

中文摘要 配合臺美雙邊合作計畫,提供改善國內空氣品質所需整合性之資訊,本計畫利用尖端科技及資訊化工具,導入空氣污染防制策略之成本、空氣品質模擬與空氣污染相關民眾健康資訊,探討空氣污染物減量、控制策略所需成本及健康效益之相關性,即時評估國內固定污染源、移動污染源及逸散污染源,擬定其管制措施所花費成本、排放減量後的空氣品質變化及民眾健康效益評估,有效提供中央及地方政府執行空氣污染防制措施減量目標之參考,並發展未來空氣品質相關研究之分析工具。臺灣空氣品質決策支援系統(ABaCAS-Taiwan)經過三年建置與發展,整合排放清冊、控制技術與成本、空氣品質模擬及民眾健康資料,已可作為臺灣空氣品質政策決策之輔助工具,進行空氣污染管制策略之成本與健康效益量化評估。目前系統完成將臺灣排放成本分析系統 (TECAS)和健康效益評估系統(BenMAP)更新為中文化介面,並於TECAS內擴增控制設備現場調查及排放清冊控制成本資料庫,以及於BenMAP擴增疾病死亡率及住院率資料庫,臺灣空氣品質即時反應系統(RSM)也建立臺灣分區模式模擬資料庫,整體而言增進了系統的多元應用性及更人性化的操作使用介面。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質決策支援系統、空氣品質模式、排放控制成本、民眾健康效益


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-FA11-03-A086 經費年度 104 計畫經費 6050 千元
專案開始日期 2015/04/02 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 賴信志
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 謝仁碩 執行單位 長榮大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-104-FA11-03-A086(公開版).pdf 25MB
英文摘要 Based on cooperation program between Taiwan EPA and US EPA, this project aims to develop air benefit and control assessment system (Taiwan-ABaCAS) for providing integrated information of improving air quality in Taiwan. The ABaCAS included air pollution controling cost, air quality modeling data, and air pollution related health outcome. The core principle of ABaCAS is computational quantitative simulation of the economic cost and beneficial on health insurance and mortality while implement specific measure to control air pollutions from stationary, mobile and fugitive emissions. For the governmental decision-maker, the ABaCAS could be applied to evaluate the beneficial-cost efficiency prior to air quality policy implementation. Within three years development, the Taiwan-ABaCAS was built with three supporting databases, including Taiwan emission cost analysis system (TECAS, updated to version 8.1), health benefit evaluation system (BenMAP, Taiwan Mandarin interface, 2008-2013 mortality and hospitalization imported) and air quality immediate response system (RSM, simulation based on air and weather data of 2010).
英文關鍵字 Air benefit and control assessment system, air quality model, emissions control cost, health benefits