英文摘要 |
Through the implementation of this project, it is hoped to understand the current situation and trend of international aviation noise control, assist in reviewing the suitability of related aviation noise control regulations, strengthen aviation noise control, and enhance the quality of aviation noise monitoring. On the other hand, since noise issues in various counties (or cities) involve localized features such as provincialism and public perception, Articles 8 and 9 of the Noise Control Act authorizes various county (or city) governments to publicize necessary control measures for noise issues based on situations in their specific jurisdiction. The achievements of this project are as follows:
1. Completed collecting and compiling information on the measures, current situation and trend of international aviation noise control, analyzing the control lists of both central and local governments based on the administrative regulation framework of our country, collecting and analyzing information on the latest regulations on noise control standards relating to civil aircraft promulgated by the International Aviation Organization, and reviewing the current laws and regulations on aviation noise control in our country.
2. Completed strengthening aviation noise control, enhancing the quality of aviation noise monitoring, collecting the latest aviation noise control practices and measures adopted by major international airports around the world, proposing direction of autonomous management(control) over aviation noise at civil airports in our country, advising on operation of aviation noise monitoring stations, and check-up of monitoring centers, establishing an auditing guide on report of aviation noise monitoring at the surrounding area of the airport, creating a “Noise Monitoring Station Explanatory Table” to be used by aviation noise monitoring stations around the country, and maintaining and updating the functions of aviation noise monitoring data interpretation tools.
In addition, completed organizing explanatory meetings about auxiliary tools for aviation noise data interpretation and review and analysis of aviation noise monitoring data for the Environmental Protection Bureau of the counties (or cities) where an airport is located, conducting check-up demonstration at two aviation noise monitoring stations and monitoring centers of an airport for the Environmental Protection Bureau of the counties (or cities) where an airport is located, and selecting one fixed noise monitoring station to set “trigger level” and “duration” for check-up demonstration.
3. Completed analyzing petition cases on noise in various counties (or cities) and proposing control items and content based on the code of conduct or standard pursuant to Articles 8 and 9 of the Noise Control Act.
In addition, completed proposing control facilities and measures for construction projects carrying on construction work at night or on road and updating the “Technical Guide for Construction Project Noise Control”.