

中文摘要 本報告統計期程自105年1月1日起至105年12月31日止,其主要工 作內容及執行成果簡要說明如下: 一、稽查管制使用中機車 為管制本縣使用中機車, 本計畫針對定點停放狀態之機車執行巡查作業53,870輛次, 針對行駛狀態之機車執行車牌辨識51,514輛次以及機車攔檢824輛次, 目前均已納入機車資料庫內進行後續控管。除了上述稽查手段之外, 為提醒車主按時定檢,本計畫共計寄出21,000件明信片及54,235件公文函通知。另外 為了提昇本縣偏遠鄉鎮車主的定檢意願, 本計畫亦設置一站移動式機車定檢站, 除了到尚未設置定檢站之鄉鎮提供免費定檢服務外, 亦提供工廠提出定檢服務申請, 目前已提供274輛次免費機車定檢服務。 二、稽核管理機車定檢站 目前本縣已設罝63站機車定檢站,為有效管理機車定檢站,今年度將定檢站進行分級, 並依不同級別制定不同查核頻率,目前已完成732站次定期查核作業以及63站定檢站實車秘密查核作業。另為提昇定檢站檢驗人員素質, 已於計畫期間舉辦2場次檢驗人員教育訓練會議, 藉此告知環保署及環保局最新的公告, 以期有效提昇本縣機車定檢站檢測及服務的品質。 三、宣導稽查停車怠速熄火 為降低車輛怠速時所排放之污染, 派員至一般道路、市場、停車場、休息站及風景區等地點, 針對4,170輛停等中之機動車輛完成怠速熄火宣導稽查作業, 其中179輛為怠速中車輛, 在經由稽查人員勸導後, 均已立即關閉引擎。 四、低污染車輛及汰舊車輛宣導 為了向民眾宣導低污染車輛及汰舊車輛補助方案, 本計畫除了配合辦理10場次宣導活動之外, 並印製5,600份宣導相關文宣( 包含宣導文宣、宣導品及宣導海報) 及製作128面宣導旗幟進行發放, 以擴大宣導層面。 五、二行程機車汰舊及電動二輪車補助審查作業 本計畫人員已協助環保局審查完成2,000輛老舊二行程機車汰舊補助、84輛老舊二行程機車換購電動二輪車補助, 以及921輛新購電動二輪車補助作業。 六、污染減量成效推估 本計畫藉由機車定檢不合格調修改善、機車攔檢不合格調修改善及淘汰老舊機車等方式,本縣NMHC( 非甲烷碳氫化合物)削減量為90.334噸/年,CO( 一氧化碳)削減量為365.658噸/年、CO2( 二氧化碳) 削減量為867.569噸/年。
中文關鍵字 移動污染源、停車怠速熄火、二行程機車汰舊


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 11930 千元
專案開始日期 2016/01/01 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 林忠宏
主辦單位 新竹縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 楊美櫻 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年度新竹縣移動污染源管制計畫期末報告.pdf 8MB

2016 Mobile Pollution Source Control Plan

英文摘要 1. Inspection and control of vehicle in service In order to control the vehicle in service of the county, this plan has inspected 53,870 vehicle-times in the fixed parking lot, identified the license plate of vehicles in driving for 51,514 vehicle-times and stopped 824 vehicle-times for inspection, which have been included into the vehicle database for follow-up control. Except for above inspection method, in order to remind the owner for regular inspection on time, this plan has totally sent 210,000 postcards and 54,235 official notices. In addition, in order to promote the regular inspection willing of owner in remote towns of the county, this plan also established the one-stop mobile vehicle regular inspection station, which could provide free regular inspection service in the towns without regular inspection station, but also provide the factory proposed regular inspection service application, and have provided 274 vehicle-times free vehicle regular inspection service so far. 2. Vehicle regular inspection station audit and management The county has established 63 vehicle regular inspection stations. In order to effectively manage the vehicle regular inspection station, it shall grade the regular inspection station in this year, and establish the different inspection frequencies according to the different grades; at present, it has completed 732 station-times regular inspection audit and actual vehicle secret inspection of 63 regular inspection stations. Besides, in order to promote the inspection personnel quality of regular inspection station, it has held 2 inspection personnel educational trainings during this plan period, to deliver the latest notice of Environmental Protection Administration and Environmental Protection Bureau, and effectively promote the inspection and service quality of vehicle regular inspection station of the county. 3. Advocacy and inspection of idling stop For the purpose of reducing the pollution caused when idling, it appointed the personnel to the general road, market, parking lot, rest station and scenic spot, to advocate and inspect the idling stop of 4,170 vehicles when stopping, in which 179 vehicles were idling, and immediately turned off the engine after the inspection personnel advising. 4. Advocacy of low-pollution vehicle and replacing old vehicle In order to advocate the subsidy program for low-pollution vehicle and replacing old vehicle, this plan held 10 advocacy activities, and printed 5,600 copies of relevant advocacy brochure (including the advocacy brochure, advocacy product and advocacy post) and even made 128 flags to expand the advocacy. 5. Two-stroke vehicle replacing and electric bicycle subsidy investigation The personnel of this plan has assisted Environmental Protection Bureau to audit the subsidy of 2,000 old two-stroke vehicles replacing, 84 old two-stroke vehicles replaced by electric bicycle, and 921 newly bought electric bicycles. 6. Pollution decrement effect estimating Via the improvement of vehicle regular inspection to be disqualified, improvement of vehicle stop-and-check to be disqualified and old vehicle replacing in this plan, NMHC (non-methane hydrocarbon) of this county has decreased 90.334 ton/year, CO (carbon oxide) decreased 365.658 ton/year, and CO2 (carbon dioxide) decreased 867.569 ton/year.
英文關鍵字 vehicle regular inspection rate, vehicle control, vehicle regular inspection station, two-stroke vehicle obsoleting, electric bicycle