

中文摘要 環境負荷分析結果顯示,搭乘航空人數在105 年有明顯上升,整體機車數仍為上升,對於觀光人口成長帶動車輛/航空/輪船搭乘增量,所造成之空氣污染應更加留意;馬公站近三年AQI<50 良好比率約占44~48%,AQI=51~100 普通比率約占43~47%,AQI>100 比率略有逐年降低趨勢;自動測站PM2.5 年平均值為19.9μg/m3、24hr 第98%值為43μg/m3,呈現逐年改善,PM2.5 24 小時值超標事件日數,也從103 年的23 天逐年改善至105年的17 天;手動測站PM2.5 年平均值為15.8 μg/m3,24hr 第98%值為44,98%值雖與去年持平,但PM2.5 年平均值105 年度為近年改善最多,改善率達8.3%。另參照TEDS 推估手冊及應用本縣農漁局提供實際種植作物、農地休耕、海岸防風林面積,並參考卑南溪河川揚塵實際揚塵事件日PM2.5/PM10 比例,進行本縣污染物排放量更新推估,更新後排放量顯示本縣PM2.5以餐飲業與車行揚塵為前二大排放來源。 各項污染防制計畫的執行成效方面,已彙整各子計畫管制策略績效指標執行成果,105 年度污防書目標均順利達成,而本年度自訂績效指標削減量成果PM10 為16.3 公噸/年、PM2.5為7.3 公噸/年、NOx 為10.9 公噸/年、NMHC 為81.3 公噸/年;修訂104-109 年「澎湖縣空氣污染防制計畫書」,共新增4 項具減量指標之管制策略,分別為提升燃油發電廠污染防制效率、推廣電動二輪車、推動吉貝島汽油機車減量及推動環境綠化;每月通報各子計畫提報資料內容及期程,對於提報的資料進行正確性及完整性評比。 加強空氣品質不良通報及因應措施方面,已修訂澎湖縣空氣品質不良通報作業及因應措施標準化文件,並完成空氣污染嚴重惡化緊急應變防制演練規劃書。針對本縣已設置完成之空氣品質淨化區,媒合3 處民間社區與企業機構認養作業,經由環保局輔導認養尖山南段空氣品質淨化區之尖山發電廠表現優異,本年度獲得環保署企業團體認養績優單位特優獎項。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染防制計畫書、空品淨化區、考核、排放量推估、自訂績效指標、空品不良查處


專案計畫編號 EP105015 經費年度 105 計畫經費 4130 千元
專案開始日期 2016/04/14 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 王義輝
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳永晉 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 合併檔.pdf 36MB

Penghu 『2016 The air quality management development plan』

英文摘要 In this year our project goal is collect and analysis over the years environmental background in Penghu and the air quality related data, the results of environmental background analysis show that the number of passengers flying in 2015 has increased significantly, the overall number of motorcycle is still rising, the growth of tourism population driven vehicle / air / ship ride increment, caused by air pollution should pay more attention; AQI <50 is about 44 ~ 48%, AQI = 51 ~ 100 is about 43 ~ 47%, AQI> 100 slightly decreased year by year; automatic station PM2.5 annual average value was 19.9μg/m3, 24 hours of the 98% value was 43μg/m3, showing improvement year by year; manual station PM2.5 annual average value was 15.8 μg/m3, the PM2.5 annual average of 2015 in recent years to improve the most, the improvement rate was 8.3%. According to the Taiwan Emission Data System(TEDS) estimation manual and application of the county agricultural and fishery Bureau to provide the actual planting crops, farmland fallow, coastal windbreak forest area, and the Pu Nanxi River dust event day of PM2.5/PM10 concentration ratio, to update estimates the county air pollutant emissions. Updated emissions show the county PM2.5 to the catering and car line were the first two sources of air pollutant emissions. To strengthen the air quality bad notification and response measures, has revised the Penghu County air quality bad notice operations and measures to standardize the documents, and complete the serious deterioration of air pollution emergency response exercise plan. For the county has been setup completely of the air quality purification area, the media of three civil society and business institutions to adopt the air quality purification area, through the Environmental Protection Agency counseling recognized Xianshan southern air quality purification area of the Xianshan power plant outstanding performance, this year the EPD business groups approved Performance Unit Excellence Award.
英文關鍵字 air quality status, capacity of environment