

中文摘要 本計畫主軸分為制度管理面、系統優化面及行政輔導面三大面向: 在國際趨勢蒐集本年度主要針對污染防治用藥、病媒防治業管理規定及國外環境用藥查詢網站蒐集,以掌握國際間特定區域與管理制度,藉以評析與我國政策之差異,整合提出可酌參之建議;針對污染防治用藥進行3個國家資料蒐集彙整並評析,並提出2項建議及公告列管篩選原則;在病媒防治業的資料完成6個國家的蒐集及評析,並提出2項短期建議及2項長期建議;針對國外網站完成10個網站蒐集,並進行網站優劣分析納入本年度查詢網站改版參酌;同時為延續實驗室公告期程,本年度進行全臺共計13間藥效實驗室檢查作業,並依據評核結果分為兩梯次進行補件作業及公告,以利來年藥效實驗室公告作業。 系統優化面本年度為加強環境用藥管理,進行管理端6項功能效能調整及建置,在業者端進行資料提升及建置共計7項,在環境用藥許可及執照申請審查功能,主要進行系統友善度功能提升,以符合管理端實際審查現況需求;同時針對既有許可證查詢網站進行網站改版作業,納入國外網站蒐集優點進行調整;另針對通關作業進行非屬環境用藥及天然物質資料介接,已達到業者透過線上申請可快速通關之旨,本年度總計完成13項的功能調整、建置及清查作業,以達成系統全面優化作業。 行政宣導面針對環境用藥業者辦理1場次兩岸交流研討會,與會人次共計183人,滿意度達100%;在系統實機操作說明會,分為北中南共計6場次的操作說明會辦理,與會人次共計220人,滿意度達97.75%,會後依據問卷所提出意見進行系統功能修正;對於一般使用者的宣導,定期更新環境用藥宣導網站,本年度另增加影音專區,並提供13部影片上架,以達全面滲透大眾之日常生活,達到安全選購、使用環境用藥之目的,澈底落實保護環境與維護人體健康之宗旨。
中文關鍵字 環境用藥、污染防治用藥、環境用藥藥效實驗室檢查作業、病媒防治、研討會、環境用藥管理資訊系統、環境用藥宣導


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-J103-02-101 經費年度 104 計畫經費 5700 千元
專案開始日期 2015/05/04 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 劉耕硯
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 洪靜宜 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-104-J103-02-101.pdf 43MB

2015 The Program of Environmental Agents Manage System Operation and Maintenance

英文摘要 The key points of the program are divided into 3 aspects: systematic management、system optimization、administrative guidance To identify the specific international regions and their management systems, to analyze policy differences between Taiwan and these regions to give advice, this year’s program mainly focuses on the administrative regulations of environmental agents for pollution control, vector control and environmental agents inquiry website in foreign countries. It also aims to collect and analyze data about methods for pollution control from four countries and making two proposals, selecting principles listed in announcement; collecting and analyzing data of six countries in vector control industry data, and making two long-term and short-term proposals; collecting ten websites on the basis of foreign website, and analysis of the advantages and disadvantages was offered for the inquiry website revision. Meanwhile, to continue the procedure of laboratory announcement , thirteen efficiency laboratories in total are checked this year in Taiwan, and laboratories should successively offer further information and announcement for efficiency laboratories operation. To strengthen environmental agents management this year, the system optimization will adjust and establish six functions to improve the efficiency of management, and to upgrade and establish seven data of operation side. This will involve mainly upgrading system friendliness for checking environmentally agents permission and applying a license to satisfy a review of existing operations. Meanwhile, the website on the basis of inquiry website with the license will be revised to classify the advantages of foreign website. In addition, because customs checks connects between non-environmentally agents and natural material data, it achieves the aim that users can be cleared by the customs quickly through the online application. This year, the accomplishment of thirteen function adjustments ,establishments and checking makes whole system optimization comes true. Aspect of administrative advocacy: government holds a cross-strait exchanges seminar which has 183 participants in total with 100% satisfaction for users to use environmentally agents. It holds 6 operation meetings in northern, central, and southern Taiwan among system real-machine operation illustration meetings. This has 220 participants in total with 97.75% satisfaction, and system function is amended according to the suggestions made in a questionnaire after the meeting. An advocacy website of environmentally agents will be updated periodically. There will be an increase in movie forums this year, and 13 movies also will be released, all of which advocate for general users.Therefore, the aim of safety purchase and using environmentally agents will be realized, and the aim of environment protection and keeping people healthy can be thoroughly put into practice.
英文關鍵字 Environmental agents, pollution controlling agents, pest control, conference, environmental agents manage system, educational propaganda on environmental agents