放量計算方法納入相關方程式法,完成擬訂相關方程式法之計算公式規範準則。 在建立本土化行業別製程之有害空氣污染物排放係數,完成五項行業別製程建置作業,其中其他人造纖維製造程序建置之HAPs排放係數介於0.0003~0.1689公斤/公噸產品產量之間;其他合成樹脂或塑膠製造程序介於0.0021~14.1242公斤/公噸產品產量之間;乙二醇製造程序介於3.8E-06~9.4E-03公斤/公噸產品產量之間;其他金屬熱處理程序介於3.2E-06~4.8E-05公斤/公噸產品產量之間;ABS化學製造程序介於1.4E-03~5.2E-01公斤/公噸產品產量之間。在推動石化工業區HAPs之減量策略,依據E石化工業區鄰近敏感受體兩個年度採樣分析結果,其中1,2-二氯乙烷為較具健康風險之污染物,而於E石化工業區內使用及排放1,2-二氯乙烷之工廠共7家,經現勘調查及檢測結果,可透過改善Q廠之儲槽及裝載設施來減少1,2-二氯乙烷的排放,合計可減量97.4噸/年。在建立重大污染源工業區敏感受體區域之環境濃度基線,依據12次採樣分析結果顯示,以揮發性有機物、戴奧辛、重金屬、多環芳香烴有機物為較常存在於此區域大氣環境中。
中文關鍵字 重大污染源、揮發性有機物、光學量測技術、有害空氣污染物、排放係數


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-FA12-03-A099 經費年度 104 計畫經費 17000 千元
專案開始日期 2015/03/10 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 張寶額
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 戴忠良 執行單位 工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年度重大污染源空氣污染物排放管制暨光學量測技術查核計畫期末報告定稿本.pdf 46MB

The plan for audit of air pollutant emissions from major sources and investigate of optical measurement technology

英文摘要 In recent years, environmental pollution issues related to the (fugitive) emissions from factories have gained a great deal of attentions from the general public, as people are getting more aware of the potential adverse health effect that might affect their quality of life. With the increasing susceptibility of respiratory illnesses, such as children’s asthma or upper respiratory trait diseases, the figures of environmental nuisance complaints has been increasing at an unprecedented rate in recent years. The emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) not only contributes to the formation of ground level ozone and various air contaminants, but also triggers a variety of health problems, including respiratory illness, circulation diseases, or even malignant tumors. For these reasons, Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA) has applied several air pollution control strategies, such as permit system, emission standards, fugitive emission control, and economic incentives, on stationary sources to reduce VOC emission and improve air quality. For the purpose of investigating the emission sources of repetitive odor nuisance complaints, we have conducted a series of field monitoring campaigns in Tainan Technology Industrial Park, a community called “One Park” located in Miaoli County, Hsinchu Industrial Park and Fo Guang Shan Golden Light Temple in Sanxia area in New Taipei City. The petition cases of odor nuisance in both Tainan Technology Industrial Park and Miaoli County have dramatically decreased. The odor emission sources of Hsinchu Industrial Park and Sanxia area in New Taipei City were also identified, and a series of emission reduction plans were initiated accordingly. By enforcing two major emission sources to conduct process optimization, equipment renovation, or abatement efficiency improvement, at least 35 tons of VOCs reduction was achieved from a factory producing sunglasses in Tainan Technology Industrial Park. In additions, we have conducted four workshops with NIEA and EPBs (at least 160 attendees) to introduce the knowledge and method of investigating air pollution sources by means of optical remote sensing technology or other related analytical methods. Among various causes of odor nuisance complaints, surface coating of various material (including metal, plastics, and paper) contribute a significant levels of VOCs to the surrounded environment, as a great deal of organic solvent are utilized during the processing period. Moreover, process heaters such as flare, FCCU, CCU, coke calcining and delayed coking were regulated by NESHAP, BAAQMD, and TCEQ, recently. The remote measurement of heat emission sources (eg. cracker, elevated flare, and thermo-oxidizer) by the “hybrid system” consisted of a passive-FTIR and a gas imaging detector was performed at Mailio industrial park and Dashe industrial park, respectively. A number of highly reactive VOCs (HRVOC, eg. ethylene and propylene) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs, eg. acetaldehyde) emitted from elevated flares were detected by the hybrid system from 196 to 530 meters away from the measurement sites in Mailio industrial park. Whereas, 1,3-butadiene and ammonia emitted from both a elevated flare and a thermal oxidizer were also detected from 343 to 680 meters away from the measurement sites in Dashe industrial park. The hybrid system, a standoff remote sensing technology with the combination of PFTIR and gas imaging detector was proved to be an effective and efficient tool to assist with pollution auditing, especially for flare. A number of elevated flares were found emitting process waste gases occassionally despite the enforcement of law in last year. The problem of flare emissions indicated that the accuracy of flow rate meter was in fact problematic, and therefore required regular auditing to uncover if there are any illegal operations. In additions, flare minimization plans should focus on root causes finding and how to reduce the chance of emitting from the flaring system. Emissions and compliance status of five major sources have been reviewed and none of them were found incompliance with the law. Despite a number of minor mistakes were found, most of them are expected to be corrected by the end of this year. The auditing guideline in the petrochemical industry was completed this year. Totally 200 equipment components were inspected by the blow-through method to check the equipment leakage rate that are important for proper estimation of emission factors. The results indicated the factors were one to two order lower than the factors enforced by AP-42. A guideline on how to use correlation equation method to estimate leakage rate in equipment components has also drafted. We also established localized HAPs emission factors for five different industrial sectors including synthetic fiber manufacturing, other synthetic resins and plastic products manufacturing, ethylene glycol manufacturing, other metal heat treating processes, and ABS resin manufacturing processes. HAPs emission factor for synthetic fiber manufacturing processes is in the range of 0.0003 and 0.1689 kg/ton-products, 0.0021 to 14.1243 kg/ton-products for other synthetic resins and plastic products manufacturing processes, 3.8E-06~9.4E-03 kg/ton-products for ethylene glycol manufacturing processes, 3.2E-06~4.8E-05 kg/ton-products for metal heat treatment processes, and 1.4E-03~5.2E-01 kg/ton-products for ABS resin manufacturing processes. In order to reduce HAP emissions from petrochemical industrial park, results from two consecutive years of ambient sampling at two sensitive sites near E petrochemical industrial park shows 1,2-dichloroethane is the most significant HAP posing higher health risk among all HAPs investigated. There are seven plants using and emitting 1,2-dichloroethane in E petrochemical industrial park. Further site visit and stack testing of four of these seven plants, we found storage tank vent and material handling units of Q plant were the major 1,2-dichloroethane emission sources combining estimated 97.4 metric tons annually. Series of measurements of hazardous air pollutants were also conducted at the sensitive area near an industrial park to establish the HAP baseline of this industrial park. Results from 12 measurements indicate that volatile organic compounds, dioxins, heavy metal, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were commonly detected in the atmosphere.
英文關鍵字 Major Stationary Source, Volatile Organic Compounds, Optical Monitoring Technique, Hazardous Air Pollutants, Emission Factor