

中文摘要 為推動沼液沼渣資源利用,本計畫透過蒐集國外沼液沼渣作為農地肥分使用之成功案例,研析國內推動沼液沼渣農地利用之推動策略與方法,並持續辦理農牧媒合會議、彙整已取得沼液沼渣農地利用使用情形等,並分析將沼液沼渣轉製有機肥再進行利用之可行性。在推動畜牧糞尿厭氧消化方面,本計畫研擬集中厭氧處理之技術評估及推動策略、畜牧場糞尿厭氧消化設施餘裕量技術評估及推動策略、沼氣集中發電技術評估及推動策略、畜牧糞尿與其他有機物共消化可行性評估等工作。在配套工作方面,本計畫評估河川污染熱區沼液沼渣農地利用之污染削減、辦理地方政府推動執行情形檢討研商會議、出國參訪、國外管理制度文件翻譯、編撰政策說帖及指引手冊等。 本計畫主要產出成果包括完成相關政策推動策略5份(包括沼液沼渣農地利用之推動策略、農牧媒合推動策略、畜牧糞尿集中處理推動策略、厭氧消化設施餘裕量集中處理推動策略、沼氣集中發電推動策略)、媒合說明會12場次、網路版農牧媒合平台、全國推動情形檢討會議2場次、8件國外管理制度及技術交流文件翻譯、中英文對照版沼液沼渣作為農地肥分利用政策說帖2式(分為專家版及一般民眾版)及沼液沼渣施灌指引手冊1冊等。
中文關鍵字 畜牧糞尿、厭氧消化、沼渣沼液、肥分


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-G106-06-A268 經費年度 105 計畫經費 6720 千元
專案開始日期 2016/09/13 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 劉建民
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 林建芬 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 1114C期末報告定稿.pdf 22MB

The Promotion Project for Piggery Waste Resource Reuse

英文摘要 To promote the reuse of digestate, this project drafted strategies for promoting digestate use as farmland fertilizer by analyzing the successful foreign cases, proceeded the meeting with agriculture and animal husbandry, updated permission cases status, and also studied the feasibility for the reuse of digestate as raw material for farmland fertilizer. As for promoting anaerobic digestion, this project had drafted the “Assessment of the treatment technology and promotion strategy for the centralized anaerobic”, “Assessment of the treatment technology and promotion strategy for the supply of margin for anaerobic digestion facility with piggery waste”, “Assessment of the treatment technology and promotion strategy for the centralized power generation technology from biogas”, “Feasibility study of anaerobic co-digestion of piggery waste and organic waste”. In the supplementary work, this project had completed the assessment of pollutant reduction from digestate use as farmland fertilizer discharging into river, conducted review meetings regarding local government promoting status, visited abroad, completed translation of foreign management guidance documents, drafted policy memorandum and irrigation guidelines. The main accomplishment for this project included completing and promoting 5 Strategies (Strategy of promoting digestate use as farmland fertilizer, Strategy of promoting matching-service for agriculture and husbandry, Strategy of promoting digestate use as centralized anaerobic treatment, Strategy of the supply of margin for anaerobic digestion facility with piggery waste, Strategy of centralized power generation technology from biogas), 12 matching and information briefing sessions, online agriculture and husbandry matching platform, 2 review meetings regarding local government promoting status, 8 translated documents on foreign management guidelines and technical exchange issues, 2 policy memorandum on digestate use as farmland fertilizer in both Chinese and English version(separated into expert edition and general public edition) and 1 irrigation guidance manual.
英文關鍵字 Piggery Waste、Anaerobic Digestion、Digestate、Fertilizer