

中文摘要 本計畫有兩大任務,一為完成106年至108年環境教育區域中心設置規劃;另一則為完成環境教育基金107年至110年運用規劃。環境教育區域中心設置規劃部分,完成研議106年至108年環境教育區域中心(6區)發展目標、定位、功能等相關內涵;並完成研擬各區「環境教育區域中心」投標須知補充規定,其中內容並包括建構各區域具在地特色的環境教育夥伴網絡,及各區每年合編1本環境教育相關議題之專書等。執行方法為依據環境教育區域中心設置專家諮詢會議及設置規劃研商會意見,修正106年至108年各環境教育區域中心發展目標、定位、功能、工作內容及執行方式後,完成並提交106年至108年環境教育區域中心設置規劃報告。 環境教育基金運用規劃部分則已完成重參考及彙整國外及我國環境教育之推動現況及未來發展需求,並透過與環保署、國內環境教育先進、以及非營利組織代表進行專家諮詢會議,完成研擬規劃環境教育基金107年至110年運用計畫之願景、目標、方針、實施綱要等草案。並依據環境教育法第9條基金用途,規劃環境教育基金107年至110年經費需求及運用草案。並已完成初步研訂4年環境教育基金執行成果之量化衡量指標(Key Performance Index,KPI)。
中文關鍵字 區域環境教育中心、環境教育基金、環境教育基金實施方式


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-EA04-03-A259 經費年度 105 計畫經費 1755 千元
專案開始日期 2016/07/22 專案結束日期 2017/05/31 專案主持人 鄭宏德
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 紀禹圻 執行單位 晶淨科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 區域環境教育中心及環境教育基金之規畫與運用專案工作計畫.pdf 29MB

Regional Environmental Education Center and Environmental Education Fund for the planning and use of the project work plan

英文摘要 The project aims to achieve the following two objectives: I. To complete the strategic planning of the six regional environmental education centers from 106 to 108, and II To complete the financial planning of environmental education fund, from 107 to 110. Regarding the planning of regional environmental education centers, we are dedicated to the discussion of strategic development, positioning and function of six regional environmental centers. Moreover, the supplementary instructions for bidding processes are drafted as well. The instruction aims to establish a network of environmental education professionals with regional characteristics, and to publish an environmental education related book in each educational center every year. The implementation approaches may include Consultant and Research Board and strategic planning in the progress of the regulation of environmental education center. The establishment and action plans of environmental education centers are proposed differently after the amendment of strategic objective, positioning, function, implementation approaches. The fiscal planning of environmental education fund has reorganized by considering the current situation and future development needs of domestic and international environmental education. Furthermore, the vision, objective, guidelines, and implementation outlines of the Fund are compiled through consultation meetings with the EPA, advanced environmental education academics, NGO and NPO representatives. Regarding the Article 9 of the Environmental Education Law, we analyzed the funding requirement and usage of Environmental Education Fund from 107 to 110. Furthermore, we have preliminarily developed the quantitative measure of the indicators (Key Performance Index, KPI) for evaluating the implementation performance of 4-year Environmental Education Fund.
英文關鍵字 Regional environmental education center, Environmental education fund, Implementation of environmental education fund