

中文摘要 本項計畫為延續性之管制計畫,計畫執行主要目的為依環保署公告之揮發性有機物行業法規進行揮發性有機空氣污染物排放量管制,並針對中油桃煉廠進行管制作業,另輔導轄內公私場所進行連續自動監測設施設置及查核其監測與傳輸數據之正確性,以確保污染源排放情形得以掌握,並有效提升桃園縣空氣品質。 本計畫之執行期程自104/3/24至105/3/23止,共計12個月。本報告中各項作業進度及成果分析之統計期間,係自104/3/24至105/3/23止(以下簡稱本階段),各單項作業皆依預定執行進度執行,執行內容包括:揮發性有機物管制、污染減量輔導作業、稽查檢測作業、中油桃煉廠污染管制、監督定期檢測及網路申報審作業、連續自動監測設施資訊系統更新/維護及CEMS法規符合度查核作業、辦理法規宣導說明會等工作項目;各項作業內容與進度均依原規劃執行並符合合約要求,工作成果摘要及進度表,詳如期末報告本文表1.5-1及表1.5-2。 本年度計畫詳載於表1.5-2、各項工作期末成果摘要表。其中重點工作及成果包括: (一). 揮發性有機物管制:針對縣內列管230家特別行業別廠家進行申報及審查率皆為100%。 (二). 本年度配合環保局執行一年一行業別-PU合成皮業清查作業,並利用原物料供應鏈追查未納管之PU合成皮製造業者,列管對象由10家增加至34家,且為確實掌握桃園市內PU合成皮業真實排放量,要求各廠重新申報排放量並進行原料庫存表及財務報表資料比對。與103年比較,PU合成皮業整體VOCs排放量增量3,087.35公噸。另現場輔導污染改善,共13廠家已自行評估規劃針對防制設備進行改善。 (三). 固定源稽查檢測作業:固定污染源管道、周界空氣污染物及固定污染源燃料含硫份共完成92個樣品數,其中固定污染源管道完成69個樣品數,共計21個樣品不符合排放標準,不符合率30% (四). 加油站油氣回收功能查核:完成82站次氣油比檢測,不合格加油數為194根次,經改善完成油氣逸散減量達72.05公噸/年,整體汽油比合格率為85.6%。 (五). 中油桃煉廠污染管制:(1)設備元件持續導入FLIR/FID進行設備元件洩漏篩選及檢測,經執行稽查管制後製程於後續季申報元件洩漏狀況有明顯下降趨勢,統計設備元件季申報洩漏率由103年0.28%下降至104年為0.20%;(2)廢氣燃燒塔廢氣回收減量作業,12座高低架廢氣燃燒塔之流量監測已與環保局進行連線作業, 8座碳氫地面及高架燃燒塔已於104/12/4正式啟用2套廢氣回收系統(Flare Gas Recovery System,FGRS);自105/1/1至105/3/23止,廢氣燃燒塔在石化製程正常操作下已無排放廢氣,且無使用事件日發生。(3)民眾陳情部分,104年度陳情件數為18件,較103年減案38%。 (六). CEMS管制:完成CEMS功能查核作業30根次,輔導改善後合格率100%。另完成RATA監督檢測26根次,並同步比對廠方執行RATA前後72小時平均值與檢測期間數據比對均未大於或小於3倍標準偏差,皆無數據品質不良。 各項相關作業內容及詳細成果,均分述於本報告各章節中。 本計畫持續採取精進之做法,延續104年將稽查管制作業同步結合科技儀器查核作業模式持續進行污染查核及後續輔導作業,強化稽查管制能量,並以空污費追補繳做為未來輔導之誘因,進而回饋本市實際污染排放狀況,落實許可制度,期達105年桃園縣污染防制計畫書NMHC減量目標。
中文關鍵字 揮發性有機物


專案計畫編號 104030221 經費年度 104 計畫經費 22395 千元
專案開始日期 2015/03/24 專案結束日期 2016/03/23 專案主持人 卓啟弘
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 薛加湧 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 104H-VOC成果摘要.pdf 0MB
英文摘要 his project is a successive regulatory plan, the main purposes are to control the emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) according to regulations of VOCs announced by Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), carry out the regulate operations in Taoyuan refinery of CPC corporation, and assist the installation and investigation of continuous emission monitoring system(CEMS) in the correctness of data transmission to understand the characteristics of pollutant emissions and improve air quality in Taoyuan city. The execution of the project was scheduled from 2015/03/24 to 2016/03/23 with a total of 12 months. The progress in implementation of each individual work, included the control of VOCs, pollution reduction, inspection of factories, pollution control of Taoyuan refinery of CPC corporation, supervision of periodic detection & online reporting review, renewal or maintenance of CEMS for compliance with CEMS regulatory, and handling regulatory seminars etc., were executed according to the schedule of the project. All the progress of the work complied with the contract requirements, the abstract of achievements were shown in table 1.5-1 and 1.2-2. The key works of the project in this year are including: (一). The control of volatile organic compounds(VOCs): A total of 230 special industry manufacturers had completed their declaration and inspection. In addition,. (二). A year industry pollution control –PU synthetic leather industry comprehensive inventory of jobs, Tubular object consists of 10 manufacturers increased 34 manufacturers. Compared with 2014, PU synthetic leather industry VOCs increases in emissions 3,087.35 ton/year.there are 13 potential manufacturers to plan improvement and reduction pollution. (三). Inspection of stationary pollution sources:The total 92 samples are completed in stationary source、ambient air pollution and stationary sources involved sulfur content. Out of 69 samples in stationary source, 321samples are not in accordance with emission standards, the failure rate is 30%. (四). The function check of gas station vapor recovery:The gas station oil ratio investigation of 82 imes are completed. the gas station oil ratiopass rate 85.6%.he number of defective gasoline nozzle are 194 however, after improving the gasoline emission reduced 72.05 ton/year. (五). Pollution control of Taoyuan refinery of CPC corporation:(1)The forward looking infrared (FLIR) or flame ionization detector (FID) in for leak screening and testing of equipment components, the leakage rate of processes in a subsequent quarter reports have shown significant decreased tendency from 0.28% to 0.20% through inspection and control in 2014and 2015, respectively. (2) the flares exhaust gas reduction task, the data of gas flux monitoring for 12 flares have been on-line with Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB). For another 8 hydrocarbon (HC) ground flare and elevated flare with Flare Gas Recovery System (FGRS) to start using in 2015/12/4;since 2016/1/1 to 2016/3/23, flare has no emissions and use the event in normal operation (3) Popular petitions, there are total of 18 air pollution petitions in 2015, Popular petitions decrease 38%. (六). CEMS regulatory: The 30 CEMS inspections are completed and after counseling, the pass rate is 100%. In addition, the 26 RATA inspection are also completed, and comparison of the data between manufacturers' RATA and during the investigation period, the mean value within 72Hr is not greater or smaller than the 3 times standard deviation, the all data quality are good. The relevant contents in details will be presented in the upcoming sections. This project extended the investigation in 2014, and remain committed to synchronously combined with advanced instruments for inspection and counseling task. To strengthen the abilities of inspection, based on charging overdue air pollution fee as the incentive for counseling. It can feedback the real pollution situation and implement the licensing system to reach the goal of the 2015 Taoyuan city pollution control project in NMHC reduction.