
南投埔里地區 PM2.5監測系統及推動空氣污染防制志工制度計畫

中文摘要 本研究目的有三:首先,建構低成本的微型空污感測器,據以提供及時且生活化的空氣污染資訊;其次,建構在地長期性的PM2.5空氣污染監測數值,以作為未來分析之用;第三,建構志工制度,鼓勵民眾透過志工的培訓瞭解空氣污染的相關知識,並且參與減量行動,共同為空氣污染減量盡一份心力。 經過一年的努力,本研究團隊已經完成上述目標。首先,我們已經開發出微型環境監測點的硬體,具備偵測PM2.5、PM10、溫度、濕度、與照度的能力,並且特別針對所選用的PM2.5微型感測器的效能進行實驗;其次,軟體開發完成使用者Android app版本、使用者網頁版本、使用者Window版本、管理者的Window版本、以及感測器伺服器與使用者伺服器等,並且,整套系統已經正式上線。第三,本計畫團隊從2016年1月初開始,陸續將監測點實際佈建到大埔里地區、南投縣、彰化縣、斗六市、以及高雄市等區域,監測點已經正式上線運作。在建立志工制度上,我們完成四場次焦點團體座談與若干實用者訪談,並參酌其他縣市或非營利組織舉辦的空氣污染防制志工培訓課程,擬定了「好空氣推動志工的培訓課程地圖、課程項目」內容,以及「好空氣推動志工制度」。此外,我們也辦理南投地區空氣污染防制創客工作坊、與水沙連區域環保寺廟論壇,並且前往埔里地區國中小、高中、大學校園、鄰里社區,進行空污減量宣導活動。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染、細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)、微型監測器、志工制度、埔里


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-FA12-03-A305 經費年度 104 計畫經費 4100 千元
專案開始日期 2015/12/21 專案結束日期 2016/01/31 專案主持人 戴榮賦
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 戴忠良 執行單位 國立暨南國際大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA024 105025.pdf 42MB

Developing the Local PM2.5 Monitoring System and the Volunteer Program for Air Protection

英文摘要 This project has three main objectives. Firstly, the project attempts to develop a low-cost monitoring point which can detect PM2.5 near around in real-time in order to help people sense the invisible particulate matter. Secondly, the project tries to profile the PM2.5 pollution of the local areas by analyzing the collected data in the long-term. Based on the profile, interventions appropriate for each area can be developed. Thirdly, a volunteer program for the air protection will be developed to help people understand the harm of PM2.5, be aware the behavior which cause PM2.5, and take action to reduce PM2.5 near around. The project has finished the goals as planned. The following works have been completed in this year. Firstly, the hardware of the monitoring point has been developed. And 127 monitoring points are established around Puli, Nantou County, Changhua County, Douliou City and Kaohsiung City, which constitute a front-line of detecting PM2.5 in the middle of Taiwan. Secondly, the majority of software for our system has been written out. The system can operate well and is welcomed by the local people. Thirdly, a variety of well-known volunteer programs in other fields are reviewed, and several focus groups have been conducted to collect relevant experts’ opinions and ideas about the volunteer program of air protection. Based on the above work, a draft for the volunteer program has been proposed.
英文關鍵字 Air Pollutants, Particulate Matter2.5, Low-cost Monitoring, Volunteer Program, Puli