

中文摘要 環保署為充分利用經前4R(Redesign, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)後之剩餘有機(生質)廢棄物能源化,藉此解決潛在環境污染問題,並同時達到零碳社會目標,遂委辦本計畫。本計畫主要工項包括辦理政策白皮書編撰工作、評估建置生質廢棄物資訊平台(測試資料庫)及研析如何提升推動效益。 有關辦理政策白皮書編撰工作,本計畫除蒐集彙整德國、丹麥及日本等國家推動生質廢棄物能源化之政策、推動措施及區域案例,亦評估可參採之生質能轉化技術,以及針對國內現行推動政策、各部會執行相關計畫、產業現況及區域案例進行研析,另進一步拜訪中央相關部會、地方政府及民間單位等計15場次,以瞭解現況。本計畫編撰「區域生質廢棄物能源化系統整合推動政策白皮書(初稿)」,內容除彙整前述成果外,亦包括目前我國推動遭遇問題分析及推動策略與措施建議,其中策略架構建議係依中央及地方權責進行分工,並以區域為單位整合料源、技術及應用需求,而推動策略與措施又再依料源、技術、應用及配套措施等主題分別提出建議,特別係配套措施含括營運模式(促參、ESCO及基金應用)、經濟誘因(可參採之獎勵投資措施)、法令規範(涉及規範及法令)及教育宣導等面向,冀供我國評估規劃推動生質廢棄物能源化之策略參考。 考量料源為推動生質能之基礎,故本計畫亦採系統化推估調查國內具潛力生質廢棄物料源,掌握99~103年我國生質廢棄物料源之種類、數量及分布等基線資料,再評估規劃生質廢棄物資訊平台及其相關功能,資訊平台除可供使用者按需求查詢分析數量資料外,未來亦可以此基礎擴充增加相關分析功能。 至於提升推動效益方面,本計畫按103年國內生質廢棄物料源估算能源潛勢,在未計設備建設、後勤系統、操作營運成本及排碳前提下,假設能源潛勢30%用於發電,樂觀估算可產出28億度電/年,並可減少478萬公噸CO2e/年。又本計畫參考環保署政策發展、辦理中計畫及民間現況假設短中(5年)及長期(10年)推動情境,除評析推動效益外,另依8個檢討區域研提各區各階段建議之生質能技術應用組合。此外,亦針對我國現行再生能源躉購費率補助制度及計算公式合宜性進行評析,提出生質能躉購費率調整建議,包括應將購料集運等後勤成本納入估算範圍,以及應開放混燒適用補助資格,而結果亦提供相關主管機關參考,期促進區域生質廢棄物能源化之推動,達減碳及環境永續目標。
中文關鍵字 生質物、生質能、生質能政策


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-FA07-03-A092 經費年度 104 計畫經費 4350 千元
專案開始日期 2015/03/20 專案結束日期 2016/03/19 專案主持人 廖明村
主辦單位 方案整合辦公室(停用) 承辦人 莊炳義 執行單位 中興工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-104-FA07-03-A092.pdf 38MB

The Assessment Project of Promoting Benefits of the Regional Bioenergy Center

英文摘要 In order to solve environmental pollution problems and achieve the goal of “carbon-neutral society” by fully using organic wastes, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) supported this project to compile white paper on bio-energy policy, assess and set up bio-waste information platform, and research into the improving of the implementation and effectiveness of bio-energy policies. First of all, this project collected promotional policies of bio-waste to bio-energy, promotional plans and cases from Germany, Denmark and Japan. Furthermore, this project has studied available domestic bio-energy conversion technologies, promotional policies, cases, as well as previous projects, regulations and current situations. This project also conducted 15 interviews with central and local governments to promote the work and finalized the “White Paper on Regional Waste-to-Energy System (Draft).” In addition to previous efforts, this project further resolved current problems and provided advices on promotional plans and strategies. The framework of the strategies is the assignment of responsibilities to central and local governmental authorities, and to allocate sources, technologies and applications regionally. Advices on strategies and measures are provided by categories (sources, technologies, applications and supporting measures), which include mode of operation, economic incentives, regulations and educations. Regarding bio-energy sources, this project estimated the potentiality of bio-waste in order to understand the overall bio-waste categories, amounts and distributions, and then to establish the information platform for user inquiry and data analysis, as well as for expanding relative analytic functions in the future. Based on previous work of 2014 and without considering cost of constructions, logistic system and operation, this project estimates that the existing waste-to-energy capacity could generate 2.8 billion kWh electricity by assuming 30% potential bio-energy resources being used to generate power, and therefore could reduce 4.78 million CO2e emissions. In addition, referring to EPA’s policy, ongoing plans and current situation, this project sets up short-term (5 years) and long-term (10 years) scenarios to analyze the promotional benefits of bio-energy policies, and 8 districts were selected for case study to review and propose the combination technology of bio-energy for different phases. Besides, this project also analyzed the feed-in tariff system to provide suggestions on feed-in tariff rates adjustment, which incorporates the logistic cost into account as well as mitigating eligibility criteria for co-firing application.
英文關鍵字 Biomass, Bioenergy, Bioenergy policy