中文摘要 | 低碳永續家園建構工作涉及不同專業領域的技術與設備,且需各級政府部門、公民營企業、各社團團體與民眾的共同參與,因此建置即時、有效的資訊溝通與資源交換平台,利於各參與者瞭解運作內涵、應擔負角色與能發揮的功能等,是整體橫向與縱向的關鍵機制。據此,環保署建置「低碳永續家園資訊網」,作為資訊整合及交流之平台,除展現執行成果,也公開各項低碳永續行動項目之具體內容與執行說明。 105年度除持續維護管理與強化低碳永續家園資訊網頁,也規劃建置「組合式行動項目」擇選介面、調整並完備認證評等專區運作與查詢功能,檢討「行動項目認證專案」,調整填報格式及優化查詢統計功能;另擴充「低碳示範社區專區」資料庫,有效展現示範社區推動成果與節能減碳成效。 認證評等自103年7月推動,至今已展現豐碩的執行成果及數據;因此,105年度藉由政府開放資料應用開發低碳永續家園資料庫整合應用模式,經統計分析認證評等參與率受「村里長當選資訊」、「村里背景資訊」影響;認證評等得分率受參與單位「行動項目選取數量」、「選取總分」及「轄區是否有環教場所」影響;而集群分析能有效區隔「行動項目選取方式集群」與「審查委員給予行動項目評分集群」,各集群內之差異性分析與認證評等制度具顯著性差異,另依用情形及認證評等資料之統計分析建置「複合式報表查詢系統」供中央及各縣市管理單位查詢利用,其系統數據經分析後,亦能夠作為制定改善方針及管理措施的參考。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 低碳永續家園、認證評等制度、文字探勘、開放資料 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-105-FA07-03-A181 | 經費年度 | 105 | 計畫經費 | 3150 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2016/03/30 | 專案結束日期 | 2016/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 薛安聿 |
主辦單位 | 環管處 | 承辦人 | 陳曉真 | 執行單位 | 環資國際有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 105年期末報告(定稿).pdf | 18MB |
Analyze the Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Database for Practical Application and Manage Web Site Project
英文摘要 | The construction work of Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Program involves technology and equipment of different professional fields, and requires the co-participation of authorities of different levels, private and public sectors, all social groups and communities as well as the public. The construction of real-time and effective information communication and resource exchange platform can facilitate all participants to learn the contents and their role and functions, acting as a fundamental mechanism, whether horizontally or vertically. Based on this, the Environmental Protection Administration constructed “Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Information System” as a platform for the integration and exchange of information. Not only does it present the executive result, but also publish the concrete contents and description of every action plans. This year, not only do we continue maintain, manage and fortify the webpage, but also started to plan the interface of “multiple action plans” and the exclusive sections and inquires of certification. We reviewed “Action Plan Certification Project” and adjusted the fill-in forms as well as optimize the inquiry function for statistics; in addition, database of “Low Carbon Demonstration Communities” was included, showing effectively the results of the promotion and carbon reduction. From July 2014, when the certification began, till now, rich executive results and data have been shown; thus, since the government has open data applications, the participation rate is affected by “elected information” and “village background”; the scoring rate is affected by environment education areas; depending on certification data to build on the composite query system, it can offer query functions to authorities for formulating improvement policies and management measures. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Low-carbon and Sustainable Living Area, Certification Evaluation Regulations, Text Mining, Open Data |