中文摘要 | 過去土污基管會各承辦組,皆依據業務需求而建置所需資訊系統,造成會內系統間資料流通不易,有鑑於此,本計畫透過所建置之資料交換平台(CDS)進行系統間資料取得、彙整各子系統相關資料內容,提供資料交換整合應用與系統間之資料交流。 而為了增加資料價值,本計畫亦發展數個應用型系統,以做為管理資訊或決策參考依據,本計畫所建置之應用型系統包含,地理資訊系統(GIS)及各式統計報表(MSS),可做為決策支援資訊之呈現工具。土水支援系統(EIS)提供行動資訊,做為長官在面對立委質詢或記者提問時,可快速查詢所需資料之查閱工具。行動巡查系統(MDS),做為環保局進行場址及監測井調查之輔助工具。 今年度工作重點為,依據第一期計畫規劃成果,進行功能開發建置。本期工作在強化地理資訊系統(GIS)呈現產出功能,規劃建置污染範圍推估基礎前導功能,以做為場址污染模擬初步評估及研擬後續工程之參考。同時以介接成果為基礎規劃土壤及地下水污染3D運算展示模組,從教育宣導或簡易污染源的角度進行研發、實測,並完成一組實作範例,以供未來規劃之參考及環境教育宣導使用。各式統計報表(MSS),以評估擴充統計報表類型與各子系統重複性報表及資料正確性清查為工作重點,以期可提升功能強度,並符合業務單位作業需求。行動巡查系統(MDS),增加離線版本、緊急應變通報、回覆等功能,以提升整體資料品質及正規化各項作業。土水資訊支援系統(EIS),擴充場置性地下水檢測資料內容,新增技術新聞及例行性補助計畫核定經費查詢功能。 除上述應用型系統強化外,本年度亦配合會內業務需求,針對本計畫所負責維運之業務型系統進行功能改版與強化工作,以上為系統的開發與維運工作,其他所需配合之行政工作則延續過去所建立的各項標準作業程序逐一完成,使本計畫符合承辦單位各項要求。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 土壤、地下水、決策支援、土壤及地下水污染場址資訊系統 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-104-GA01-03-A167 | 經費年度 | 104 | 計畫經費 | 14000 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2015/05/11 | 專案結束日期 | 2016/05/10 | 專案主持人 | 黃義芳 |
主辦單位 | 土污基管會 | 承辦人 | 尤衍翔 | 執行單位 | 環資國際有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 104期末報告定稿.pdf | 42MB |
Development of National Soil and Groundwater Management and Decision Support System(Ⅱ)
英文摘要 | In the past, different divisions of the Soil and Groundwater Remediation Fund Management Board constructed different systems according to individual requirements. Therefore, this project is intended to obtain and compile exchange database system (CDS) and to integrate the different information system. It also promotes the inter-divisional data application. In order to increase the value of data application, this project develops several application systems for management and decision making. Geographic Information System (GIS) and Multiple Statistical system (MSS) are useful tools to support decision making. The supervisors could access information from Environmental Information System (EIS) during legislative sessions or journalist’s requirements. While the Mobile Detection System (MDS) assists Environmental Protection Bureaus in examining pollution sites or monitoring wells. This year our point is to construct the systems according to the Phase 1 planning of this project. At this stage, we dedicate to enhance the display of GIS and plan a function that estimates the scope of pollution. It could be as the foundation for preliminary site-specific pollution simulation/evaluation and the ensuing projects. We have planned a module for 3D computing/display of soil and groundwater pollution based on the integrated results. And then we proceed to R&D and survey from the perspective of awareness educations or simple pollution sources. We provided a practical example for planning and environmental education purposes. Regarding the MSS, our major work is to assess the feasibility of expanding MSS types and identify overlapped statements generated from the sub-systems and investigated the accuracy of data. Therefore, in order to strengthen the functions we need of the management. To improve the overall data quality and normalize procedures, the MDS added an off-line version and emergency reporting/response capacities. The EIS also expanded in terms of site-specific groundwater statistics, technical updates and access to the routine subsidy approvals. Besides these application systems development, this year we also assisted the Soil and Groundwater Remediation Fund Management Board to proceed with the business. We maintained, upgraded and strengthened the systems. The aforementioned systems developed and operated to carry out with administrative support, and they implemented according to the existing standard operation procedures. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Soil, Groundwater, Decision Support, Information System for Soil and Groundwater Contaminated Sites |