
105 年度「嘉義市細懸浮微粒防制及地方污染源指紋建立計畫」

中文摘要 本年計畫之主要目標係包含下列主要七個部分:文獻彙整、建立本土性污染源之PM2.5排放指紋資料庫(餐飲業、裸露地及道路揚塵)、特定地區之PM2.5濃度(夜市地區、空品清淨區及其他配合管制需求)、本市PM2.5熱區之時空分布、分析本市東市場之PM2.5濃度、更新本市各季空品模擬之PM2.5濃度貢獻(分析中部、雲嘉南、高屏地區等固定污染源、移動污染源、面污染源及模擬重要大型污染源排放對於本市空氣PM2.5濃度之影響貢獻)、解析本市轄區內PM2.5污染源細部貢獻源及排放減量敏感度以及其他配合辦理及配合事項(辦理2場宣導會、製作宣導影片1式)等。工作成果條列如下: 一、建立本土性污染源之細懸浮微粒排放指紋資料庫 1.餐飲業指紋 (1)本年度中完成日式、複合式、速食式及西式餐飲業各三家次、每家次三重複之細懸浮微粒煙道採樣之店家使用之集氣設備、防制設備及座位數,於成果中展現各家餐飲業之PM2.5濃度及各成分指紋,並推算其排放係數。 (2)過去研究中,各式餐飲業之排放濃度範圍為1.32–13.7 mg Nm-3,而本次指紋建立成果為0.37–1.21 mg Nm-3,較過去成果低(空保處,餐飲業空氣污染防制技術評估建立及示範推廣計畫)。西式、速食主要為油炸方式,排放濃度較高;日式主要烹煮方式為燒烤;複合式烹煮方式油炸、燒烤比例較低。 2.裸露地揚塵指紋 (1)過去文獻中,營建工地及揚塵逸散源解析率約19~58%,因土壤由岩石經物理及化學風化後,而逐漸形成,故成分多屬氧化物如SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3、CuO等。裸露地揚塵之解析率約27.4~62.6%,金屬成分以Al、Fe、Zn、Na等地殼元素為主,約占金屬元素之93.8%。離子成分以NO3-、Ca2+及SO42-為主。 3.道路揚塵指紋 (1)道路土壤經再懸浮採樣後,金屬成分以Al、Fe、K、Na、Mg等地殼元素為主,約占金屬元素之94.6%。未知成分比例約占總成分之34.9%~45.5%,與裸露地揚塵相似,多為土壤中之Si元素及其氧化物。歷年計畫對於本市污染源貢獻多採用文獻中所建立之指紋,於本市之推估可能造成誤差,因此本年度針對道路/裸露地揚塵進行本市指紋資料庫之建立。 二、特定地區之細懸浮微粒濃度 1.夜市地區 (1)受體模式成果中,高濃度季節平日上風處及區內之主要污染源為移動源排放(28.3%、27.3%),其次為衍生性硝酸鹽(17.0%、16.4%)、衍生性硫酸鹽(12.8%、12.3%)。受體模式成果中,假日上風處及區內之主要污染源為移動源排放(28.3%、30.5%),其次為衍生性硝酸鹽(18.3%、20.8%)、衍生性硫酸鹽(11.4%、12.5%)。低濃度季節平日上風處及區內之主要污染源為移動源排放(32.6%、29.7%),其次為衍生性硝酸鹽(23.4%、17.6%)、衍生性硫酸鹽(14.6%、11.0%)。假日上風處及區內之主要污染源為移動源排放(34.5%、29.5%),其次為衍生性硝酸鹽(24.4%、22.0%)、衍生性硫酸鹽(15.2%、13.7%) (2)移動監測結果顯示文化夜市管制前之懸浮微粒濃度確實較管制中之懸浮微粒濃度來得高,,比較管制前後之懸浮微粒濃度變化,不論是懸浮微粒數目濃度、質量濃度或是碳黑,管制前皆呈現較高濃度。 2.果菜市場 移動監測結果顯示,在6:30-8:30時,PM2.5的質量濃度為250~550 μg/m3之間,車流較多,導致果菜市場碳黑濃度和質量濃度有明顯的增加變化;在10:00-12:00時,則是一些中盤商零星前往批送貨,導致果菜市場PM2.5質量濃度、數目濃度、PAHs及BC濃度偶而出現高峰值。 3.肉品市場 移動監測結果顯示,肉品市場連續監測採樣結果,其中肉品市場之懸浮微粒數目濃度為1.8×104 #/cm3,質量濃度為164 μg/m3。透過懸浮微粒濃度時間趨勢可看出,在愈接近豬隻拍賣會(下午三點)時車流較多,導致肉品市場碳黑濃度和質量濃度明顯的增加變化。停車立即熄火對於粒狀物及碳黑數量濃度影響顯著,建議大貨車進入果菜市場與肉品市場後,若停超過三分鐘應立即熄火。 三、東市場自動監測 1.於本次採樣成果中,點位皆有市場開市期間(約早上七點至下午兩點)市場內濃度明顯較背景點高,市場營業期間外,市場內濃度與背景點濃度較接近之情形。過去研究成果中,手動採樣是為進行24小時連續採樣,無法看出因不同時間、不同的情形所造成的濃度變化,然而於低濃度季節手動採樣成果顯示,依然可看出市場區內濃度較上風處增量40%以上之情形。 四、更新排放量資料庫後本市之自體貢獻 本市自體排放對本市細懸浮微粒之模式模擬分析結果(以TEDS 9.0為之)中,自體排放細懸浮微粒對嘉義測站濃度影響之年平均百分比為18.5%。於東北季風季節(十月、一月及四月),月平均貢獻量百分比分別為9.17%、11.0%及16.6%,反觀於低濃度季節七月之月平均貢獻量高達37.1%,由貢獻圖中,亦有低濃度時高貢獻之趨勢、高濃度時低貢獻之趨勢出現。  五、重要大型污染源排放PM2.5對於本市空氣PM2.5濃度之影響貢獻 大型污染源對嘉義市貢獻比例介於0.6~2.31%;六輕及中洋工業區貢獻量佔雲嘉南空品區點源貢獻量之24%;除雲嘉南空品區外,各空品區及大型污染源對於本市影響以衍生性為主。 六、嘉義市原生性PM2.5之排放量 經由AERMOD模擬出行業分類對嘉義市之貢獻量後,由其運算出嘉義市各行業的貢獻比例;並且,有鑑於個別行業之排放量皆不同,仍須將各行業之貢獻比例除以該行業總排放量,以求得較為精準的「每噸PM2.5排放之貢獻比例」,以利進行後續比較。下表模擬行業類別之年平均貢獻量、貢獻比例及每噸貢獻比例。由下表可得,嘉義市本地總點源、總線源與總面源之年平均貢獻比例分別為1.22%、5.36% 與8.35%,其每噸原生PM2.5排放之貢獻比例各為0.06%、0.03% 以及0.03%。 七、細懸浮微粒防制或防護宣導會 1.本次宣導前之學生大部分對於PM2.5空氣品質年平均標準、校園空品旗懸掛之界定及校園空品旗有幾種顏色尚未清楚;總體而言,在前測的結果當中可以發現,本市先前對於細懸浮微粒的相關宣導有一定的成效顯示了孩童對於PM2.5有相當程度的認知。宣導後的成效更為顯著,在搭配生動簡報及講義的使用後,答錯之比率降低許多;而本次宣導對於出門前可利用新聞媒體、手機APPs(嘉市環保e起來、環境即時通)了解每日空氣品質狀況,做出適當的防護,其成效亦相當明顯。 2.為使市民瞭解本市管制策略及執行成效,並使民眾積極參與空氣污染防制之行動,除了在本年度於小學辦理兩場細懸浮微粒防護宣導會外,亦製作細懸浮微粒宣導影片,內容應呈現東市場、夜市、空品清淨區及其他管制策略之管制成效。並辦理一場次之志工培訓作業,教導本市環境教育志工影片內容解說方式。 八、本年度計畫嘉義測站高濃度情形: 於106年01月06日時,出現本計畫執行期間第一次高濃度案例日,為西南部地區受大氣擴散條件不良之影響,持續發生案例日,當日風向為偏北風,平均風速為0.7~3.7 m/s,氣溫18~28°C,相對溼度54~91 %,應屬於冬季季風移入天氣型態,24小時可影響到嘉義測站之我國內陸污染源北可自中部空品區。推測此季節由境外移入之PM2.5,加上沿海工業區原生PM2.5及氣態前驅物排放,又近山地區出現迎風面濃度累積情形,且因低風速之氣候條件,造成細懸浮微粒濃度於本市仍有持續累積之情形,但無明顯南北傳輸之現象,而後逐漸擴散、濃度下降,但嘉義測站仍大於二十四小時值之濃度。
中文關鍵字 細懸浮微粒、化學成分、本土性指紋資料庫、熱區空氣品質、來源貢獻、移動監測平台、空氣品質模式、擴散模擬


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 4500 千元
專案開始日期 2016/10/24 專案結束日期 2017/10/23 專案主持人 張育誠
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 李珮蓓 執行單位 環醫工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年度嘉義市細懸浮微粒防制及地方污染源指紋建立計畫正式報告.pdf 50MB 期末正式報告

The Project of PM2.5 Control and Local Sources Profile Establishment of Chiayi City in 2016

英文摘要 This project aims to the following seven main parts: Reference reviewes, setup local PM2.5 fingerprint (restaurant operation, bare ground and paved road dust), PM2.5 sampling, analysis and monitoring of special area for PM2.5 Spatio-Temporal analysis (Night Market, Air Cleaning Area and other places with control strategy), continuously PM2.5 monitoring in East Market in Chiayi City, update the Taiwan Emission Data System (TEDS) to do source apportionment modeling with three Air Quality Area and Grant Stationary Sources (analyzing the point sources, line sources and area sources PM2.5 contribute to Chiayi City which were emitted from Central , Yun-Chia-Nan and Kao-Ping Air Quality Area), analyzing the primary contribution in Chiayi City with AERMOD, control strategy. 1.Setup local PM2.5 fingerprint (1)The cooking emission from local restaurants operation were set up by four kinds of cooking type which were Japanese cuisine, fusion restaurant, fast food restaurant and Western cuisine. Sampling each kinds of restaurant for three times. Analyzing the PM2.5 component amd estimating the emission factor. The average emission concentration were 1.32 – 13.7 mg Nm-3 in previous study. In this study, the concentration were 0.37 - 1.21 mg Nm-3. (2)The emission profile from bare ground and paved road dust were set up by 4 kinds of each emission. The PM2.5 consist of earth elemental such as Al, Fe, Zn and Na and SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CuO. 2.PM2.5 sampling, analysis and monitoring of special area for PM2.5 Spatio-Temporal analysis (Night Market, Air Cleaning Area and other places with control strategy) (1)Wenhua Road Night Market i.The differences of PM2.5 levels between the site at upwind direction and in Wenhua Road Night Market were obviously. ii.Mobile PM2.5 monitoring results show up the pollutions in the Market were decreased not only in higher concentration season but also in lower concentration season after control strategies had been implemented during the week. iii.The pollutions were not decreased after control during the weekend in the higher concentration season because of the higher background concentration. iv.Receptor model simulations show that high concentrations season weekday major pollution sources within the market for mobile source emissions (27.3%-30.5%), followed by nitrate derivative (16.4-20.8%), the main holiday of pollution source for mobile source emissions (30.5%), followed by nitrate derivative (20.8%), the Wenhia Road Night Market because during the holidays more frequent vehicle , mobile source contribution rate was significantly higher than usual conditions. (2)Air Cleaning Area i.Receptor model results show, an overview, the mobile sources in Meat Market and Vegetable Market are the major sources, higher than upwind station. ii.Idling control needs to be implemented in Air Cleaning Area to turn off the display of this temporary parking for local PM2.5 slight performance reduction. 3.Other place with control strategy is Road Cleaning with gutter or not. In this research, the PM2.5 deseared 45.5% after cleaning but PM counts increased becaused the PM (which aerodynamics less than 2.5) resuspended during cleaning. 4.Continuously PM2.5 monitoring in East Market in Chiayi City. In this study, Dusttrak were used to measured the PM2.5 concentration and five points of exposure location were chosen in this research. During 24-h monitoring, the concentration increased after 7:00 (opening time is 6:00-18:00), and the higher concentration were maintained 8 hours. The highest concentration of PM2.5 were over than 60 μg/m3. In the future, the cars need to be banned to enter the market to protect the people not only sellers but also buyers. 5.Update the Taiwan Emission Data System (TEDS) to do source apportionment modeling with three Air Quality Area and Grant Stationary Sources (analyzing the point sources, line sources and area sources PM2.5 contribute to Chiayi City which were emitted from Central , Yun-Chia-Nan and Kao-Ping Air Quality Area) (1)The emitted from Central AQA is 21.5%, the point source is 6.68%, line source is 7.86% and the area source is 6.93%.The highest contribution is 26.5% in the winter, the dominated contribution is line source which is 10.6%. (2)The emitted from Yun-Chia-Nan AQA is 51.9%, the point source is 7.56%, line source is 15.4% and the area source is 29.0%.The highest contribution is 76.3% in the summer, the dominated contribution is area source which is 39.4%. (3)The emitted from Kao-Ping AQA is 5.29%, the point source is 2.89%, line source is 1.30% and the area source is 1.08%.The highest contribution is 8.70% in the summer, the dominated contribution is point source which is 5.43%. (4)An overview, the major contribution are Yun-Chia-Nan and Central AQA. (5)The annual average self-contribution in this study is 18.5%. The highest month is July because of the season is summer with higher mixed layer ,faster wind speed and different wind direction so that the PM2.5¬ is slightly contribute from other county. 6.Analyzing the primary PM2.5 contribution in Chiayi City with AERMOD (1)The results of AERMOD indicated that the primary PM2.5 contributions are as following, total Point source is 1.22%, total Line source is 5.36% and total Areasource is 8.35%, respectively. (2)The total emission of Point source is 22 tons per year, and annual average contribution is 0.49 μg/m3. The total emission of Line source is 185 tons per year, and annual average contribution is 2.17 μg/m3. The total emission of Area source is 283 tons per year, and annual average contribution is 3.38 μg/m3. (3)The dominated species of primary PM2.5 contribution are Area sources, such as Construction (2.88%), Paved road (2.78%), Cooking (1.71%). The priority of targets which need to be reduced is Construction, Paved road and Diesel source. 7.Producing a promotion film about PM2.5 introduction, mechanism, sources control and self-protection. Promote the educational propaganda about PM2.5 in Min-Zu Elementary School and Giao-Ping Elementary School.
英文關鍵字 PM2.5, Chemical Composition, Local Sources Profile, Area Air Quality, Source Contribution, Mobile Monitoring System, CMAQ, AERMOD