

中文摘要 成果摘要 『105年度花蓮縣電動機車推廣設置計畫』執行期程自決標日起至105年3月2日,主要工作內容包含協助機關進行補助審查作業、宣導活動辦理、多媒體行銷、實車查核、問卷調查、推廣策略等六項進行規劃執行,今年度各項工作執行如下: 一、 補助審查作業 配合花蓮縣政府推行「低碳友善環境」,持續維護花蓮的良好空氣品質,減少傳統高污染機車對空氣品質的破壞,鼓勵民眾使用低污染交通工具,提升本縣鄉親換購低污染交通工具之意願,協助環保局辦理「花蓮縣105年電動機車花東基金加碼補助」申請案件受理、審查及撥款等業務,目前申請案件已完成1,050輛次申請作業。 二、宣導活動辦理 (一) 為提升於電動機車宣導效益,本計畫配合各機關於縣內各場大型活動中設置宣導攤位,展示符合經濟部工業局TES認可之低污染運具,供民眾參考及試乘,提高民眾購買意願,本年度共配合各機關辦理7場次宣導活動及1場次宣導說明會。 (二) 另外藉由搭配多元之推廣宣導活動,如搭配花蓮縣政府辦理「5月份健走、淨灘活動」、「花蓮縣義民祭文化活動」等,本計畫現場發送印製有關電動機車補助及充電站相關資訊文宣,由宣導人員依序與民眾進行互動問答,透過小遊戲互動,加深民眾對於電動機車的認知與了解,進一步增加民眾購買意願及宣導效益,每場宣導活動參加人數至少100人。 (三) 已購置2,500份宣導品供宣導活動中使用。 三、多媒體行銷 (一) 委託洄瀾、東亞有線電視跑馬燈播放宣導每月4日(兩系統每月各2日)洄瀾每日6線每30分鐘播出1次,每月可播出576次,東亞每日7線,每10分鐘播出1次東亞每月可播出2,016次,宣導內容為電動機車補助金額、補助方式、補助期限及客服專線等訊息,每月播出2,000次以上,全年度共播出15,552次。 (二) 另委託洄瀾有線電視製作「騎乘電動機車好處多」宣導短片,自5月起每月於洄瀾有線電視進行短片託播,目前已完成短片託播30日,每日播放8次。 (三) 為了讓有收聽廣播習慣之民眾及開車族能透過收聽廣播,聽取本縣環保局105年度推廣新(換)購電動機車補助方案,委託中國廣播公司及好事聯播網,共5頻道進行託播,每月180次以上,全年度共播出1,694次。 (四) 在科技資訊發達的現在許多人會透過網路蒐集、尋找所需之資訊,有鑑於此,本計畫於花蓮環保局網站連結專案網頁「花蓮縣環境保護局電動機車推廣設置資訊網」,即時更新目前電動機車補助剩餘數量及充電站資訊等,讓民眾可以更方便獲取相關資訊。 四、實車查核 為確認104年申請電動機車補助,申請人是否依照「105年度花蓮縣新購電動機車補助注意事項及淘汰二行程機車新購電動機車推動補助辦法」,申請補助車輛需於花蓮縣境內使用,且時效內不得辦理過戶等規定,本計畫依104年民眾申請補助資料,查核申請人與車籍資料是否有異動情形,全年度共查核313輛次,僅1輛次於期限內進行異動,並要求車主繳回花東基金補助款新台幣2萬元。 五、問卷調查 為了解本縣104年使用電動機車之民眾,對於使用電動機車後心得,本計畫設計有關補助時效、使用狀況、使用心得及建議事項等相關問題問卷,於實車查核時,請受訪人員協助問卷填寫,今年度共回收204份問卷,並進行統計分析。 六、電動機車充電站及電池交換站設置 為提升本縣電動機車使用便利性,全縣目前共設置88坐電動車充電站及11座電池交換站,設置地點如下: 表1花蓮縣電動機車設置地點表 編號 設置地點 編號 設置地點 編號 設置地點 編號 設置地點 1 太魯閣遊客中心 23 花蓮市自強農會 45 吉安鄉圖書館 67 統冠超市-光復店 2 統冠超市新城店 24 花蓮觀光酒廠 46 吉安鄉公所 68 民生社區資源回收站 3 新秀地區農會 25 統冠超市府前店 47 吉安鄉調解委員會 69 東華大學宿舍停車場 4 七星柴魚博物館 26 統冠超市國聯店 48 南埔加油站 70 麥當勞花蓮中山二店 5 805醫院 27 北濱極限公園 49 慶豐郵局 71 麥當勞花蓮吉安店 6 家樂福側門 28 民權里活動中心 50 吉安鄉清潔隊 72 亞緻會館 7 地耕味玩味蕃樂園 29 民有里休憩所 51 慈濟科大 73 太平洋公園 8 北國泰診所 30 景觀橋 52 山海關大樓 74 花蓮文創園區 9 民意甲社區 31 麥當勞中正店 53 統冠超市太昌店 75 陽光電城 10 民意乙社區 32 花蓮市公所 54 統冠超市-自強店 76 東海岸遊客中心 11 碧雲莊活動中心 33 遠東地下停車場 55 統冠超市-慶豐店 77 磯崎濱海遊憩中心 12 統冠超市美崙店 34 主權里活動中心 56 全聯超市壽豐店 78 石梯坪遊憩區 13 環保局 35 花蓮郵政總局 57 東華行政大樓地下室 79 豐濱鄉公所 14 縣府右停車場 36 國富里活動中心 58 東華單車停車場 80 吉安鄉阿美族文物館 15 縣府左停車場 37 慈濟醫院 59 豐華再現館 81 光復糖廠 16 忠烈祠牌樓 38 田埔農會超市 60 統冠超市豐田店 82 瑞穗生態教育館 17 全聯建國店 39 國福活動中心 61 鯉魚潭潭南停車場 83 全聯超市-瑞穗店 18 民孝國宅 40 花蓮市立調解會 62 新光兆豐休閒農場 84 秀姑巒溪遊客中心 19 德興體育場 41 北昌村活動中心 63 全聯超市鳳林店 85 富興客棧 20 全聯超市美崙店 42 全聯超市太昌店 64 鳳林鎮公所 86 統冠超市-玉里店 21 全聯超市中正店 43 後山.山後故事館 65 蜂之鄉蜜蜂生態館 87 玉里榮民醫院 22 全聯超市重慶店 44 慶修院 66 全聯超市吉安店 88 玉里鎮調解委員會 表2花蓮縣電動機車電池交換站設置地點表 編號 廠牌 設置地點 地址 1 易速達 太魯閣大橋旁(勝利機車行) 新城鄉新興路132號 2 易速達 七星潭風景區(遊客中心旁) 新城鄉七星街32號 3 易速達 花蓮縣環境保護局 花蓮市民權路123號 4 易速達 名陽租車行(花蓮火車站旁) 花蓮市國聯一路158-8號 5 易速達 勇勝機車行 花蓮市中華路266號 6 易速達 東祥聯合租賃 花蓮市林森路35號 7 易速達 東祥電動車中山店 花蓮市中山路473之4號 8 易速達 勇勝車業吉安店 吉安鄉福興村吉安路三段55號 9 易速達 統冠超市志學店 壽豐鄉中正路210巷2號 10 易速達 鯉魚潭風景區 壽豐鄉池南路一段15號 11 中華 日興電動車 花蓮市中華路18號 七、推廣策略 本計畫依本縣現行狀況,規劃分近期及中長期階段推動方式,說明如下: (一)近期:示範運行階段(2016年~2018年) 1.擴大示範區域:透過公開評選機制,委託有意願業者辦理租賃電動機車,進行電池交換;將以後山山後故事館為中心,北至七星潭風景區、南至花東縱谷、台11線進行試辦,未來將試辦經驗擴大到全縣,視營運狀況,逐漸擴大試運行範圍及降低補助費用,達到使用者付費之目的。 2.持續加碼獎勵民眾高污染老舊機車換購電動機車。 3.補助民眾參與電動機車電池交換費用。 4.補助公司或社區,設置投幣式電動機車充電站。 (二)中、長期:成熟階段(2018~) 1.補助民眾參加電動機車電池交換系統,隨著營運商達到商業營運規模,則遞減補助金額,由電池交換營運商自負盈虧。 2.持續加碼獎勵民眾高污染老舊機車換購電動機車。 3.配合機動車輛空品淨區管制(如:太魯閣風景區、鯉魚潭風景區),使用電動機車當交通工具。 4.推動公部門新購電動機車取代傳統燃油機車,當公務車使用,列入考核評比。 5.推動車輛共享系統,在本縣設置公共電動機車租賃系統,發展電動機車共享系統,使得來花蓮旅遊觀光客,能非常方便租借到電動車輛,完成低碳樂活旅遊。 八、目前工作達成率:100%,如表1。 表3 本計畫工作成果摘要表(1/3) 項次 工作項目 契約量 實際 執行量 達成率(%) 1 104年度補助電動機車使用者設計問卷調查表 200份 204份 102% 2 針對補助之電動機車實施追蹤查核,查核車輛不得重複 240輛 313輛 130% 3 進行本縣年度電動機車市場、通路調查分析暨行銷策略調查,及設籍本縣現有數量、車型及年份等研析作業 1式 1式 100% 4 追蹤電動機車與電池交換站使用情形及優劣點 1式 1式 100% 5 研析本縣電池交換系統營運模式短、中、長建構作業 1式 1式 100% 6 辦理花東基金加碼補助申請案件受理、審查及撥款業務 1,050輛 1,050輛 100% 表3 本計畫階段性工作成果摘要表(2/3) 項次 工作項目 契約量 實際 執行量 達成率(%) 7 進行電動機車推廣宣導試騎及電動機車電池交換宣導等活動 6場 8場 133% 8 海報設計印製並張貼 300張 300張 100% 9 宣傳摺頁設計印製 2,500份 2,500份 100% 10 宣導品購置 2,500份 2,500份 100% 11 有線電視跑馬燈播放宣導 10,368次 15,552次 150% 12 宣導短片製作 1部 1部 100% 13 宣導短片託播 30天 30天 100% 14 廣播電台託播宣導 1,620次 1,694次 104% 15 垃圾車隨車廣播宣導 1式 1式 100% 16 輔導本縣業者建置電動機車充電站 2站 2站 100% 17 宣邀請電動機車廠商設置人工交換站 5站 11站 220% 表3 本計畫階段性工作成果摘要表(3/3) 項次 工作項目 契約量 實際 執行量 達成率(%) 18 每月10日前向機關提送工作月報 10式 10式 100% 19 期中、期末成果報告 2式 2式 100% 六、進度管控率: 100%
中文關鍵字 花蓮縣電動機車,充電站,交換站,花東基金


專案計畫編號 EPB1050127 經費年度 105 計畫經費 2800 千元
專案開始日期 2016/03/02 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 陳永勳
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 劉美杏 執行單位 新研綠能科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 花蓮縣105年電動機車推廣設置計畫期末成果報告.pdf 9MB

Hualian County 105 years electric locomotive promotion and setting plan

英文摘要 Summary of results "2005 Hualien County electric locomotive promotion and setting plan" implementation period from the date of the decision until March 2, 2005, the main work includes assistance to the organization to carry out the work of subsidy review, publicity activities, multimedia marketing, real vehicle inspection, Questionnaire survey, promotion strategy and other six to carry out the implementation of the plan this year, the implementation of the following: First, the subsidy review operations With the implementation of the "low-carbon friendly environment" in Hualien County, it will continue to maintain the good air quality of Hualien, reduce the damage to the air quality of traditional high-pollution locomotives, encourage people to use low-pollution vehicles to enhance the willingness of the county to carry out low-pollution vehicles , To assist the Environmental Protection Agency for "Hualien County 105 years electric locomotive flower East Fund overweight subsidy" application case acceptance, review and funding business, the current application has been completed 1,050 applications. Second, advocacy activities for (1) In order to enhance the efficiency of electric locomotives, the project is equipped with the establishment of the exhibition booths in various large-scale activities in the prefecture, and shows the low-pollution vehicles approved by the TES of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Multiply, raise the willingness of the people to buy, this year with a total of seven agencies for the activities of publicity activities and a briefing session. (2) In addition to the promotion of propaganda activities with a variety of activities, such as with the Hualien county government for "May walking, net beach activities", "Hualien County Yimin Festival cultural activities", the program sent to reproduce the relevant motor Car subsidy and charging station related information, by the propaganda staff in order to interact with the public Q & A, through the small game interaction, to deepen the public awareness and understanding of electric locomotives, and further increase the people's willingness to buy and publicity benefits, each propaganda There are at least 100 participants. (C) has purchased 2,500 copies of the declaration for use in advocacy activities. Third, multimedia marketing (1) commissioned whirlpool, East Asia cable TV ballet broadcast propaganda every month 4 days (two systems each month 2 days) whine daily 6 lines every 30 minutes broadcast 1 times a month can broadcast 576 times, East Asia 7 lines per day, every 10 minutes broadcast 1 East Asia can play 2,016 times per month, the publicity content for the electric locomotive subsidies, subsidies, subsidies and customer service line and other information, broadcast more than 2,000 times a month, A total of 15,552 times a year. (2) commissioned by the whirlpool cable TV production "riding electric locomotive benefits and more" propaganda short film, since May every month in the whirlpool cable television for short film, has now completed the video broadcast 30 days, the daily broadcast 8 times. (C) In order to allow people and car owners who have listened to the broadcasting habits to listen to the radio, listen to the county Environmental Protection Agency 105 to promote the new (for) to buy electric locomotive subsidy program, commissioned by the China Broadcasting Corporation and the good news network, a total of 5 channels Toll, more than 180 times a month, the annual broadcast of 1,694 times. (4) Now that many people in science and technology information will be collected through the Internet and find the information they need. In view of this, the project is linked to the Hualien Environmental Protection Agency website. "Hualien County Environmental Protection Bureau Electric Motor Vehicle Promotion Information Network ", The current update of the current number of electric locomotive subsidies and charging station information, so that people can more convenient access to relevant information. Four, real car check In order to confirm the subsidy for electric locomotives in 104 years, the applicant is required to apply for subsidized vehicles in Hualien County in accordance with the "Supplementary Measures for the purchase of electric locomotives in Hualien County for the year of 2005 and the elimination of new electric locomotives for two-way locomotives" The provisions of the transfer within the provisions of the provisions of the plan, according to 104 people in the program to apply for subsidies to check the applicant and the car information is subject to change the situation, the annual total of 313 checks, only one time to change within the period, and Asked the owner to pay back the East fund subsidy NT $ 20,000. Fifth, the questionnaire survey In order to understand the use of electric locomotives in the county for 104 years, we have asked the questionnaires such as the time limit for the use of electric locomotives and the relevant questionnaires such as the timeliness of the subsidy, the use status, the use experience and the suggestions. A total of 204 questionnaires were collected and analyzed statistically. 6, electric locomotive charging station and battery exchange station settings In order to enhance the convenience of the use of electric locomotive in the county, the county is currently set up 88 electric car charging station and 11 battery exchange station, set the location as follows: Table 1 Hualien County electric locomotive installation site table No. Set the location number Set the location number Set the location number Set the location 1 Tarou Pavilion Visitor Center 23 Hualien City Qiangnonghui 45 Ji'an Township Library 67 Guanguan Supermarket - Guangfu Shop 2 Guan Guan Supermarket Shop 24 Hualien Tourist Winery 46 Ji'an Township Office 68 Minsheng Community Resource Recycling Station 3 rookie area peasant association 25 crown crown supermarket front shop 47 Kyrgyz town mediation committee 69 Donghua university dormitory parking lot 4 Qixing Chaiqi Museum 26 Guanguan Supermarket State League 48 Nanpu Gas Station 70 McDonald's Hualian Zhongshan Zhongdian 5 805 Hospital 27 Beibin Limiting Park 49 Qingfeng Post Office 71 McDonald's Hualien Ji'an shop 6 Le Fu side door 28 civil rights center 50 Ji'an Township cleaning team 72 Asia meeting hall 7 Landing Taste Fan Paradise 29 People There is a recreation center 51 Tzu Chiwa Great Pacific Park 8 North Cathay Pacific Clinic 30 Landscape Bridge 52 Shanhaiguan Building 74 Hualian Wenchuang Park 9 Minami Serie A Community 31 McDonald's Zhongzheng shop 53 Guanguan Supermarket Taichang shop 75 Sunshine City 10 Public Opinion B Community 32 Hualien City Public Office 54 Crown Crown Supermarket - Self-reliance shop 76 East Coast Visitor Center 11 Biyunzhuang Activity Center 33 Far East Underground Parking 55 Crown Crown Supermarket - Qingfeng shop 77 Isozaki Coastal Recreation Center 12 Guan Guan Supermarket Meilun Store 34 Sovereign Activity Center 56 Sumitomo Supermarket Shoufeng Shop 78 Shishi Ping Recreation Area 13 Environmental Protection Bureau 35 Hualien Post Office 57 Donghua Administration Building Basement 79 Fengbin Township Office 14 prefectural right parking lot 36 Kurume activity center 58 Tung Wah cycling parking lot 80 Kyrgyz town office 15 prefectural government parking lot 37 Tzu Chi hospital 59 Fenghua reproduction hall 81 light recovery sugar factory 16 martyrs of the palace archway 38 Tian Po Nong supermarket supermarket 60 crown supermarket supermarket shop 82 Mizuho ecological education hall 17 All-China Construction Co., Ltd. 39 Guofu Activity Center 61 Carp Tam Tam Tan Car Park 83 All-in-One Supermarket - Mizuho Store 18 people filial piety house 40 Hualien city mediation session 62 Shin Kong Mega leisure farm 84 show Kulanxi tourist center 19 Dexing Stadium 41 Beichang Village Activity Center 63 Quanlian Supermarket Fenglin shop 85 Fuxing Inn 20 Quanmian Supermarket Meilun shop 42 Quanlian Supermarket Taichang shop 64 Fenglin town house 86 Crown supermarkets - Yu Li shop 21 full of the supermarket Zhongcheng shop 43 after the mountain. Mountain after the story of the 65 bees of the bee ecological museum 87 Yuli Rongmin hospital 22 Union Supermarket Chongqing store 44 celebration house 66 full of the supermarket Ji'an shop 88 Yuli town mediation committee Table 2 Hualien County electric locomotive battery exchange station location table Number Set the address of the location 1 easy to reach the Tai Lu Ge Bridge (victory motorcycle) new urban and rural Xin Road 132 2 easy to reach the Star Star Scenic Area (next to the tourist center) new urban and rural Qixing Street on the 32nd 3 easy to speed Hualien County Environmental Protection Bureau Hualien City, the right road 123 4 easy to reach the name of the car rental car (Hualien Railway Station next to Hualien City League all the way 158-8 5 easy to speed up the car ride Hualien City Road 266, China 6 easy to speed Dongxiang joint leasing Hualien City Lin Sen Road 35 7 easy to reach the Dongxiang electric car Zhongshan shop Hualien City, Zhongshan Road 473 on the 4th 8 easy to speed up the car industry Ji'an shop Ji'an Township Fuxing Village Ji'an Road, No. 55 9 easy to reach the crown of the supermarket Zhixue Shou Feng Township Lane 210 Lane Lane on the 2nd 10 easy to speed up the carp Lake Scenic Area Shoufeng Township, a section of the road on the 15th China 's Nikko electric car Hualien City Road on the 18th Seven, promotion strategy The current plan in accordance with the county's current situation, planning points in the near future and long-term stage to promote the way, as follows: (A) recent: demonstration run phase (2016 ~ 2018 years) 1. Expand the demonstration area: through the public selection mechanism, commissioned by the willing to apply for the rental electric locomotive, the battery exchange; after the mountain after the museum as the center, north to Qixingpan scenic area, south to the East Rift Valley, Taiwan 11 line Pilot, the future will try to expand the experience to the county, depending on the operating conditions, and gradually expand the scope of trial operation and reduce the subsidy costs, to achieve the purpose of the user to pay. 2. Continued overweight reward people high pollution old locomotive redemption electric locomotive. 3. subsidize the public to participate in electric locomotive battery exchange costs. 4. Subsidy company or community, set coin-operated electric locomotive charging station. (2) medium and long term: mature stage (2018 ~) 1. To subsidize the public to participate in the electric locomotive battery exchange system, as the operator reaches the commercial operation scale, the amount of subsidy is reduced by the battery exchange operator's own profit and loss. 2. Continued overweight reward people high pollution old locomotive redemption electric locomotive. 3. With the motor vehicle empty net control (such as: Tarou scenic area, carp Lake Scenic Area), the use of electric locomotives as a vehicle. 4. To promote the public sector to replace the traditional purchase of electric locomotives, when the official use of vehicles, included in the assessment rating. 5. To promote the vehicle sharing system, in the county set up public electric locomotive rental system, the development of electric locomotive sharing system, making Hualien tourist tourists, can be very convenient to rent to electric vehicles, complete low-carbon live music. 8, the current work rate: 100%, as shown in Table 1. Table 3 Summary of the work of the project (1/3) The actual amount of the contract Execution Capacity (%) 1 104 Annual subsidy Electric locomotive user design Questionnaire 200 204 204% 2 for the subsidy of the electric locomotive follow-up inspection, check the vehicle shall not be repeated 240 313 130% 3 to carry out the county's annual electric locomotive market, pathway survey and analysis and marketing strategy survey, and set the county's existing number, model and year, etc. 1 type 1 type 100% 4 tracking electric locomotive and battery exchange station use the advantages and disadvantages of a type 1 type 100% 5 Analysis of the county battery exchange system operating mode short, medium and long construction 1 type 1 type 100% 6 for the East spent gold subsidy application case acceptance, review and funding business 1,050 1,050 100%   Table 3 Summary of the work of the program (2/3) The actual amount of the contract Execution Capacity (%) 7 for electric locomotive promotion propaganda test ride and electric locomotive battery exchange promotion and other activities 6 games 8 games 133% 8 poster design printed and posted 300 300 pieces 100% 9 promotional folding design printing 2,500 copies 2,500 copies 100% 10 Warranty purchase 2,500 copies 2,500 parts 100% 11 Cable TV Marquee Playing Propaganda 10,368 Times 15,552 Times 150% 12 Announcement of short film production 1 1 100% 13 Announcement of the film 30 days 30 days 100% 14 radio station propaganda propaganda 1,620 times 1,694 times 104% 15 garbage truck car broadcast propaganda 1 type 1 type 100% 16 counseling the county industry to build electric locomotive charging station 2 station 2 station 100% 17 Xuan invited electric locomotive manufacturers to set up manual exchange station 5 station 11 station 220% Table 3 Summary of the work of the program (3/3) The actual amount of the contract Execution Capacity (%) 18 10 days before the month to the authorities to submit work monthly report 10 type 10 type 100% 19 period, the end of the results report 2 type 2 type 100% Sixth, progress control rate: 100% Google 翻譯企業版:譯者工具包網站翻譯工具全球商機搜尋器
英文關鍵字 Hualien County electric locomotive, charging station, battery exchange station, flower East Fund