

中文摘要  計畫名稱:嘉義縣空氣品質管理發展計畫  執行期程:105年4月10日~106年4月9日  計畫經費:5,760仟元  計畫主持人:何宗安  執行人力:專案經理 王淑婷;計畫工程師 郭瑜欣、余志偉、陳怡臻;行政管理師 林建佑;行政助理 許文薰 空氣污染防制法自民國六十四年五月二十三日經制訂公告以來,隨著對空氣污染物排放特性掌握程度趨於成熟與完備及民眾對環保意識的抬高,近年來各項管制標準不斷趨嚴而管制對象也越趨於完備。但由於空氣污染物排放特性複雜,以嘉義縣(以下簡稱本縣)空氣品質而言,空氣污染指標(PSI)>100之日數自92年起逐漸惡化,但近4年已有轉趨改善,仍以臭氧(O3)及懸浮微粒(PM10)為主要之污染指標成分,其中細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)濃度為近年須即改善物種。顯示僅就個別排放源管制,對空氣品質仍未有顯著之改善,因此以整體性空氣污染排放管制之考量方式,即空氣品質管理發展計畫便因應而生。 本縣環保局為使環保基金功能有效發揮及落實督導查核各委辦計畫之執行成效,遂整合SIP提出「空氣品質管理發展計畫」,本計畫所擔任的角色係以協助環保局的立場,督促各項管制工作之執行進度及品質,同時彙整分析各計畫之執行成效及歷年空氣品質狀況,研擬出可行之空氣品質改善對策與應變措施,具體地推動空氣污染管制工作。另外亦期使環保基金能更有效監督與運用,且配合環保署考評方式進行子計畫管制,以達到空氣污染管制之最大績效,並爭取環保署空污基金最高之撥交比例。 綜合上述,105年度空氣品質管理發展計畫在定位上以達成績效指標、環境指標及民意指標為三大努力方向,其中績效指標為執行完整之成效管制方式,以環保署績效考評辦法為基礎,協助環保局督促各項管制工作之執行進度及品質;在環境指標部份則為透過空品分析及本縣排放量修正更新,就本縣地方污染特性,規劃本縣空品目標與管制策略,並訂定各計畫污染物減量目標與檢討達成情形。此外並規劃短中長程管制策略,擬定下年度及未來空氣品質改善計畫之執行重點,有系統地規劃及研定本縣改善空氣品質之時間表。 本計畫以協助環保局推動本縣整體空氣品質維護或改善計畫之運作,整合各計畫執行成效與方向,並規劃短中長程管制策略,擬定下年度及未來空氣品質改善計畫之執行重點,以有系統地規劃及研定本縣改善空氣品質之時間表。依據105年度「嘉義縣空氣品質管理發展計畫」招標規範文件,本計畫之目標有下列六項: 一、配合環保署空氣品質管制政策訂定,解析本縣歷年空氣品質,並依據本縣訂定之空氣污染防制計畫及排放量管理計畫書,分析空氣污染源特性,研擬短、中及長程管制對策,以使三級防制區提升為二級防制區。 二、研析本縣細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)濃度變化趨勢及擬訂管制措施。 三、協助定期查核及檢討空氣污染防(管)制相關計畫其工作事項之執行數、品質及進度之達成,並督促進行缺失改善,以爭取考評佳績。 四、辦理既設空氣品質淨化區查核、環境清理維護、設施維護管理、碳匯調查建置及網路平台資料填報等相關作業。 五、協助辦理本縣環境污染防制(治)基金之運作及其相關行政事宜,達到基金編列運用之適切性。 六、辦理空氣污染管(防)制相關宣導(傳)作業,以提升縣民環保意識及政策推動之配合度。 105年度計畫執行期程自105年4月10日起至106年4月9日止,截至期中報告105年9月30日止,本計畫相關工作執行進度說明及辦理情形,各項工作進度除空氣污染防制基金管理委員會議,原訂105年9月29日辦理嘉義縣空氣污染防制基金管理委員會第十屆第2次會議(環污基金座談會),因遇梅姬颱風來襲,會議現場路況不佳,擬延期至105年10月辦理外,其它工作均依據原排定進度如期完成,各項工作進度及目前成果摘要說明如下所述: 一、污染物排放清單與空氣品質現況 本縣排放量結果顯示,TSP排放比例以營建/道路揚塵佔比例最高(78%),其次為工業排放比例8.5%。PM10排放比例同樣以營建/道路揚塵佔比例最高(61.3%),其次為工業排放比例13.3%。PM2.5排放比例同樣以營建/道路揚塵佔比例最高(36.9%),其次為露天燃燒排放比例23.6%。SOx排放比例以工業佔比例最高(71%),其次為非公路運輸比例16.1%。NOx排放比例以公路運輸佔比例最高(51.2%),其次為工業比例34.3%。NMHC排放比例以公路運輸佔比例最高(29.8%),其次為營建/道路揚塵比例24.7%。 本縣105年PSI>100空品不良站日數共有4站日,其中O3不良日有1站日,PM10不良日有3站日,不良比例為0.55%,同時較雲嘉南空品區平均不良率(0.24%)高。 二、辦理空氣污染事件及空品不良通報 本計畫目前共發出空氣品質惡化預報10日次,其中PM10惡化預報有2日次,O3惡化預報有6日次,PM2.5惡化預報有3日次,在所有發出通報後,空氣品質不良通報中,含有1日次空氣污染指標(PSI)>100情形。以營建工程、道路髒污、固定逸散性污染源及露天燃燒管制較能降低轄區內污染物貢獻比例。 三、追蹤考核各計畫辦理成效 辦理完成1場次空氣污染物減量推動小組會議、2場次工作檢討會及3場次委員專案檢討會。 四、空氣品質淨化區設置維護管理作業 本計畫於5月完成一場次現場考核作業,並於6月完成一場次改善追蹤,分別計29處次;8月完成2場次(共11處次)委員現場輔導查核,並於9月完成改善追蹤;同時於5月及8月更新維護單位相關聯絡人。本縣環保局代管2處淨化區維護作業,每月維護管理環保局代管淨化區,目前「朴子市嘉朴段274地號廢棄物堆置場綠美化工程」完成6月次環境清潔維護;另「水上鄉十一指厝龍德小段廢棄物堆置綠美化工程」完成6月次環境清潔維護、更新1面空品淨化區告示牌;並完成10處次淨化區植樹碳匯調查,其中完成確認計算10處淨化區CO2吸存量,合計CO2吸存量為258,377.770Kg /年。105年調查完成之淨化區CO2吸存量較101年度總增加107,945.68Kg CO2。 五、協助空氣污染防制(治)基金作業 辦理完成1場次基金管理委員會會議及協助編列106年度空污基金概算編列,同時向環保署提報106年度申請補助計畫4項,提報該署申請補助計畫有延續性4項計畫,分別為「固定空氣污染源許可暨揮發性有機物稽查管制計畫」、「固定污染源連續自動監測系統(CEMS)功能查核及稽查管制暨中洋防護網管理計畫」、「柴油車動力計排煙檢測暨阿里山空品淨區管制計畫」及「農業廢棄物露天燃燒防制計畫」。 六、其它辦理事項 本計畫配合環保局推動空氣品質宣導,目前利用LINE通訊軟體已成立「嘉義縣空氣品質通報平台」,並橫向通報本縣教育處、社會局及衛生局等單位,於每天上午8時30分、下午1時30分於平台更新PM2.5、PSI值資料及升色旗警示,以利通報本縣123所國民小學、33所國、高中學、157所幼兒園及51所醫療及安養等機構,目前已著手規劃,當主要污染物即時濃度值超過設定值時,系統將自動發出E-mail至教育處、社會局、衛生局及各鄉鎮公所,即時得知最新空氣品質狀況,另歡迎縣內民眾上網免費申請;與衛生局共同編製「面對空氣污染如何自我防護」手冊及摺頁,分別印製手冊500份及摺頁3000份,分送至各學校及民眾拿取及廣為宣導。
中文關鍵字 嘉義縣空氣品質管理發展計畫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 5760 千元
專案開始日期 2016/04/10 專案結束日期 2017/04/09 專案主持人 何宗安
主辦單位 嘉義縣環境保護局 承辦人 許瑜芬 執行單位 新系環境技術有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年度嘉義縣空氣品質管理發展計畫.pdf 40MB

105 years Chiayi County air quality management development plan

英文摘要 Since its promulgation on May 22, 1975, the Air Pollution Control Act has achieved more comprehensive control of pollutant emissions as well as increasing environmental awareness among the public. In recent years, control standards have become tougher and are regulating more pollution sources. But due to complicated emission characteristics, it is still a work in progress. For example, the air quality of Chiayi County (hereinafter referred to as “the County”) has been deteriorating since 2003 with an increased ratio of Air Pollution Standards Index measurement days with values more than 100. Although air quality has become better over the past four years, yet O3 and the particulate matter of 10 micrometers (PM10) have been identified as the main pollutants. Among those pollutants, the concentration of fine particulate matter, PM2.5, is an issue of great concern that requires immediate improvement. This indicates that for the control of individual pollutants, the air quality has not improved significantly. Hence, to consider the holistic approach of air pollution control, the air quality management plan has been proposed. In order to effectively utilize environmental funds and conduct entrusted projects, the Environmental Protection Bureau of the County integrates SIP and has come out with the “Air Quality Management Plan.” This plan is proposed to assist the Bureau with the monitoring process and quality of each control task, while also collecting and analyzing data on the implementation effectiveness and air quality over the past years to study and enact measures to improve air quality, adapt to changes and promote air pollution control. Furthermore, for the purposes of effective monitoring and utilization of environmental fund and coordination with project management, with evaluations approved by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), maximizing the performance of air pollution control is required to apply for the maximum amount of air pollution fund allocated by the EPA. In short, the 2016 Air Pollution Management Plan was oriented to achieve three target indices: performance, environment, and public preference. The performance index indicates how comprehensively and effectively the control management has been performed. This is based on the evaluation methods of the EPA in order to assist the Bureau with the monitoring process and quality of each control. The environment index amends and updates the amount of emissions through the analyses of air pollution and emission amount of the County to enact targets and measures of air quality management, to set and review the objectives of pollutant reduction according to the characteristics of pollutants of the County. Additionally, short, middle, and long-term control measures are set up for the implementation of the following year and future air quality improvement plans. A timetable with systematic planning and reviews to improve air quality of the County is then submitted. This plan assists the Bureau to promote the overall air quality maintenance or improvement projects of the County, synergizes the implementation effectiveness and targets of different projects, and enacts short, middle, and long-term control measures for implementation of next year and future air quality improvement plans. A timetable with systematic planning and reviews to improve the air quality of the County can then be submitted. According to the tender documentation of the 2016 “Chiayi County Air Quality Control Plan,” six objectives of this plan are listed below: 1. To incorporate with amendment of air quality control policies of the EPA by analyzing the air quality of the County over the past years as the basis for proposing the air pollution and emission amount control plan, to analyze the characteristics of the pollution sources, and to enact short, middle, and long-term control measures to upgrade the class III control region into the class II control region. 2. To study the trends of PM2.5 concentration in the County and to enact control measures. 3. Regularly check and review the implementation number, quality, and progress of each control work related to air pollution control (management) and facilitate improvement for better evaluation result. 4. To conduct relevant operations of auditing for established air quality purification zones, clean and maintain the environment, maintain and manage facilities, inspect the carbon sink construction and report on the online platform. 5. To assist operations and other relevant administrative affairs of environmental pollution control (treatment) fund of the County to achieve the utilization fitness of fund amortization and utilization. 6. To carry out operations related to the implementation of air pollution control (prevention) to increase public environmental awareness of county residents and to coordinate with policy promotion. The 2016 annual plan was carried out from April 10, 2016 to April 9, 2017 and the implementation and progress of relevant works of this plan are being completed as scheduled. The work progress and current achievements are described below: 1. Pollutant emission list and current air quality conditions The TEDs9.0 (using 2013 as the base year) emission amount shows that the TSP emission rate is mostly contributed by construction /roadside dust (83.5%), followed by vehicles (7.4%). Likely, the PM10 emission rate mainly comes from construction/roadside dust (69.7%) followed by vehicle emission (13.2%). Construction/roadside dust also accounts for the highest PM2.5 emission rate (48.5%) followed by vehicle emission (24.6%). The industrial sector has the highest rate of SOX emission (70.1%) while off-highway transportation accounts for 23.3%; NOX emission rate mostly comes from vehicle emission (51.7%) followed by industrial emission (34.8%). The industry emits the highest NMHC emission (33.2%) and vehicles emit the second largest emission (24.2%). In 2016, Chiayi County had 50 poor air quality measurement days with values of more than 150 (AQI>150) and among these days, 38 and 12 adverse pollution days of PM2.5 and O3 were identified, respectively (The sub-indices of O3 and O3-8h are both included to acquire the maximum value as the Air Quality Index (AQI) of the day). There were no adverse pollution days of PM10, with the adverse pollution rate of 6.8%, lower than that of the average negative air quality rate of Yunlin Chiayi Tainan region (8.2%). According to the statistics from April to September, 2016, there were 10 days measured with AQI>150; among these days, there were no negative pollution days of PM10 and 6 and 4 negative pollution days of PM2.5 and O3, respectively. 2. Handling air pollution events and negative air quality notifications This plan, at present, issued 82 negative air quality day notifications, 2 of O3 and 80 of PM2.5. Among these notifications, 2 times that of PSI>100 and 42 times of AQI>100, indicating that control and management construction projects, dusty roads, stationary emission source and open burning can effectively reduce the contribution of pollutants within the County. 3. Follow-ups of project implementation effectiveness The plan included two meetings of the promotion team for air pollutant reduction, four reviews, and three project view meetings with commissioners. There were one horizontal pollution notification and one pollution improvement notification. They were both improved within 24 hours. 4. Establishment, maintenance and management operations of air quality This plan was evaluated on site two times in May and October, and in June and November, two follow-ups were completed for 29 zones; two sessions (11 zones) were conducted with on-site consultation and auditing by commissioners in August and follow-ups were completed in September. At the same time, information on the relevant contact person of the responsible office was updated in May, August, November, and February, 2017. The Bureau was in charge of maintenance of two purification zones; maintenance was conducted on a monthly basis. At present, 12 times of environmental cleaning and maintenance operation both in “Puzi City Chia Pu Section Land #274 Waste Repository Construction” and “Shuishang Township Shiyizhi Cuo Longde Xiao Section Waste Repository Construction,” each per month, were completed and one sign of Air Quality Purification Zone was put with the “Shuishang Township Shiyizhi Cuo Longde Xiao Section Waste Repository Construction,” and ten zones were completed with plantation carbon sink checks to confirm the CO2 absorption as 258,377.770 Kg per year, indicating an increase of 107,945.68 Kg of CO2 compared to that of 2012. 5. Assistance to air pollution control (treatment) fund operations Under the plan, four meetings of fund management commission were convened, one seminar on environmental pollution fund was organized, and the budget for the 2017 air pollution control fund was planned. Meanwhile, four continuous plans of 2017 were submitted to the EPA for subsidies: “the Inspection and Control of Permitted Stationary Air Pollution Source and Volatile Organic Compounds,” “the Functional Inspection and Auditing Control of Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) and Jhongyang Environmental Protection Network Management Plan” and “the Diesel Vehicle Exhaust Smoke Test and A Li Mountain Air Quality Purification Zone Control Plan,” and “the Prevention of Open Burning of Agricultural Waste Plan.” 6. Others This plan, with the promotion of the Bureau for better air quality, incorporates LINE, the communication app; the “Air Quality Notification Platform of Chiayi County” has been constructed to send notifications to the Education Department, the Bureau of Social Welfare, and the Department of Health of Chiayi County horizontally. At 8:30 in the morning and 1:30 in the afternoon, updated information of PM2.5 and PSI as well as air quality alert color code warnings are updated for the convenience to notify 123 elementary schools, 33 junior and senior high schools, 157 kindergartens, and 51 medical and nursing institutions. Now the system is initiated to automatically send emails to replace the manual work to send messages through LINE, when the main pollutants have the immediate concentrations exceeding the default values. Emails are automatically sent out, so that the Department of Education, the Bureau of Social Welfare, and Department of Health, township offices, and the general public will receive real-time information on air quality conditions. Free online information is also available. The handbook and pamphlet “How to Protect Yourself from Air Pollution” are jointly complied with the Department of Health; 500 and 3,000 copies of the handbook and pamphlets, respectively, are distributed to schools and the public for promotion.
英文關鍵字 Air Pollution Control