

中文摘要 本計畫為延續往年碳中和成果,針對掌握國際碳中和發展趨勢與進行相關案例分析、推動碳中和國際組織交流及研修國內創新減碳作為提出成果報告、制訂推動碳中和之配套措施與政策,及參考國際標準研修、開發與更新推動碳中和及低碳活動之輔導工具。本計畫彙整截至期末報告,簡要說明如下: (一)研析國際低碳作為,融入企業永續經營概念 1.蒐研六家國內外企業之環保低碳作為,包括中國鋼鐵、臺灣造船、聯電、裕隆、IKEA等大型企業,發現各企業不但致力於推動減碳事務,且大多透過成立節能減碳推動小組等相關組織架構,藉由系統性的規劃來執行,並公開且透明性的揭露自我碳排放,符合CSR的要求。並且研究COP21之環保低碳作為及其對應於ISO20121之目標及作法,整理於報告以供國內相關單位參考。 2.為減少溫室氣體的排放,環保署近年除積極擬定各種碳管理策略,並推動各項技術之發展。本計畫研擬利用ISO20121內之永續管理概念,研修我國「環保低碳活動指引」,並且引入PDCA之概念,將活動指引特別不足之處如事後檢討部分以國際共同標準彌補,如現行指引內容主要在P(規劃)及D(執行)上,增加C(檢查)及A(行動)之內容,除了將使我國環保低碳活動推行更加完善之外,亦利於將來與國際間接軌之順暢度。除此之外,重新擬定環保低碳活動自評表,引用國外知名自評表格重新加強內容,減少文字模糊地帶,並且加入碳抵換做為評分項目及更新環保低碳活動指引內相關碳足跡係數。 3.為了輔導企業導入碳中和管理程序,本計畫與歐洲商會(ECCT)、IKEA、第一商業銀行等大型企業洽商,討論推動低碳工作之策略與合作推動碳中和之可行性。另外透過典範企業的篩選確認輔導第一商業銀行為本計畫之輔導碳中和標的,進行實質溫室氣體減量作為與碳中和作業。第一商業銀行領先國內同業自訂「綠色融資審查原則」、積極改善老舊建築取得綠建築標章、推行綠色採購,並榮獲北市環境教育獎民營事業組特優、金省能獎綠建築第二名、台電中小企業節電競賽頭獎,人均減碳量自2013年的2.39噸CO2e降至2014年的2.26噸CO2e/人,減碳效果卓越。本次案例亦透過多項節能措施改善達到年減碳量10%及完成80噸溫室氣體碳中和之目標。 4.本計畫為推廣廢食用油去化管道與中國石油股份有限公司合作研擬本土化小規模減量方法學「生質燃料油生產及應用於工廠鍋爐燃燒能源生產」,已於十一月經過查驗證機構查驗認可。此方法學參考「CDM AMS-I.H 生質柴油生產及應用於固定式能源生產」減量方法學及輔以CDM AMS-III. B化石燃料轉換等內容修訂。本方法學其減碳額度可供終端使用者、生產者或零售商使用,降低添加生質燃料油比例至5%以吸引使用者,並且限定生質燃料油僅能來自於國內廢棄之油脂轉化而成以減少國外運輸造成的碳排放及與食用油競爭之可能。目前已由中油公司向環保署提出減量方法學審查申請。 5.蒐研國際交通部門減碳策略,包括車輛二氧化碳管理作法,公路工程碳足跡盤查、我國近來交通部門減量作為並研析Ubike之管理作為、應用雲端科技的創新作法;以及以電動車廠商睿能科技為例,介紹電動車現行的減碳作為,並以此豐富國內交通部分溫室氣體減量之政策。發現兩者的共通點係利用智慧化及雲端的處理方式大幅縮減所需的人力及物力損耗,調整能源使用狀態。 (二)彙集我國創新減碳作為並參與國際碳管理相關會議 1.蒐集分析各國國家自主決定貢獻(INDC),以提供國內溫室氣體減量及管理策發展參考,目前本計畫已蒐研已發表之160份INDC文件(包含187個國家,其減量規劃約佔全球減碳目標的98%)。由文件中可見各國針對自己國家本身之溫室氣體減量企圖心相較於京都議定書(Kyoto Protocol)或杜哈協議時皆來的更為弘大,但各發展中國家與已開發國家目標仍有差別。 2.聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)的締約國會議(Conference of the Parties)是國際上討論極端氣候指標性會議。本計畫於104年12月派員參與本屆COP21會議,藉由文宣資料,推廣國內碳中和作為。並且與國際知名氣候變遷研究組織,國際治理創新中心(Centre for International Governance Innovation, CIGI) 合作觀察COP21最新進度與分析2020年後新氣候變遷協議內容。 3.本屆COP21產出之「巴黎協定(Paris Agreement)」為繼京都議定書後之全球共同協議並被譽為自UNFCCC成立以來最重要的氣候協議,內容包括(1)訂定未來氣候升溫目標(2℃內);(2)努力之碳中和目標(carbon balance),並且內容不只侷限於減緩一項,而是以「減緩」、「調適」、「資金」、「技術移轉」、「能力建構」及「透明性」六大元素並重;(3)人權主流化以保障低度開發國家及小島國家及氣候資金籌措(2025年前1000億美金2025年後需每年增加)亦是此協定重點之一。 (三)更新建置低碳活動平台及碳中和登錄管理平台 1. 鑑於近年來全球暖化造成之環境衝擊,推動節能減碳並發展相關政策與配套措施,為現今首要行動;本計畫於104年8月28日於宜蘭縣蘭陽博物館辦理一場低碳業務交流會,透過活動,增進地方與中央之間低碳業務交流,並結合署內之推動歷程與未來欲擬定溫室氣體減量及管理法子法介紹,激發更多管理溫室氣體排放的規劃思考。 2.本計畫編撰「邁向碳中和」之電子書中英文版。設定閱聽對象為一般民眾並以簡單易懂的重點,圖示為主,文字為輔的方式進行呈現,並掛置於「碳中和登錄管理平台」(www. http://co2neutral.epa.gov.tw)上,供民眾瀏覽。紙本以環保油墨及再生紙印製成宣傳品於國際交流場合發放(如COP21)。 3.為能使我國推動碳中和的努力及成果有所展現,本計畫製作乙支「碳中和成果紀實」短片,內容包括氣候變遷簡介、碳中和概念介紹、碳中和案例介紹、碳中和標準研修成果,成品已通過環保署文宣平台小組委員會審查。將放置於署內Youtube頻道、研討會或提供給縣市宣傳使用。 4.分析低碳活動之活動排放量來源及減量措施之作法,統整可行性較高之減量措施,公告於「活動碳中和專區」。至105年4月為止環保低碳活動平台上登錄案件為16,481場次,民間單位申請場次約為11%,公家機關89%,顯見未來加強推動民間單位執行低碳活動之必要性。已登錄活動中常見減量措施為控制空調溫度、全場電子化、低碳教育宣導等,符合環保低碳活動指引要求,亦發現活動或會議依據低碳活動指引推動,可減少約20%的碳排放量。
中文關鍵字 碳中和、廢食用油再利用、環保低碳活動


專案計畫編號 EAP-104-GA16-03-A185 經費年度 104 計畫經費 6220 千元
專案開始日期 2015/06/10 專案結束日期 2016/06/09 專案主持人 葉珍羽
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 鄭秉惠 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告正式報告(含附件).pdf 49MB

Establish Paragon Enterprise of Low-carbon and Carbon-neutral Promotion Project

英文摘要 To continue previous projects, this project focused on several perspectives -development of international carbon neutrality trend and related case studies, promoting information exchange among international organizations, researching on domestic creative greenhouse gases reduction implementations, developing policies and actions of implementing carbon neutrality, and developing and updates tools of carbon neutrality and low-carbon activity with international standards. As at the end of this project, we briefly describe our report as follows: (A) Study international low carbon actions and incorporate with concepts of sustainable management in enterprises 1.After studied six outstanding enterprises’ low-carbon actions,including ChinaSteel, China Shipbuilding Crop., United Microelectronics Corporation, Yulon, and IKEA, we found out that they not only promote implementation carbon reduction events, they moreover set energy saving teams to systematically plan and implement and disclosure their self-carbon-emission for achieving requirement of CSR. We also wrote an abstract report as references, after studied environmental protection actions before, during and after COP21 corresponding to goal and methods of ISO20121. 2.To reduce greenhouse gases emission, Taiwan Environmental Protection Association recently not only proactively develop strategies of carbon management from various perspectives, but also promote development of technologies. Followed the concepts of sustainable management from ISO 20121, we edited 「Guidelines of Low-carbon Activities for Protection of Environment」with introducing concepts of PDCA to compensate disadvantages of the original version. For instance, we add concepts of check and act into the new version. It will perfect our implementation of low carbon activities and benefit to increase international compatibility. In addition, Checklist of Environmental Protection and Low Carbon Activity was reedited with an international reference to less ambiguous content and concept of carbon offset was introduced into the checklist. 3.To consult enterprises to introduce carbon management into their central management ideas, we communicated with European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan(ECCT),IKEA, First Commercial Bank to discuss low carbon strategies and possibilities of cooperation. More specifically, The First Commercial Bank was selected to be our target achieving carbon neutrality through our criteria, processing and achieving greenhouse gases reduction and carbon neutrality. The First Commercial Bank, as a vanguard in domestic industries, was awarded Taipei award of environmental education-private industry, rank second in Golden Energy Saving competition-green building team、rank first in Taipower’s small and medium enterprises energy saving competition by establishing “Principle of Green Financing Review”、improving old buildings to earn Green Building Labels, acting green procurement along with reducing carbon emission per capita from 2.39 ton CO2e in 2013年to 2.26 ton CO2ein 2014.In this carbon neutrality case, we reduce 80ton CO2e accounted for 10% annual carbon emission with various energy efficacy improvement. 4. To improve re-usage efficiency of waste cooking oil, we studied and planned a local Clean Development Mechanism-Produce biofuel and apply it factory boilers” with Taiwan Chinese Petroleum Corporation, which has been certified by a legal certification body in November 2015.The methodology refers to「CDM AMS-I.H Biodiesel production and use for energy generation in stationary applications」and “CDM AMS-III.B Switching Fossil Fuels”. The characteristics of the methodology are that(1)carbon credit could be used by users, producers, and retailers;(2) proportion of biofuel is reduced to 5% for attracting users(3) the waste cooking oil which used to transform to biofuel can only from domestic source. Taiwan Chinese Petroleum Corporation had apply for this new methodology to Taiwan EPA. 5.Researched carbon reduction strategies of international traffic department including management of carbon emission from vehicles, carbon footprint of road construction, reduction actions from domestic traffic department, creative management plan of Ubike, and cutting edge approaches of applying internet technology. Gogoro, an electric vehicle company, is an paragon to introduce their carbon reducing behaviors for increase domestic policies. We discovered that the common of both companies is applying smart and cloud technology to largely decrease labor demand and therefore decrease energy usage. (B) Collected creative carbon reduction plans an attended international carbon management meeting. 1.Collected and analyzed Intended Nationally Determined Contributions to as a reference for domestic greenhouse gases reduction policies. There are 160 INDCs revealed onto UNFCC (including 187 countries and 98% of global carbon emission).From this documents, countries have ambitious target compared with target committed in Kyoto Protocol and Doha Commitment. However developing countries and developed countries still have different extents of target. 2. Conference of the Parties held by United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is an index in conferences to discuss extreme climate events. We attended COP21 in December 2014 to promote domestic results of carbon neutrality with flyers. In addition, we cooperated with Centre for International Governance Innovation, CIGI, a famous climate change research institute to analyze negotiation results in COP21 and the new agreement for period after 2020. 3.The Paris Agreement is the most important agreement after Kyoto Protocol and also may be the most important milestone since UNFCCC establishment. The agreement includes (1)a target of temperature increasing(beneath 2℃);(2)a target to dedicate to carbon balance between anthropogenic carbon emission and carbon sequestration, mitigation, adaptation, funding, capability transfer, capability building, and transparency.(3) protect human right to protect least development and island countries(4)climate fund preparation (Before 2025,100 billion dollars and increase annually after 2025). (C)Update and construct a new low carbon activity and carbon neutrality platform. 1.In terms of climate impact caused by climate change, promoting policies of energy saving and efficiency increasing is of priority. We held an information exchange meeting of greenhouse gases reduction methods on 28 Aug, 2015 in LanYang Museum, Yilan. In this meeting, local government and central government exchange their experience of greenhouse gases reduction plans. Moreover, Taiwan EPA introduced “Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction and Management Act” to inspire more ideas of managing greenhouse gases emission. 2.We edited a e-book including Chinese and English version named “Road to Carbon neutrality”. Main target audiences are citizens , so the content e-book of is edited by easily understand sentences and figures. The e-book was uploaded to “Carbon neutrality management platform (www. http://co2neutral.epa.gov.tw)” and was printed by environmental ink and recycled paper and provided to citizens. 3.To exhibit domestic results of promoting carbon neutrality, we produced a short film, “How to Be Carbon Neutrality” to introduce climate change, concept of carbon neutrality, cases introduction of carbon neutrality, and research results of carbon neutral standard. The film has approved by committee of broadcast platform of Taiwan EPA and will be uploaded Youtube channel which belongs to Taiwan EPA, provided to local governments. 4.We analyzed carbon emission source and reduction plants of low-carbon activity and incorporated viable implementing approaches. The result will be announced on the low carbon activity platform. Since April 2016, there are 16,481 cases of low-carbon activity, which has 89% from public sectors, so we induced that it is necessary to enhance efforts on private sectors. In addition, common reduction approached are air-temperature control, electronization, low carbon education, which are achieved the requirement of ” Guidelines of Low-carbon Activities for Protection of Environment”. At last, we found out that if an activity or a meeting follows the Guidelines of Low-carbon Activities for Protection of Environment, the carbon emission could be reduced by 20%.
英文關鍵字 Carbon Neutral, Reusing Waste Cooking Oil, Low Carbon Activities