

中文摘要 為了展示減少溫室氣體排放的雄心,德班平台特設工作組(the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action, ADP)針對2020年前減量企圖心與2015年協議巴黎新氣候協議談判草案要項要求各締約方提交「國家自定預期貢獻,Intended Nationally Determined Contributions, INDC」,讓全球性氣候的減緩與調適行動擴大至2020年後。本計畫掌握聯合國氣候變化綱要公約之「國家自定預期貢獻」談判進展,協助委辦單位研擬「國家自定預期貢獻」報告,並製作文宣宣傳我國「國家自定預期貢獻」的決心。計畫亦運用能源模型規劃我國未來低碳經濟與社會可能發展情境,蒐集研析國際作法建構低碳發展路徑評估開放式創新應用模式架構。本計畫各項工作,均符合相關進度要求;各項工作執行進展摘述如下: 一、掌握公約「國家自定預期貢獻」談判進展 本計畫蒐集分析全球188個締約方之INDC (至2016年01月05日為止)之格式、要項、量化數據及法律定性等資料、以及UNFCCC提出之綜合分析報告。前述締約方提出之自定預期貢獻減量目標將使2100年的預測升溫限制在2.7℃左右。IEA、UNEP等等國際智庫評估結果亦與公約2.7℃相同。國際重要智庫對於重要國家INDC目標之評論,歐盟延續2020年減量目標、美國展現美國的能力與承擔責任,兩者INDC目標適當性屬中等。中國大陸INDC目標只是延續政策,並未符合2℃目標,目標的適當性被評為中等但碳密集度目標不適當。韓國、日本及新加坡INDC目標皆屬不適當等級,因不符合2℃目標。 二、啟動跨部會討論會議研提「國家自定預期貢獻」綜合報告 本計畫蒐集瑞士等INDC報告,並分析彙整各國提出的減量目標模型與範疇,作為我國INDC減量目標設定參考。本計畫亦蒐集整理國際智庫INDC規劃程序與內容之建議,籌備規劃我國INDC時程與報告架構,作為委辦單位邀集各部會召開INDC會議討論資料,集結以各部會共識完成我國INDC。 此外協助委辦單位召開9場籌備規劃會議、12場次INDC專案小組會議及8場次部會工作討論會議,協助委辦單位召開相關會議,並至各部會說明INDC內涵及規劃原則,溝通INDC規劃精神,協助各部會提出可行的減量策略,完成INDC報告。將我國INDC目標與國際相比,減量目標形態、涵蓋範疇等皆與先進國家相近,臺灣INDC目標相對2005年和2010年皆為減量,較韓國、新加坡及中國大陸嚴苛,我國INDC目標屬極具企圖心的目標。 三、規劃我國未來低碳經濟與社會可能發展情境 本計畫蒐集與分析國際能源價格變動趨勢與、及我國經濟、產業結構與能源消費,並搭配能源模型,評估國內電力、工業、住宅和服務業、運輸等部門之能源需求與碳排放量等,據以規劃我國未來低碳經濟與社會可能發展情境。 在國際能源價格變動趨勢,油價受到原油市場面臨供過於需的局勢,導致短期油價大幅下跌,但長期油價,以及煤價與天然氣價格會持續上漲。我國產業結構的未來,將朝向高值化與低能秏發展。在情境評估上,搭配不同再生能源發展與效率高低規劃6種情境。結果顯示,若以2005年為基準年,以再生能源發展高案及技術效率高之情境,CO2削減率最高,為56.14%。進一步,檢視各情境下之部門別的CO2削減率,以運輸部門的貢獻最大。因此,在未來減碳路徑的佈局上,除了提高各設備或載具的效率,可加強拉高低碳載具(燃料使用電、氫能或生質能)的市場占比。 四、建構3E低碳發展路徑系統性政策評估模式 本計畫透過國際模式整理,提供與氣候變遷減緩與調適有關之各式模型數據理論與文獻研究基礎。以對應我國之能源、環境、經濟與社會之能力建構結果,作為建構低碳發展路徑系統性政策評估模式架構之模組研究參考。 本計畫完成國際與國內氣候變遷大數據(big data)應用相關科學研究資訊背景整理,提供我國產官學研進行氣候變遷大數據創新育成之應用。以氣候變遷大數據發展架構,搭配氣候變遷調適與減緩數據發展路徑模擬情境,提供委辦單位具備相關應用分析之能力建構與資訊。IMAGE模式若應用於臺灣對應之工作,在空間與時間的尺度上,需將尺度調降,視能資源政策需求劃分為不同區域,建構臺灣區域IMAGE模式,數據模式之整合為初期最重要之工作。 五、宣傳「國家自定預期貢獻」促進國際對我國貢獻的瞭解 本計畫製作完成INDC網頁,協助委辦單位辦理11月17日INDC國際記者會所需資料,製作並印製圖文並茂且淺顯易懂INDC文宣資料及中英文摘要報告,於COP21會議和其他適當場合,進行國際宣傳並供國內民眾參考。
中文關鍵字 國家自定預期貢獻,低碳策略,溫室氣體


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-FA16-03-A222 經費年度 104 計畫經費 6950 千元
專案開始日期 2015/06/01 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 蔡妙姍
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 王俊勝 執行單位 工業技術研究院


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期末報告 INDC 期末報告20160203.pdf 12MB
英文摘要 In order to reveal the ambition of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) required the parties of this protocol to submit their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) for the intentions of reduction emissions by 2020 and the new elements for draft negotiating texts in Paris in 2015, which will make globally climate mitigation and adaptation actions extended to post-2020. The program can predominate the progress in negotiations of INDC under the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change, assist the commissioned panel to prepare the report on INDC, and promote the national determination on INDC by producing propaganda. The energy model is also applied in the program for developing a domestic low-carbon economy and predicting social scenarios in the future. In addition, international practice was gathered and researched in constructing the low-carbon development course, and evaluating the open mode of innovation applications. Each work under this program is in line with the milestone requirements; the progress implemented by each work summarized as follows: 1. Predominate the progress of negotiations of "Intended Nationally Determined Contributions" under the Convention In the program, the formats, items, quantitative data and legal qualitative information etc. of INDC of the world's 188Parties (as of January 05, 2016), as well as a synthesis analysis report proposed by UNFCC, are gathered and analyzed. The emission reduction’s targets of intended determined contributions proposed by the aforementioned Parties will limit the predicted warming to about 2.7℃ by 2100. The results assessed by IEA, UNEP and other international think tanks are the same as 2.7℃ as proposed by the Convention. For significant targets of national INDC which were reviewed by major international think tanks. The EU extended 2020 emission reduction’s targets as well as the United States demonstrated the capability and took its responsibility, which both are among medium appropriateness targets of INDC. Mainland China merely extended its policy about the target of INDC, rather than met the goal of 2℃, its target was rated medium appropriateness; however, the target of carbon intensity is inappropriate. In addition, South Korea, Japan, and Singapore were among the inappropriate target levels of INDC, because they did not meet the goal of 2℃. 2. Initiate inter-ministerial meeting about the study of "Intended Nationally Determined Contributions" synthesis report In the program, the reports on INDC from Switzerland and other countries were gathered, and the model and category of emission reduction’s target proposed by other countries were analyzed and summarized. Information has provided reference for setting the national target of INDC about the emissions reduction. The international think tank’s proposal about the planning process and content of INDC were also gathered and summarized in the program. In order to plan the national reporting structure and to prearrange the schedule about INDC, as a commissioned institution, inter-ministries meetings about INDC were summoned to discuss information and to build consensus between departments to complete the national report on INDC. Furthermore, we can assist commissioned institution to convene 9 preparatory planning meetings, 12 INDC task force meetings, and 8 ministerial works discussion meeting. We also assist commissioned institution to convene relevant meetings, to explain the content, to plan principles of INDC to each department, and to communicate the planning spirit of INDC. We helped each department to propose feasible strategies on emissions reduction, and the report on INDC was eventually completed. Compare the target of the national INDC with those of other countries, the form of emission reduction’s target, coverage scope, and etc. are similar to those of advanced countries. Taiwan’s target for INDC relative to the emissions of 2005 and 2010 both are reduced. In comparison with South Korea, Singapore, and mainland China, we are more demanding and Taiwan’s target for INDC are ambitious. 3. Developing a domestic low-carbon economy and social scenarios may occur in the future. In this program, the trends and changes of international energy prices, domestic economic, industrial structure, and energy consumption are all gathered and analyzed with the energy model. The energy demand and carbon emissions from domestic power plants, industries, resident, and service industries, transportation, and other sectors are evaluated which are the base for planning the domestic low-carbon economy, social scenarios in the future. Depend on the trend of international energy price change, the oil price is influenced by the situation of oversupply at oil market which leads oil price a sharp decline in short term. However, in long term, the oil, coal, and natural gas prices will continue to rise. The domestic industrial structures will develop toward high-value and low energy consumption industry in the future. In the context of assessment, with different levels of developing renewable energy and various efficiency, six scenarios are planning. The results show that, if 2005 was used as the base year, in the scenario of high developed renewable energy and of high efficiency, CO2 has the highest reduction rate of 56.14%. Furthermore, we had reviewed the CO2 reduction rate by departments in all scenarios; the transport sector makes the largest contribution. Therefore, in the planning of carbon reduction ways in the future, in addition to the improvement of the efficiency of the devices and vehicles, it should increase the market share of low carbon vehicles (use electricity, hydrogen or biomass energy fuel). 4. Constructing policy evaluation mode of 3E low-carbon development course system The program was organized through international models; it had provided various model data, theories, and literatures about climate change mitigation and adaptation foundation. In corresponding with the results of energy, environment, economy, and society at our country, and all these results can be used as references for constructing the model of low-carbon development paths, and the frame for systematic policy evaluation models. The program had completed international and domestic climate change big data application by summarizing the related scientific research information. It can provide industries, government, and academic sectors for the applications during innovation incubation on climate change studying. Based on big data, the developed framework on climate change, the adaptation, and the mitigation of climate change data were used to simulate developing scenarios. It provides the commissioned institutions the construction ability, and the analysis applications from information. If IMAGE model is used for the corresponding work in Taiwan, in the scale of space and time, there is a need to lower the scale, depending on the needs of energy resources policy which divided into different areas; thus, constructing IMAGE model in Taiwan by now, data patterns integration is the most important work for the early stage. 5. Promote "Intended Nationally Determined Contributions" to allow international understanding the contribution of our country The program had produced INDC web pages, and it assisted EPAT to convene November 17 INDC international press conference. Crucial information are prepared and produced, and printed as an understandable INDC propaganda with suitable illustrations. The summary report was provided in both Chinese and English for international advocacy on COP21 conference, and other appropriate occasions, as well as used for the domestic public as reference.
英文關鍵字 INDC,Low-Carbon Development Strategy,GHG