

中文摘要 低碳永續家園建構工作涉及不同專業領域的技術與設備,且需各級政府部門、公民營企業、各社團團體與民眾的參與,因此建置即時、有效的資訊溝通與資源交換平台,提供各參與者瞭解運作內涵、擔負角色與能發揮的功能,是整體橫向與縱向運作的關鍵。據此,環保署建置「低碳永續家園資訊網」,作為資訊整合及交流之平台,除展現執行成果,也公開各項低碳永續行動項目之具體內容與執行說明。   本年度除持續維護管理與強化低碳永續家園資訊網頁,也因應行動項目簡化整併同時更新及提供認證評等專區運作與查詢功能,檢討管制考核網頁,簡化填報欄位設計,及更新各子頁面符合響應式網頁設計。   103年7月開始推動認證評等至今,已累積許多資料。因此將資料庫彙整為有用的資訊,並建立不同維度之交叉分析與統計應用等查詢系統,提升加值運用績效,做為政策擬定之參考。   本計畫另建立低碳永續示範社區專區,內容包含低碳永續示範社區沿革、簡介、大小事及總體成果展現;另與社區產業進行連結,提供社區產業介紹之平台,以展現推動成果與節能減碳成效。 為能進一步教育與宣傳低碳永續概念與行為,且增加民眾參與程度,本年度新增建置文創產品設計系統,提供參與單位線上製作文創產品,作為低碳永續家園宣導之用途。
中文關鍵字 認證評等、低碳永續家園、運作機能


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-FA07-03-A170 經費年度 104 計畫經費 3150 千元
專案開始日期 2015/04/08 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 薛安聿
主辦單位 方案整合辦公室(停用) 承辦人 陳曉真 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年低碳永續家園資訊網維護管理專案工作計畫期末報告.pdf 12MB

Project Task Plan for the 2015 Low-carbon Sustainable Homeland Information System Maintenance and Management

英文摘要 The construction of a low carbon sustainable homeland involves techniques and equipment from diverse professional fields, and requires the joint participation of government agencies at all levels, public and private enterprises, organizations and groups, as well as the general public. Therefore, the key to a well-integrated lateral and vertical operation would be building a real-time effective platform for information communication and resource exchange that enables all of the participants to understand the whole operation, their roles and achievable contribution. As the platform for information integration and exchange, the “Low Carbon Sustainable Information System” established by the Environmental Protection Administration not only reveals the execution achievements, but also makes public the specific content and execution specification of various low carbon sustainable tasks. Besides the continuous maintenance and management of the Low Carbon Sustainable Information System, we update and maintain the information system framework and English website in applying the simplification and consolidation of the tasks, with all subpages conforming to the responsive web design. We have accumulated a lot of data since the promotion of the Certification Evaluation began in July 2014. We compiled the database into useful information, established the inquiry system of cross analysis and statistical application on different dimensions, and improved the performance of the value-added application, which can be used as the reference for making policies. Moreover, the project will establish the special zone of the exemplary low carbon sustainable communities, showing the history, brief introduction, major and minor events, and overall achievements of the exemplary communities. The connection with the cultural and creative industry in the community will be maintained to provide the platform for introducing community industries, in the hope of showing the promotion achievements, energy saving and carbon reduction effects, as well as to serve as models to learn from. To further educate and popularize the concept and behavior of low carbon sustainability, and to enhance the participation of the general public, we constructed the cultural and creative product design system of low carbon sustainable homeland achievements to facilitate the participation of manufacturing cultural and creative products on line, which can be used in the promotion of a low carbon sustainable homeland.
英文關鍵字 Low-carbon and Sustainable Living Area, Certification Evaluation Regulations, Operation Mechanism