

中文摘要 期末報告執行期間(統計期程105年1月12日至105年12月31日),已蒐集分析營建工程徵收、管制、污染排放削減情形及執行成果資訊進行探討,現階段成果摘要說明如下。 1.辦理營建工程空氣污染防制費開工申報及完工結算等案件共有11,989件(開工申報6,011件、完工結算5,824件),另本市營建工程空氣污染防制費總徵收金額為123,850,238元,網路申報營建空污費申報率64.06%。 2.本計畫篩選各區重點道路進行道路洗掃街前後檢測,總計完成檢測60點次。 3.營建工程宣導作業方面,舉辦法令宣導會3場次,包括營建工程污染防制、噪音污染管制、空污費網路申報、施工機具、PM2.5管制。 4.統計普查中之施工機具,在土方移除機具中,以開挖機所占比例最高,佔普查比例83.67%;次為推土機及壓路機,佔普查比例介於0.26%~2.81%,在非土方移除機具中,以混凝土泵車所占比例最高,佔普查比例30.77%;每日使用時數8小時所佔比例最高,佔52.20%;施工車輛機齡以10~20年佔50.77%比例最高,5年內機齡佔26.94%。 5.統計已進行道路普查長度為6,217公里,其中A級道路為89.53%、B級道路為10.47%及C級道路為0%;本計畫將針對B級道路之路段,加強清掃之作業,提升至A級道路。 6.105年度持續執行普查作業及排氣檢測作業,另為了解施工機具加裝污染防制設備之差異,至105年12月31日已執行523輛次施工機具普查、54輛次施工機具排氣檢測及輔導3輛施工機具加裝污染防制設備。
中文關鍵字 營建空污費,施工機具調查,施工機具排氣檢測


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 15410 千元
專案開始日期 2016/01/12 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 周德彥
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 戴淑敏 執行單位 上境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年臺中市營建空污費收費管理及道路洗掃查核計畫.pdf 9MB 105年臺中市營建空污費收費管理及道路洗掃查核計畫

2016 The man agemen t of l evy co n st ruct ion work air pollution fee and examine road cleaning , sweeping plan in Taichung city.

英文摘要 During the report executing period (statistical period from January 12th ,2016 to December 31th, 2016). In addition, the overall jobs of this project, which had been finish are levied construction work air pollution fee, collected and analyzed construction work air pollution management, the situation of pollution abatement, and discuss implementation of achievements. Current results were summarized as followed: 1. The total submitted cases of the air pollution control fees filed at starting declaration and completing of construction project were 11,989 (starting declaration 5,707 cases, completion of construction project 5,399 cases), besides, the total air pollution control fees, which had been levied by Taichung city government is123,850,238 NT dollars. And 64.06% of the submitted air pollution fee cases were filed using the Internet. 2. This project had sifted out the main roads of each area to proceed measurement data of before and after street dusting and cleaning. Completed 60 roads’ detection. 3. Advocacy operational aspects of construction project, which had host 3 law enlightenment meetings. Including air pollution prevention of construction work, noise pollution management, submitted air pollution fee by using the internet, Install air pollution control equipment at construction equipment, PM2.5 management. 4. The general survey of statistics from construction equipment, in earthwork removal equipment, the excavation machine is the highest amount proportion for 83.67% of survey; second amount proportion is bulldozer and roller for 0.26%~2.81%; in non-earthmoving equipment, concrete pump truck has the highest amount proportion for 30.77%; when they using it 8 hours a day, it’s 52.20% of survey; construction vehicles for 50.77% is the highest proportion for been used for 10-20years. The construction vehicles which around 5 years accounting for 26.94%. 5. The statistics has been the length of 6,217 kilometers of road survey work. It is composed 3 different classes of road, using the amount of dust content on road distinguish by Class A, Class B, and Class C road. Including Class A road for 89.53%, Class B roads for 10.47% and Class C roads for 0%; this project will focus on sections of Class B roads, strengthen the cleaning and sweeping of operations, promote to Class A. 6. Continued implementation of annual the census operations and emissions testing operations in 2016. To understand the differences in construction equipment had or hadn’t installation pollution control equipment, this project has been survey the amount of 523 times construction equipment,54 times construction equipment emissions testing, and counseling 3 construction equipment to install pollution control equipment till December 15th, 2016.
英文關鍵字 Construction work air pollution fee, Construction equipment survey, Construction equipment exhaust inspection