

中文摘要 本計畫針對精進推動制度與工具,促使環保低碳活動全面邁向碳中和、研析擴大碳中和參與方案,強化誘因及輔導作為機制、導入資訊行動化之宣導概念,更新維護碳中和及低碳活動平台及配合事項。本計畫成果簡要說明如下:: (一) 精進推動制度與工具,促使環保低碳活動全面邁向碳中和 1 蒐研國際具指標性案例(如里約奧運、COP23、G20高峰會等),發現企業除落實低碳與碳管理外,於推動過程將經濟、環境與社會層面納入,並強調與利害相關者溝通,亦與國際ISO20121永續管理系統精神相符。 2 蒐研國際間企業案例及標章制度,發現國際間多以服務業為主,並部分國家(如澳洲)透過政策手段,透過社會氛圍促使推動自主性減碳行動,使企業具有意願執行。而我國則以產品外銷導向的製造業為優先推動,主要因區隔市場品牌與綠色企業形象外,亦能符合國際法規要求。 3 環保低碳活動平台至今已累積逾2萬餘筆,累積減碳達1,522噸CO2e(約5.82個大安森林公園吸碳量),經分析發現自公務單位逐步擴展至民間單位(12%),顯示推廣頗具成效。另,縣市申請情形非侷限於六都,其他縣市(如彰化縣)亦積極推動。 4 為擴大適用範圍,分析歷往活動規模及排放量,依循活動規模與特性分別提出具體減碳策略,希冀提供使用者參考。此外,依據本計畫研究於活動推動低碳作為相較未執行者,約可達20%-30%減碳效益,因此以大型活動(人數達500人以上),擬定大型活動碳排放申報機制及簡易計算表單(內建計算公式),提供給主辦方、策展單位及活動人員應用。 5 已完成環保低碳指引修訂,由於本指引為99年擬定至今逾7年,為使指引更趨完整,針對指引不足之處(如事後回饋與查證),藉由納入國際ISO20121活動管理標準,參酌永續、回饋與利害者溝通的內容,並重新製作指引編排方式與文字敘述,提供給預期使用者參考。 (二)研析擴大碳中和參與方案,強化誘因及輔導作為機制 1 已蒐研國內外生質能發展趨勢,因我國推動生質能受限於先天條件不佳,故建議應以回收再利用之角度為出發點,發展生質柴油、廢食用油再利用、農業廢棄物再利用及畜牧業沼氣回收等。整體應朝向建議可鼓勵補貼,誘使業者提高推動意願、應具體納入相關法令及強化民眾宣導。 2 為提升擴大推廣生質能再利用,已協助擬訂「生質燃料油生產及應用於工廠鍋爐燃燒能源生產(草案)」,並於11月30日由環保署召開第一次減量方法學審議會議。 3 已蒐研國際間認可之減量方法學,以糞尿廢水再處理為主軸,發現共有5個減量方法學。考量到國內畜牧業之規模及應用方法學,建議以AMS.III.H.為主要參採內容。 4 本計畫已研析禽畜種類甲烷排放占比、我國畜牧業現況及飼養特性,故以養豬業為研析重點,經拜訪與請益專家學者後,建議可區分為源頭改善與後段處理,於源頭改善可朝向汰換高效能設備、後端處理則可以糞尿廢水發酵產沼發電。另可於沼氣推動過程中亦申請碳額度。 5 本年度碳中和案例,依循歷年推動經驗與成果,擇定貼近民生之家樂福量販店,並以具代表性之台北桂林分公司為標的物,協助導入輔導程序與達成碳中和,期望藉由家樂福推動碳中和成果持續擴及至全台100家分店,以及激勵同性質業別推動。 (三)導入資訊行動化之宣導概念,更新維護碳中和及低碳活動平台 1 已研析環保署既有行動應用程式及依據適宜度,選定以環境即時通為標的,並擬定三個應用方案,包括(1)方案一為增加本日活動、(2) 環保低碳活動平台與碳中和登錄平台手機版連結頁面、(3) 增加一項「近期環保低碳活動」,並監資處進行技術討論。 2 已完成環保低碳活動標章上自動產生二維條碼,可提供連結、應用程式下載等多元功能,以藉由智慧型裝置可即時性獲取資訊。 3 因應智慧型裝置普及,已完成建立行動版環保低碳活動平台及碳中和登錄管理平台網頁,提供民眾即時性查詢。
中文關鍵字 碳中和、環保低碳活動、環保低碳活動指引


專案計畫編號 EPA-10-FB12-03-A264 經費年度 105 計畫經費 5850 千元
專案開始日期 2016/11/09 專案結束日期 2017/01/08 專案主持人 葉珍羽
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 劉卉庭 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


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期末報告 EPA105FB1203A264.pdf 32MB 期末報告定稿

The Improvement Plan of Action to Promote Carbon Neutrality and Low Carbon Activities

英文摘要 As an extension of previous projects, this project focused on several perspectives, such as promoting the comprehensive carbon neutrality in the environmental protection and low carbon activity, researching, analyzing and expanding the carbon neutrality participation, spreading the concept of promotion of incentive and guiding schemes as well as applied software development to introduce informationalization, updating and maintaining the carbon neutrality and low-carbon activity platforms and advancing the Carbon Neutral and Environmental Low Carbon Activity internet platform and other administrative cooperation. At the end of this project, we will briefly report as follows: (A)Improving promotion system and tools for precipitating in the comprehensive carbon neutrality of the environmental protection and low-carbon activity. 1.By researching and analyzing the internationally leading cases (e.g., Rio 2016 Summer Games Olympics, the 23rd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP23), Group of Twenty Summit (G20), etc.), we found out that many enterprises include the economic, environmental and social factors into their promotion process in addition to implementing low carbon and carbon management, that they also communicate with stakeholders and that their behaviors conform to the internationally perpetual management system ISO20121. Therefore, they can be application erences for our country. 2.In this project, we found out that most of the enterprises’ cases and National Carbon Offset Standard are usually seen in the service industry. For example, Australia, which created a social atmosphere and established a policy to drive the voluntary carbon reduction actions and urge the enterprises to willingly implement the carbon reduction actions. Meanwhile, our country pushes forward the carbon neutrality policy in the product export oriented manufacturing industry as a priority, mainly because brands in this market segment must also conform to the requirements of international regulations for green enterprise image . 3. On the environmental protection and low-carbon activity platforms, there have been accumulated over 20,000 cases, resulting in an accumulative carbon reduction of 1,522t CO2e (about equal to 5.82 times the carbon absorption amount of the Daan Park).Through analyzing, these results, we found that these activities have been spreading from public-sector units to private units (12%), indicating an obvious effect of promotion. In addition, the application is not limited to six special municipalities but other cities and counties, such as Changhua County. 4.In order to enlarge the application scope, we provide some specific carbon reduction strategies to users after analyzing the activity scale and emissions for the past years. Moreover, we compared those implementing cases following the research of this project with those cases without implementing the activities. It was found that the difference in carbon reduction efficiency between the two case groups may reach about 20%-30%. Therefore, we have planned to establish a carbon emission declaration mechanism and a simple calculation window (with the calculation formula inside it) for large-scale activities (over 500 participants), to facilitate the application of sponsors, exhibitors and activity participants. 5.As the guideline for environmental protection and low carbon activity was declared in 2010, we amended this guideline to make it more complete. For its disadvantages(e.g. after-event feedback and verification), referred to the international ISO20121 activity management standard and its content of sustainability, feedback and communication with the stakeholders. Finally, we have re-arranged and re-written the description. It is hoped that these revised guidelines can be provided to the potential users for reference.
英文關鍵字 Carbon Neutral、Low Carbon Activities、Environmental Protection And Low Carbon Activities Guideline