

中文摘要 截至期末統計期程,各項工作執行成果摘要如下: (一) 推動許可管制制度 本年度計有14件許可申請案件,分別為設置許可證2件次,操作許可證異動12件次,平均審查日數8.5日,均符合法定期限(30日),其次透過許可申請時,與業者討論排放量合理性,輔導降低許可核定排放量,促成粒狀污染物減量0.052噸/年、硫氧化物減量0.646噸/年、氮氧化物減量13.795噸/年、一氧化碳減量0.014噸/年及揮發性有機物減量1.127噸/年。另為有效落實許可制度,執行許可查核47件次,業者均符合法規。 (二) 固定源列管資料清查 本年度共完成列管資料清查146家,達成率100%。經更新後,嘉義市固定污染源總列管公私場所為344家,較上年度增加9家。由完成建檔固定污染源資料庫資料統計顯示,製程污染排放量部分,粒狀污染物為39.93公噸/年,較上年度減少13.42噸、硫氧化物19.74公噸/年,較上年度減少4.2噸、氮氧化物118.50噸/年,較上年度增加4.56噸、揮發性有機物129.11噸/年,較上年度增加6.99噸、一氧化碳32.20噸/年,較上年度增加5.12噸。 (三) 空污費徵收與查核作業 在空污費徵收方面,完成104年第4季至105年第2季空污費徵收審查作業,總計空污費列管公私場所83家,平均申報率及到繳率為100%。其中,104年第4季補繳率100%(補繳450元)。 空污費查核方面,硫氧化物及氮氧化物完成75件次,揮發性有機物完成69家次。SOx/NOx共8家查得活動強度有誤;VOCs查核中,共5家查得活動強度有誤及3家儲槽儲油量錯誤,核算後未影響空污費,輔導後均完成申報與修正。 完成8家使用低油燃油業者抽測油品含硫量,抽測結果皆為0.4%,均符合法規標準0.5%,對本市VOC重大污染源之臺灣中油股份有限公司溶劑化學事業部執行設備元件檢測1700點次,稽查抽測結果,洩漏濃度值1~5ppm比例最高,佔77.29%,其次為5~100ppm,佔21.88%,而100~1000ppm僅佔0.82%,整體抽測結果,均低於法規洩漏定義值1,000ppm。抽測1700點次中,其設備元件洩漏個數(C>5ppm)為58個,未超過設備元件洩漏個數上限58個,抽測採樣結果符合空污費申報情形。 (四) 固定污染源法規符合度查核 固定污染源法規符合度方面,針對轄區列管公私場所執行查核作業,包含逸散性管辦對象之周界粒狀污染物2件次(檢測結果140µg/Nm3,低於法規標準500µg/Nm3;檢測結果122µg/Nm3,低於法規標準500µg/Nm3)、屢遭民眾陳情對象之異味官能測定2件次(檢測結果19,高於法規標準10;檢測結果1740,高於法規標準1000)及煙道檢測1件次(檢測結果粒狀物88 mg/Nm3,低於法規標準100 mg/Nm3、檢測結果SOx 6 ppm,低於法規標準300 ppm,NOx 153 ppm,低於法規標準250 ppm)、嘉義市焚化廠之重金屬稽查檢測1件次(檢測結果鉛0.0489 mg/Nm3,低於法規標準0.2 mg/Nm3、檢測結果鎘0.00333 mg/Nm3,低於法規標準0.02 mg/Nm3,汞0.0049 mg/Nm3,低於法規標準0.05 mg/Nm3)及加油站之氣油比及氣漏檢測24站次(共抽測239槍,合格225槍,平均抽測合格率94.14%,其不合格槍數皆已全數改善完成)。異味官能測定後續依法告發並限期改善。 (五) 稽巡查作業 本年度共完成稽巡查作業453件次。其中,巡查作業159件次,主要針對轄區污染排放量較大及配合環保署排放量計畫或補助辦法進行巡查,如石油煉製業、加油站業、旅館業,目前各廠巡查狀況良好。稽查294件次中,陳情稽查佔40%最高、其次為檢測稽查有佔16%。 本年度針對當月遭獲陳情2次以上之業者計有4廠,則於下月進行巡查或稽查作業。另針對104年度屢遭陳情案件3廠,則每2個月進行至少一次巡查或稽查作業。透過主動稽巡查及輔導作業,皆未在接獲民眾陳情電話。 (六) 固定污染源宣導會議 為加強公私場所落實許可制度及相關固定污染源法規認知,並透過宣導會議,促進業者與環保機關溝通管道,本年度辦理3場次宣導說明會議,達成率100%,分為之嘉義市加油站油氣回收設備管制與年度評鑑作業宣導說明會、空氣污染防制費申報及法規宣導暨道路認養評鑑作業重點說明會及固定污染源許可審查原則及污染防制設備解說宣導說明會,出席率分別為89.47%、45.78%及61.29%。
中文關鍵字 固定污染源、許可證、硫氧化物、氮氧化物、更新擴充、稽巡查、加油站


專案計畫編號 1050217 經費年度 105 計畫經費 3400 千元
專案開始日期 2016/03/04 專案結束日期 2016/12/15 專案主持人 蕭伯任
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 蔡坤憲 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 2.105固污計畫期末報告_定稿- v1.pdf 12MB
英文摘要 From March 4, 2016 to December 15, 2016, the results of the work are summarized as follows: (一) Promote licensing control system Till midterm this year, there has been fourteen license applications filed: setting permit two times and the operation permit change twelve times respectively, with an average of the number of review days 8.5 days, which meets the statutory deadline (30 days). Secondly, through the license application, discussions were made with industry owners about emissions rationality, and counseling was used to reduce emissions permit, which contributed to particulate pollutants reduction of 0.052 tons / year, sulfur oxides reduction 0.646 tons / year, nitrogen oxides reduction 13.795tons/ year, VOCs reduction 1.127 tons / year, and carbon reduction 0.014tons/ year. As for the effective implementation of licensing system, the implementation of the license check is 47 times, which shows the industry owners all comply with the regulations. (二) Stationary source controlled data inventory Till mid-term this year, we have completed a total of 146 controlled data inventory, which reached 100%. After the update, Chiayi City, as for stationary sources, there was a total of 344 controlled public and private places with an increase of 9 places more than the previous year. As the statistics of the filed stationary source database, it shows that part of the process pollution emissions, with particulate pollutants reaching 39.93 tons / year, representing a reduction of 13.42 tons compared to that last year, sulfur oxides 19.74 tons / year, representing a reduction of 4.2 tons compared to that last year, nitrogen oxides 118.50 tons / year with an increase of 4.56 tons compared to that in the previous year, VOCs 129.11 tons / year, year with an increase of 6.99 tons compared to that in the previous year, and carbon monoxide 32.20tons / year, representing an annual increase of 5.12 tons. (三) Air pollution fee collection and checking job In terms of air pollution imposed fee, we have completed Q4 in 2015 and Q2 in 2016 air pollution charges levied to review operations, with a total of air pollution managed public and private 83 premises with the average reporting rate 100%. Among them, Q4 in 2015, the makeup paying rate is 100% (NT$450). As for the check of air pollution fee, sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides have been completed with 75 cases, and 69 cases of the volatile organic compounds. As for SOx / NOx, a total of 8 places have been found with errors in activity intensity; as for VOCs, 5 have been found with errors in activity intensity and 3 places with errors in the volume of reservoir oil volume. After accounting, it did not affect the air pollution fee, and also after counseling, the reporting and correction have been completed. After the completion of 8 fuel oil industries on the use of low sulfur oil sampling tests, the sampling tests results are all 0.4%, which are in line with the regulations and standards 0.5%. The device inspection of the Chemicals Division in Taiwan CPC Corporation on the major source of pollution in the city, VOC solvent, has been done 1700 points times; the sampling tests and inspection results showed the leakage concentration 1 ~ 5ppm (highest proportion), accounting for 77.29 %, followed by 5 ~ 100ppm, accounting for 21.88%, while the 100 ~ 1000ppm, accounting for only 0.82%. The overall sampling tests results are all below the regulatory leakage defined value 1,000 ppm. Among 1700 point times sampling tests, the number of its leaking equipment components (C > 5ppm) is 58 times, not exceeding the upper limit of the number of leaking equipment components 58. The sampling tests and results meet the air pollution fee declaration circumstances. (四) Stationary sources regulatory compliance check As for the stationary pollutant compliance, the inspection check process was done on the public and private factories in our responsible area, including two case of the particle matters in the fugitive emission controlled factories(test results 140µg/Nm, lower than the regulation standard 500µg/Nm; test results 122µg/Nm, lower than the regulation standard 500µg/Nm;), two case of the odor-functional test on the factory filed by public petition ( test results 19, higher than the regulation standard 10; test results 1740, higher than the regulation standard 1000), one case of flue test ( test result with particle matters 88g/Nm, lower than the regulation standard 100µg/Nm, the test result of SOx is 6ppm, lower than the regulation standard 300 ppm, NOx 153 ppm, lower than the regulation standard 250 ppm and one case of heavy metal test in the incinerators in Chiayi city with the test result of lead 0.0489g/Nm, lower than the regulation standard 0.2µg/Nm, cadmium 0.00333 g/Nm and 20 times of station oil and gas leak test in the gas stations, among which 239 times of shots among 225 are up to the standard with the average rate of 94.14% and all the ones not up to the standard have been improved completely. Determination of odor-functional has been followed up according to the law and been denounced the deadline for improvement. (五) Inspection job Till the mid-term this year, the completed cases have reached a total of 394. Among them, the inspection work had been done 159 times, mainly for the inspection of large pollution emissions and to meet Environmental Protection Agency emissions plans or subsidy measures, such as oil refinery industry, gas station industry, hotel industry, and the current inspection of each factory is in good condition. Among the 294 cases of inspection, the petition inspection accounted for 40% of all, which was the highest, followed by the detection inspection accounted for 16%. This year, the factories of the industry with more than two petitions in the same month were 4 factories, which were scheduled for the next month inspection operations. Besides, in 2015, there were three factories received petitions and at least one inspection was done every two months. After proactive inspections and protracted job counseling, the petition calls were not received. (六) Stationary sources advocacy conference In order to strengthen the implementation of public and private spaces licensing system and related regulations for cognitive stationary sources, and through advocacy conference, the communication between the industry and environmental protection agencies has improved. This year, three sessions of advocacy meetings had held, reaching 100%, which were gas stations recycling equipment control and evaluation advocacy illustration meeting, air pollution control costs reporting and regulatory advocacy, road adopt job with evaluation highlights illustration meeting, stationary sources permit review, pollution control equipment explanation meeting, and the principles of advocacy briefing session with the attendance rate 89.47%, 45.78% and 61.29%, respectively.