

中文摘要 雲林縣移動性污染源管制計畫係針對本縣轄區內之機車管制作業,機車是否完成定期檢驗,藉由加強路邊稽查、路邊攔檢、辦理機車免費排氣檢驗宣導活動及協助環保局輔導查核民間機車定檢站等工作,經由這些措施之配合,達到督促車輛使用人加強保養維修,並且教育機車駕駛人正確保養觀念,進而降低機車廢氣排放之污染,有效維護空氣品質。 截至106年4月25日止,主要執行項目:完成逾期未定檢機車二次通知公文80,200件、路邊攔查作業434輛、路邊攔檢作業1088輛次、戶外定檢服務累計達1,133輛次。 完成1場次低污染車輛宣導暨怠速熄火宣導活動、完成雲林縣機車定檢服務及未定檢回報系統整合APP宣導活動7場次、完成結合社區民眾推動機車定檢及二行程機車汰舊宣導說明會5場次、完成2場次機車排氣檢驗站檢驗人員在職訓練說明會、機車排氣檢驗站不定期匿名查核51站次、排氣檢驗站查核336站次、標準氣體查核作業92站次。 印製完成停車熄火與二行程老舊機車汰舊單張,印製完成定檢相關服務系統APP宣導摺頁30,000份、海報1,000張,相關作業新聞稿發佈5則。完成本縣電動機車充電站巡查2次,完成機車定檢宣導月相關活動,完成怠速熄火宣導1262輛次,彙整強制執行案件移送423件。
中文關鍵字 機車排氣煙檢驗、路邊攔查、戶外定檢、路邊攔檢、宣導


專案計畫編號 YLEPB-105-028 經費年度 105 計畫經費 8929 千元
專案開始日期 2016/04/26 專案結束日期 2017/04/25 專案主持人 許仲景
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 陳明佐 執行單位 華門工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105雲林移污期末定稿.pdf 20MB

The Mobile Source Inspection and Management Project in 105th

英文摘要 The Yunlin County Mobile Pollution Source Control Program aims at the locomotive control work in the county area. Whether locomotives have completed periodic inspection, by strengthening the roadside inspection, roadside inspection, handling the locomotive free exhaust inspection publicity activities and assisting the environmental protection Through the coordination of these measures, to urge vehicle users to strengthen maintenance, and educate the correct concept of maintenance of motorcycles drivers, thereby reducing emissions from the locomotive pollution, the effective maintenance of air quality. As of April 25, 106, the main implementation of the project: the completion of overdue unscheduled locomotives to notify the second document 80,200 pieces of roadside interception operations 434, 1088 roadside interception operations, the cumulative total of 1133 outdoor inspection services Times. Completed a campaign to promote low-pollution vehicles and idling flame extinction propaganda activities to complete the Yunlin County locomotive inspection services and unscheduled reward system integration APP publicity activities 7 sessions to complete the combination of community people to promote the locomotive inspection and two-stroke locomotives worn out 5 sessions of the Seminar Seminar, 2 on-site training session for locomotive exhaust inspection stations, 51 unannounced check-ups of the locomotive exhaust inspection stations, 336 checkpoints for the exhaust gas station, 92 stations for the standard gas check-up Times. Printing completed complete shutdown of the old two-stroke locomotive leaflet, printed to complete the relevant inspection system related services 30,000 copies of APP publicity flaps, posters 1,000, the press release issued 5 related operations. Complete the county electric car charging station inspection 2 times, complete the locomotive inspection seized on the activities related to completion of idle flame extinction 1262 times, the transfer of compulsory enforcement cases transferred 423.
英文關鍵字 Motorcycle exhaust smoke testing, roadside stopped the investigation, outdoor inspection, stopped roadside inspection, advocacy