

中文摘要 為掌握土壤及地下水品質現況,臺中市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)除 針對轄區土壤及地下水執行定期監測、緊急事件應變調查、地下儲槽土壤氣體查證 外,也進行污染場址驗證、監測井維護管理、宣導活動辦理,遂於105年委託香港 商艾奕康股份有限公司台灣分公司(以下簡稱本團隊)執行「105 年度臺中市土壤 及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),計畫執行期程為105年2 月1日~12月31日,茲說明本計畫工作執行成果摘要如後。 一、高污染潛勢區農地土壤調查 依土污法第6條辦理農地定期監測,總共調查86筆坵塊,共採集100點土壤, 其中僅1筆大里區D003坵塊鉻及銅超過管制標準,而后里區與大甲區今年土壤檢 測結果雖低於管制標準,但仍超過監測標準,宜持續辦理監測。 二、高污染潛勢地區地下水污染調查 本年度完成豐枯水季各91口次,總共182口次地下水採樣,由檢測結果顯示潭 子加工區及周圍地區、大里光正路地區、臺中港大型儲槽、臺中工業區、漢翔公司、 興農王田廠、三晃公司、幼獅工業區、中華全球石油及台灣優力豐富站之地下水均 有超過管制標準情形,調查成果摘要如下。 (一)潭子加工出口區及附近地區 B00152 井地下水三氯乙烯檢出 0.0762 mg/L(枯)及 0.550 mg/L(豐), 四氯乙烯檢出0.0581 mg/L(豐);B00335井四氯乙烯檢出0.0872 mg/L(枯) 及0.111 mg/L(豐),為主要兩處枯、豐水期皆超出管制標準監測井。另豐 水期尚有L00153井四氯乙烯檢出0.151 mg/L,三氯乙烯測得0.167 mg/L; B00070 井四氯乙烯檢出 0.102 mg/L,三氯乙烯測得 0.082 mg/L,皆超出管 制標準。而位於區外下游附近監測井地下水氯烯類污染物皆低於管制標準, 僅L00097井豐水季三氯乙烯濃度0.0384 mg/L,有超過監測標準情形。 為瞭解區域用水特性,本團隊於契約外執行區內3口監測井(B00404、 B00069、L00153)水位連續觀測,B00404 井(菱生公司二廠)受到區內鄰 近PW7抽水點的影響較為明顯,而B00069、L00153監測井受到抽水影響 較小,但仍可發現局部時間受抽水影響之洩降,顯示PW7應有短期間內增 加抽水量之情形。 (二)大里光正路地區 枯水期有2口監測井B00113、B00137測得重金屬鉻0.658 mg/L與1.01 mg/L,均超出地下水污染管制標準,而豐水期也有 2 口監測井鉻測值超過 管制標準,分別是B00140井(1.27 mg/L)與B00113井(1.24 mg/L),其中下游B00113井豐枯水期均超出地下水污染管制標準,但比對去年同期數據有 略為下降趨勢,整體高濃度部份仍侷限於仁化路221巷內。 依 MAROS 地下水軟體分析結果可知本區域監測井至少每年應完成 1 次監測,仁化路221巷內為污染來源,故在監測井密度上需要較高,另於下 方光正路212巷亦屬下游擴散點,同樣也有高至中等需求之建議,故針對光 正路212巷至預警網B00234間,應評估區域內增設監測井,以掌握地下水 污染是否有擴散或移動之現象。 (三)臺中港大型儲槽區 B00416 井(匯僑 1)氯乙烯檢出 0.0769 mg/L 與 0.0486 mg/L,為豐 枯水期監測均超過管制標準監測井,另L00073井(永聖貿易)枯水期氯乙 烯濃度達0.0276 mg/L,也超出地下水污染管制標準,考量該區域地下水受 潮汐影響,L00073井不排除受匯僑公司地下水污染傳輸所影響。 (五)臺中工業區 瑞昌彩藝廠內B00347井豐水期鉻達2.35 mg/L,有超過管制標準情形, 其下游臺中工業區自設井TCH19(B00423)枯水期鉻濃度達79.2 mg/L,遠超 地下水管制標準數倍,為歷年最高值,豐水期仍有36.5 mg/L。更下游之預 警網B00343井,豐枯水季鉻檢出1.06 mg/L及0.72 mg/L,皆超出管制標 準,污染物已達預警網位置,建議應通知工業區啟動應變作業,並需持續進 行監測,針對預警網後方民眾地下水使用更需進行重金屬檢測,已確保民眾 用水安全。 (六)西屯區漢翔公司 本次VOCs分析項目多數皆低於地下水污染監測標準,整體改善情形良 好,但廠內B00074監測井於豐水期有檢出三氯乙烯回升超出管制標準之現 象,濃度0.0824 mg/L,與業者提送季報結果均低於管制標準情況有所落差, 由於環保署政策明年廠內井移由行為人或關係人監測,環保局不再監測,由 漢翔案例可知會有資料差異性,故建議環保局向署爭取107年預算時,應針 對轄內每處場址進行至少1口平行監測。 (七)大肚區興農股份有限公司王田廠 枯水期廠內L00112監測井地下水苯達0.12 mg/L、氯苯達11.4 mg/L、 氯乙烯0.02 mg/L;L00111監測井地下水1,2-二氯乙烷達0.0594 mg/L、1,4- 二氯苯達1.08 mg/L、氯苯達3.86 mg/L,均超出地下水污染管制標準。廠 外部分L00141氯苯豐、枯水期達1.33 mg/L與1.29 mg/L,亦有超過管制 標準情形,建議環保局應針對廠外L00141井至少每年監測一次,並要求興 農公司應評估加速改善作業或增加水力控制範圍,另於土壤開挖作業需儘速進行。 (八)大里區三晃公司 廠內B00256監測井砷檢出0.625 mg/L(枯)及0.739 mg/L(豐); B00382 井砷檢出 1.45 mg/L(枯)及 1.33 mg/L(豐),皆超出地下水管制 標準。VOCs方面,廠內B00256監測井地下水1,4-二氯苯、苯、氯苯及氯 乙烯於豐、枯水期監測皆超過管制標準,且枯水期檢出測值較高,分別為 1,4-二氯苯(0.868 mg/L)、苯(0.704 mg/L)、氯苯(16.0 mg/L)、氯乙烯(0.0278 mg/L)。另外,監測井 B00382 枯水期中氯苯(6.17 mg/L)、四氯乙烯(0.099 mg/L)、氯乙烯(0.0995 mg/L)超出地下水管制標準,而豐水期於氯苯(2.68 mg/L) 超出地下水管制標準,建議要求業者於整治計畫審核期間,針對地下 水應變措施計畫先行進行控制,避免向外擴散。 (九)大甲區幼獅工業區及周邊區域 今年監測結果顯示有1口工業區自設井TY09(B00429)鎳於豐、枯水季 各別檢出1.52 mg/L與1.15 mg/L,皆超出管制標準,其鄰近監測井B00373 同樣於豐水期測得重金屬鎳達0.887 mg/L超出監測標準。另於幼獅工業區 內 L00168 預警網中,豐水期採樣首次出現重金屬砷超出監測標準達 0.393mg/L。本團隊因此協助整理幼獅工業區內 49 家含鎳及 3 家含砷製程 事業基本資料與位置分布,以提供管理單位後續針對可疑污染來源進行工廠 清查,除追查來源外,異常之監測井亦須持續觀測。 (十)其他地區 臺灣優力豐富站枯水期L00090監測井萘濃度達0.604 mg/L、甲基第三 丁基醚濃度達1.73 mg/L、總石油碳氫化合物(TPH)濃度達45.2 mg/L,皆超 出地下水管制標準,豐水季則因啟動改善工作,關切污染物濃度均有下降至 管制標準以下,但仍超過監測標準,須持續觀測。中華全球石油B00345井 總石油碳氫化合物濃度約77.4 mg/L(枯)與60.1 mg/L(豐),均超出地下 水管制標準情形,應要求業者在土壤改善作業時,確保污染物不在經由地表 滲入地下水,而造成範圍更大污染。 三、監測井維護管理 已完成上、下半年214口及219口外觀巡查與內部檢查、37口井況評估、19 口再次完井、5口異物排除、19口外觀修繕、9口井體設施修復及5口廢井。下半 年井巡查結果發現26口井應進行外觀維護,惟年度修繕經費有限,仍建議依損壞程 度分類於明年度安排修繕,另有8口監測井建議106年度進行井況評估,確認井內 現況。 四、場址監督驗證 每兩個月依契約針對列管場址至少巡查1次,105年2~10月總共完成817場 次巡查,本團隊於3月25日發現泰安北上站SVE設備抽氣改善效果不彰;9月19 日採驗瑞昌放流水水質pH與鉻均不符合放流水標準;另有少數農地如后里區墩北段 377 地號、龍井區田水段 744-2 地號(部分)有誤種作物情形。此外,本團隊也協 助環保局審查88本報告書。 場址驗證部分,原合約執行5處場址驗證,因多數場址改善期程展延,來不及 今年驗證,故辦理契約變更並經環保署同意,11月16日已完成神崗加油站驗證, 土壤TPH仍超過管制標準,建議環保局後續依法公告為控制場址;11月22日執行 台灣油研驗證,土壤TPH及VOCs均低於管制標準,建議後續予以解除列管。 五、地下儲槽稽查 本年度1月、5月及9月應線上申報地下儲槽各有312家、313及310家,並 分別於2月、6月及9月完成審查,申報率及審查率均達100 %。另也完成105年 1 月(312 站)、5 月(313 站)及 9 月(310 站)地下儲槽污染潛勢分級,並依據 分級結果,共挑選12家高污染潛勢之地下儲槽進行查核,其中山隆龍井加油站、霧 峰林森路加油站、知高加油站及永和街加油站等4站屬A級,以應變經費執行調查, 11 月 7 日完成霧峰林森路加油站,土壤氣體測值低於法規警戒值,續於 11 月 8 日 完成永和街加油站土氣檢測,僅1支測漏管(P03)PID/FID值超過法規警戒值,因現 場抽取土壤氣體時工讀生員加油時不慎滴了一滴油在P03測漏管旁,導致P03的 PID/FID 測值偏高,研判此為人為影響,並非實際有污染情事發生。另山隆龍井加油 站於105年11月10日進行查證,土壤TPH最高測值15,200 mg/kg,已超出管制 標準;而知高加油站則於11月21日執行查證,調查結果顯示TPH及BTEX均未檢 出。 此外,環保署移交大同加油站及統一精工潭子加油站土氣追蹤結果顯示,大同 加油站追蹤結果土氣並無異常,但統一精工潭子加油站因連續2次土氣篩測值異常, 且土壤氣體GC圖譜檢出苯環類物質,不排除油品滲漏之可能,已進行契約變更並 於11月15日進場採樣,土壤TPH及VOCs濃度均低於管制標準。另瑞國加油站查 證結果顯示土壤TPH及VOCs濃度也都低於管制標準。 六、緊急應變作業 截至105年12月21日為止,土壤及地下水應變已完成潭子區僑忠段農地、大 甲區甲嘉段農地、烏日區螺潭段農地、大里區竹子坑非法棄置、外埔區非法傾倒、 大肚區興農地下水修正公告、太平區祥O電鍍及大甲區進O與必O公司、臺中工業 區土壤申報異常、西屯區協和南巷11號旁農地、烏日區溪南西段農地、山隆龍井加 油站等 12 件案例,其中有 7 件驗出污染物超過管制標準,實做實算之總經費為 732,661 元。 七、其他工作成果 協助環保局辦理1場次地下儲槽法令說明會、1場次環保法規講習會、20場次 校園宣導活動、1場次淨土活水宣導活動,參與人數均符合契約規定,會後問卷調查 結果顯示學員滿意度高,宣導成效良好。另國際環境展環保署今年停辦,但完成 1 作農地污染整治模型,並提交給環保局。 此外,也協助完成22處場址初步評估、大甲區孟春段農地上游工廠訪查7處、 業務評鑑辦理、100 年大里地區農地求償規劃書撰寫、研擬臺中市土壤及地下水污 染改善審議規範1式及完成西屯區、南屯區、太平區及梧棲區等4區以「里」為單 位地下水污染潛勢分級、臺中市土壤及地下水環境資訊整合資料庫更新4,572筆資 料等工作。
中文關鍵字 污染潛勢地區地下水污染監測調查、高污染潛勢地區、農地及疑似污染源附近調查、監測井維護管理、場址驗證工作、地下儲槽審查與稽查


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 17200 千元
專案開始日期 2016/02/01 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 林耿立
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 楊士衛 執行單位 香港商艾奕康股份有限公司台灣分公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年度台中市土壤及地下水調查及查證工作計畫.pdf 54MB

2016 Project of investigating and verifying pollution for Taichung soil and groundwater

英文摘要 Taichung Environmental Protection Bureau (TCEPB) has carried out the work to manage the current quality of soil and groundwater, including regular monitoring, emergency treatment and investigation, verification for soil gas near underground storage tanks, testifying pollution sites, management and maintenance of monitoring wells, and educational campaign. In 2016 TCEPB has commissioned「AECOM」to run「2016 Project of investigating and verifying pollution for Taichung soil and groundwater」(the “project”), and the working period was from February 1st 2016 to December 31st 2016. The following abstract is the interpretation of the project. 1. Investigation of highly potential polluted farmland According to Article 6 in Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act the regular monitoring has been imposed to farmlands. There were 86 parcels under investigation with totally 100 collected samples and only one parcel (D003) in Dali district was found that the concentrations of chromium and copper are higher than the control standards. Although the results from Houli and Dajia districts are below control standards, they are still higher than the monitoring standards, suggesting the surveillance be continued. 2. Investigation of high pollution potential area groundwater In 2016, we have successfully completed groundwater sampling for 91 wells in both drought and monsoon season, giving totally 182 samples. The results indicate there are 10 areas exceeding monitoring standards, i.e. Taichung Export Processing Zone (TEPZ) and its perimeter, Taichung Tali Guang Zheng road area, large-size storage tank area of Taichung harbor, Taichung Industrial Park, Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC), Sinon Corporation (Wang Tian factory), Taichung Tali Sunko Ink Co., Ltd, Da Jia Youth Industrial Park (DYIP), Chenergy Global Corporation and Taiwan UL FengFu gas station. The detail results are as follows: a. Taichung Export Processing Zone (TEPZ) and its perimeter B00152 and B00335 are two wells exceeding the control standards in both drought and monsoon season. At B00152 well the trichloroethylene (TCE) concentrations are 0.0762 mg/L and 0.550 mg/L, respectively, and the concentration of tetrachloroethylene (PCE) is 0.0581 mg/L in monsoon season; while B00335 well shows PCE concentrations at 0.0872 mg/L and 0.111 mg/L in respective seasons. There are other wells also exceeding monitoring standards in monsoon season, such as L00153 well giving PCE and TCE concentrations at 0.151 mg/L and 0.167 mg/L, respectively, and B00070 well indicating PCE and TCE concentrations at 0.102 mg/L and 0.082 mg/L respectively. In addition, the monitoring wells located at downstream of the TEPZ groundwater reveal the concentrations of chloro-diene pollutant lower than the control standards, except for L00097 well giving TCE concentration at 0.0384 mg/L in monsoon season exceeding the monitoring standard. To understand the feature of water usage in TEPZ area, AECOM had applied 3 extra wells (B00404, B00069 and L00153) to continuously monitor the water table. B00404 well (located in Lingsen Precision Industries, Ltd) is significantly affected by nearby pumping station (PW7) while B00069 and L00153 are relatively less affected although the intermittent drawdown can be found following the increase in pumping water at PW7. b. Taichung Tali Guang Zheng road area The chromium concentrations at B00113 and B00137 wells, i.e. 0.658 mg/L and 1.01 mg/L respectively, exceed the control standards at drought season; while at monsoon season, there are also two wells, B00140 (1.27 mg/L) and B00113 (1.24 mg/L), indicating chromium concentration higher than the control standards, especially B00113 located at downstream showing higher chromium concentration than the control standard at both drought and monsoon season. Yet the concentration is slightly decreased as compared to last year data and it is known the highly polluted area is located at Alley 221, Renhua Road. According to the analysis of Monitoring and Remediation Optimization System (MAROS), the monitoring work should be carried out once a year for each well in this area and the installing density of monitoring wells in the area should be higher as a result of pollutant source at Alley 221. Besides, Alley 212, Guang Zheng road which is located below Alley 221, Ren Hua road is the diffuse point as well, and the demand is the same as Alley 221 for monitoring wells. Thus, it is better to set additional monitoring wells between 221 alley, Guang Zheng road and early-warning network B00234 to understand the diffusion and movement situation of groundwater pollution. c. Large-size storage tank area in Taichung harbor B00416 well [located in Prim Oil Chemical Service Corporation (POCS)] shows the concentration of vinyl chloride at 0.0769 mg/L and 0.0486 mg/L in monsoon and drought season which exceed the control standards. The concentration of vinyl chloride at L00073 well (Located in Young Sun Chemtrade Corporation., Ltd) exceeds the control standard in drought season (0.0276 mg/L). Considering the location of L00073 well where affected by tidal action, we cannot rule out the effects by the groundwater transportation from POCS. d. Taichung Industrial Park B00347 well (located in the area of Ruey Chang Printing & Packing Foil Corporation., Ltd) shows the concentration of chromium (2.35 mg/L) higher than the control standard in monsoon season, and at the downstream area, the self-setting well (located in Taichung Industrial Park) presents chromium concentration at 79.2 mg/L and 36.5 mg/L in drought and monsoon season, respectively, which extremely exceed the control standards. B00343 well is located further downstream area (early-warning network) that shows the chromium concentration at 1.06 mg/L and 0.72 mg/L individually in monsoon and drought season, which are higher than the control standards and indicate the pollutant in warning area. Therefore, we suggest industrial park commence the emergency process and maintain monitoring. To secure the safety of drinking water for citizens on the backward of early-warning network, the examination over heavy metal concentration is important. e. Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC) Most analysis over Volatile Organic Compound (VOCs) sample give lower concentrations than the monitoring standards. However, inside AIDC factory, the detection in monsoon season shows a value 0.0824 mg/L of TCE that exceeds the control standard and is different from those in seasonal report submitted to AIDC. TCEPB will not be responsible for the monitoring service because of the new policy indicating the monitoring process should be transferred to behavior or party decided by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (new EPA). In the situation, we realize the variety of information and thus, we recommend TCEPB carry out at least one peer monitoring for each site as striving for 2018 budget. f. Sinon Corporation (WangTian factory) At drought season, L00112 and L00111 wells (inside the factory) show several pollutant concentrations in groundwater that exceed control standards, i.e., L00112 pollutants including benzene (0.12 mg/L), chlorobenzene (11.4 mg/L) and vinyl chloride (0.02 mg/L); L00111 pollutants including 1, 2-dichloroethane (0.0594 mg/L), 1,4-dichlorobenzene (1.08 mg/L) and chlorobenzene (3.86 mg/L). Outside the factory, L00141 well shows chlorobenzene exceeding the control standard (drought season:1.29 mg/L, monsoon season: 1.33 mg/L) and thus, we suggest TCEPB focus on L00141 well for monitoring at least once a year and request Sinon Corporation to improve the remediation process as soon as possible or increase the range of hydraulic control. Additionally, soil excavation work should be accelerated. g. Taichung Tali Sunko Ink Co., Ltd Inside the factory, B00256 and B00382 wells show arsenic concentrations in groundwater that exceed control standards, i.e., B00256 in drought season (0.625 mg/L) and monsoon season (0.739 mg/L); B00382 in drought season (1.45 mg/L) and monsoon season (1.33 mg/L). B00256 well also shows several VOC concentrations exceeding control standards, and the values in drought season are higher than in monsoon season, i.e., 1,4-dichlorobenzene (0.868 mg/L), benzene (0.704 mg/L), chlorobenzene (16.0 mg/L) and vinyl chloride (0.0278 mg/L). B00382 is another well with pollutant concentrations exceeding VOC control standards in both drought and monsoon season, i.e., chlorobenzene (6.17 mg/L), PCE (0.099 mg/L) and vinyl chloride (0.0995 mg/L) in drought season; chlorobenzene (2.68 mg/L) in monsoon season. Consequently, we suggest industry focus on the control of groundwater emergency process that may avoid the diffusion of pollutant during remediation work program. h. Dajia Youth Industrial Park (DYIP) and surrounding area TY09/B00429 is a self-set well that shows the concentrations of nickel exceed the control standards in both drought (1.15 mg/L) and monsoon (1.52 mg/L) season, and the nearby well B00373 shows the concentrations of nickel exceed the control standards in monsoon season as well (0.887 mg/L). Besides, inside DYIP’s early-warning network, L00168 well was first found the concentration of nickel exceed the monitoring standard in monsoon season (0.393 mg/L). Moreover, we have completed organizing the basic information and location distribution of 49 industries using nickel and 3 industries using arsenic in DYIP for follow-up managing administrator to trace the source of pollution and keep monitoring the wells with unusual data. i. Other area Taiwan UL FengFu gas station (L0090 well) shows that several pollutant concentrations exceed the control standards in drought season, including Naphthalene (0.604 mg/L), methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) (1.73 mg/L) and TPH (45.2 mg/L); in monsoon season, the concentrations of pollutants are decreased to monitoring standards due to the remediation work undergoing, but still need to be monitored. Chenergy Global Corporation (B00345) shows the concentrations of TPH at 77.4 mg/L in drought season and 60.1 mg/L in monsoon season, both of which exceed the control standards. Thus, we should ask industry to ensure that the pollutants will not be transported to groundwater through infiltration and diffuse to further area. 3. Maintenance and management of monitoring wells In first half year, we have completed exterior and interior patrol and inspection for 214 monitoring wells and 219 in the last half year. Other results include condition assessment for 37 wells, rebuilding 19 wells, eliminating foreign substance for 5 wells, repairing 19 well exteriors and body facility of 9 wells and abrogating 5 wells. Our team found there are 26 wells in need of exterior repair at the last half year; however, the budget is limited that we suggest to repair it depending on its damage level. Besides, there are 8 monitoring wells in need of condition evaluation to ensure if the well is well functional. 4. Verification and supervision of pollution site Our team complete 817 times patrol and inspection since February 2016, and end up in October 2016 according to the contract (once per two months). On 25th March, we found soil vapor extraction (SVE) equipment present low efficiency in Tai An northbound gas station; on 19th September, we sample and measure the effluent pH and chromium concentration from Ruey Chang Printing & Packing Foil Corporation., Ltd which cannot conforms to effluent standards; some pollution farmland grow plants, i.e., no.377, Dun Bei section, Hou Li district; no. 744-2, Tian Shuei section, Long Jing district. Additionally, our team has assisted TCEPB examine 88 reports. The original contract indicate to complete 5 sites verification, however, due to most sites postpone its working time, TCEPB agree to adjust the content of original contract. On 16th November, our team accomplish the verification of Shen Gang gas station, and the results show the concentrations of TPH still exceed the control standards. Thus, we suggest TCEPB announce Shen Gang gas station as a pollution control site in accordance with the law. On 22th November, our team accomplish the verification of Yuken Hydraulics Corporation., Ltd, and the results show the concentrations of TPH and VOCs are lower than control standards and thus, we suggest to remove it from pollution control list. 5. Inspection of underground storage tank There are 312 (January), 313 (May) and 310 (September) underground storage tank industries have to complete online application, separately, our team finish the verification in February, June and September. Both the percentage of application and verification are 100%. According to the pollution potential classification of underground storage stank which is completed by our team, the team has selected 12 highly potential polluted underground storage for verification. Among selected high pollution potential underground storage tanks, Long Jing shan Loong gas station, Wu Feng Lin Sen road gad station, Chih Kao gas station and Yong He street gas station are belong to level A which are investigated through emergency process funds. On 7th November, the investigation results of Wu Feng Lin Sen road gad station shows the concentration of soil gas is lower than regulatory warning standards. On 8th November, soil gas investigation results of Yong He street gas station present only one detection tube’s value exceed regulatory warning standards; nonetheless, we suppose it could be a anthropogenic effect. On 10th November, the investigation results of Long Jing shan Loong gas station shows the highest value of TPH is 15,200 mg/kg which exceeds control standards. On 21th November, the investigation results of Chih Kao gas station shows there is no detection of TPH and BTEX. Moreover, the trace investigation results of Ta Tung gas station and Tan Zi gas station shows that the former has stable soil gas condition, latter has continuously 2 unusual soil gas value and further the measurement results of gas chromatography indicates the presence of benzene substance. Our team have completed the adjustment of original contract for Tan Zi gas station, and finish soil sampling on 15th November that the concentrations of TPH and VOCs are lower than the control standards. Besides, the investigation results of Ruei Guo gas station present the concentrations of TPH and VOCs are lower than the control standards as well. 6. Emergencies treatment work As of 21th December 2016, our team have completed 12 soil and groundwater emergencies treatment works, including Da Jia farmland, Wu Ri farmland, Tali district illegal dicard place, Wai Pu district illegal discard place, pronunciation of Sinon Corporation groundwater program, Tai Ping electroplating factory, 2 industries from Da jia, reporting soil exception from Taichung industry park, Xi Tun district farmland and Long Jing shan Loong gas station. There are 7 cases exceeding control standards, and the total funds is 732,661 NTD. 7. Other achievements Our team assist TCEPB holding 1 groundwater storage tank laws explanation session, 1 environmental regulation workshop, 20 campus educational propagandas and 1 soil and groundwater public propaganda. The amount of all activities participants conform to contract and the results of questionnaire shows high satisfaction. The international environmental exhibition didn’t hold this year by EPA, but complete 1 farmland pollution remediation model for TCEPB. Furthermore, our team also assist 22 place’s initial sited assessment, visiting 7 factories on the upstream of Da Jia farmland, writing the proposal for 2011Tali farmland claim, planning the deliberation standards for Taichung soil and groundwater pollution improvement program, completing groundwater pollution classification in Xi tun, Nan Tun, Tai Pin and Wu Chi districts’, updating 4,572 data from Taichung soil and groundwater environmental information database.
英文關鍵字 soil and groundwater