

中文摘要 本計畫於105年8月26日開始執行,工作內容包含人工監測站操作維護及校正作業、環境音量監測及陳情案件處理、監測車環境監測作業、PM2.5連續監測站設置及維護作業、氣象站設備維護作業、電子看板維護及酸雨測站維護,本報告期間各項工作執行成果,主要如下: 一、人工測站共進行60站月定期維護工作,並完成120站月之TSP採樣工作。 二、已於105年9月20日及106年3月17日完成追溯一級流量校正工作,校正結果迴歸係數R2值為0.9999,符合校正迴歸係數R2值須大於(或)等於0.995規定。 三、於105年9月22日、10月6日、106年1月5日、3月23日、4月25日及7月6日各進行1次多點校正,校正結果均符合每一流量準確度誤差不得超過5 %,且經最小平方法線性迴歸分析,迴歸係數R2值須大於(或)等於0.995之規定。 四、每站於每月上、下旬採樣前與採樣後執行1次單點校正,流量準確度均符合誤差不得超過7 %之規定。 五、於105年9月6日執行計時器校正,校正結果均符合24小時誤差不超過2分鐘之規定。 六、總懸浮微粒(TSP):各測站間以虎尾衛生所站之幾何平均值59 μg/m3為最高,古坑東和國中站之幾何平均值51 μg/m3為最低,各站監測結果均符合空氣品質標準(TSP 24小時值250 μg/m3);幾何平均值部分,歷年均低於空氣品質標準年幾何平均值130 μg/m3,且自102年起,有逐漸下降的趨勢。 七、落塵量:各測站間以西螺鎮公所之平均值3.21公噸/平方公里/月為最高,古坑東和國中站之平均值1.79公噸/平方公里/月為最低;年平均值部分,各年度平均測值以101年2.97公噸/平方公里/月最低,104年13.93公噸/平方公里/月為最高,105年測值平均為6.02公噸/平方公里/月,相較於近年監測結果,有呈現降低的趨勢。 八、與鄰近縣市比對部分(中彰投、雲嘉南及高屏空品區各縣市),各縣市之TSP趨勢大抵一致,惟嘉義市較於其他縣市有偏高趨勢,各月平均值以嘉義市140 μg/m3(105年12月)為相對較高,而台中市25 μg/m3(106年7月)為相對較低;各縣市之落塵趨勢無一致性,以嘉義縣8.74公噸/平方公里/月(106年2月)為最高,屏東縣0.22公噸/平方公里/月(105年9月)為最低。 九、一般地區環境音量及道路交通噪音音量監測工作共計完成80站天,監測結果均符合管制標準;歷年監測結果中,一般地區環境音量歷年監測時較易有高值產生,道路交通音量歷年監測因較少外在因素干擾,測值離散程度明顯較為集中。 十、已完成12次固定式噪音站維護作業,而監測結果部分,平日日間時段容易受到上下班車流量及不定期枝葉雜草修整作業影響,而假日則多為鄰近人文公園遊客數增加及活動舉辦。 十一、機動車輛噪音檢測作業已完成32場次,共計攔查1,312輛次,針對有噪音之虞之車輛進行檢測35輛次,其中檢測合格18輛次、不合格17輛次、無法檢測5輛次。由於檢測前先經過警察篩選,因此不合格率高達49 %,不合格車輛平均超出管制值約8.0分貝。 十二、環境中非游離輻射電磁波量測共完成極低頻40件,1件為低頻變電所電磁場量測,另39件低頻落地型變壓器電磁波量測。極低頻之量測結果均遠低於環保署公告之非游離輻射環境建議值。 十三、在移動式監測車空氣品質監測部分,於溪州焚化廠及日友焚化廠周界區域之監測結果均符合空氣品質標準。 十四、已完成手持式懸浮微粒檢測儀器2套購置與點交。 十五、PM2.5連續監測站設置及維護已於105年9月23日提送站址規劃書,並經環保局核定後選定元長國小及華山國小共2處來設置PM2.5連續監測站,並於106年3月22日完成設置。 十六、氣象站設備維護作業已完成60站月,各站狀況大致良好且無損害情形發生。 十七、已完成12次電子看板每月維護工作,播放內容更新部分,已完成184筆。 十八、酸雨測站定期操作維護工作,已完成雙週維護(20次)、月維護(10次)、每季維護(3次)、半年維護(2次)及年維護(1次),所有作業皆依工作進度進行。
中文關鍵字 總懸浮微粒、落塵、噪音


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 9100 千元
專案開始日期 2016/08/26 專案結束日期 2017/08/25 專案主持人 陳俊能
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 何冠勳 執行單位 捷思環能有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105環境空品-期末正式報告(上傳).pdf 15MB

Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Plan in year 2016

英文摘要 This project has been started on August 26, 2016. The project scope included operation, maintenance and calibration of equipment at manual Air Quality Monitoring Station and Meteorological Station, environmental noise monitoring, setting and maintenance of PM2.5 station, maintenance of electronic board and Acid rain station maintenance. The achievements of project were summarized as below: 1) 60 Air Quality Monitoring Station were performed scheduled monthly maintenance and 120 TSP samples had been completed. 2) Flow rate calibrations were completed on 11 September 2016 and 17 March 2017. The result regression coefficient R2 was 0.9999 which comply with the standard. (R2 shall be larger or equal to 0.995) 3) Multi-point calibrations were performed on 22 September 2016, 6 October 2016, 5 January 2017, 23 March 2017, 25 April 2017 and 6 July 2017. The results were fulfill with the standard requirements including flow accuracy shall be less than 5 % difference and regression coefficient R2 shall be larger or equal to 0.995. 4) Every half of the month, one point calibrations were performed before and after sampling at each station. The flow accuracy shall be less than 7% difference. 5) The clock check was performed on 6 September 2016 and fulfilled the standard of less than 2 minutes difference. 6) TSP:The highest(59 μg/m3) and lowest(51 μg/m3) geometric average concentration were found at Huwei station and Gukeng station. The monitoring results at all stations met the air quality standards(TSP 24 hour 250 μg/m3). The geometric mean over the years were below the air quality standards(130 μg/m3), and since 2013, there was a gradual downward trend. 7) Dustfall:The highest(3.21 ton/km2/month) and lowest(1.79 ton/km2/month) average concentration were found at Hsilo station and Gukeng station. In the annual average, the average annual measured value was the lowest in 2012 at 2.97 ton/km2/month and the highest in 2015 at 13.93 ton/km2/month. The average measured value in 2016 was 6.02 ton/km2/month, showing a decreasing trend compared with the monitoring results in recent years. 8) Compared with the corresponding sections of neighboring counties (Taichung, Changhua, Nantou, Chiayi, Tainan, Kaohsiung and Pingtung), the trends of TSP in all counties and cities were approximately the same, and the Chiayi City had a higher tendency than other counties and cities. Among the monthly averages, Chiayi City had the highest value of 140 μg/m3 in December 2016 and the lowest value of 25 μg/m3 in Taichung in July 2017. The Dustfall in counties and cities did not have the same trend. The highest was 8.74 ton/km2/month (February 2017) in Chiayi County and the lowest was 0.22 ton/km2/month (September 2016) in Pingtung County. 9) Ambient and traffic noise monitoring have been performed 80 days and all results fulfilled the limit. According to historical monitoring data, in ambient noise monitoring was easier to detect high values. In traffic noise monitoring, monitoring values were more concentrated because they were less disturbed by external factors. 10) 12 times maintenances were completed at fixed noise monitoring station. The sources of noise were proposed. During weekdays, the noise would be come from high flow of vehicles at peak periods and operation of machine during gardening. During weekend, the sources would be park visitors and temporary exhibitions. 11) Checking of noise level from vehicles has been performed 32 times and checked 1,312 vehicles. 35 vehicles were requested to perform further noise assessment in which 18 vehicles passed, 17 vehicles unqualified and 5 vehicles unclassified. As selection by police before further assessment, the rate of unqualified was reach 49 % and average exceed 8.0 dB of limit. 12) Ambient electromagnetic field (EMF) measurement was completed 40 pieces of extremely-low frequency. In which, 1 pieces of extremely-low frequency were performed at Substation, 39 pieces of extremely-low frequency were performed at Floor type transformers. All the results were within the EPA limit. 13) 12-day monitoring of the mobile air quality monitoring vehicle had been completed. All the results were within the EPA air quality standard. 14) Had completed two sets of handheld suspended particle detection equipment purchase and delivery. 15) For the PM2.5 continuous monitoring station, the site plan was submitted on September 23, 2016. Approved by the EPB, choose Yuanchang Elementary School and Huashan Elementary School to set up the station. The two stations were set up on March 22, 2017. 16) Operation and maintenance of meteorological station had been completed 60 months. Each station was operating normally with no damage. 17) 12 times of maintenance electronic board and 184 times of content update were recorded. 18) Regarding the regular operation and maintenance of acid rain stations, the project had completed 20 double-weekly maintenance, 10-month maintenance, 3-season maintenance, 2-half-year maintenance and 1-year maintenance. All jobs were performed according to the scheduled progress.
英文關鍵字 TSP, Dust fall, Noise