

中文摘要 一、重點污染源熱區管制 VOCs標準生效後105年國內石化業廢氣量指標改善93~99%。台西站來自六輕方向丙烯96年至104年改善83%;小港站來自石化工業區乙烯改善57%。臭氧事件日分析顯示,雲嘉南臭氧事件日105年為1.8站-日/年,為二級防制區;而高屏空品區降為6.2站-日/年,由三級邁向二級。後續應注意歲修排放可能對空氣品質造成之影響,加強管制。 臺中港區推動中龍、中火原燃物料戶外堆置改為室內堆置場,仍持續精進中。實施移動源柴油貨車及船舶管制推動加裝濾煙器及進港減速等方案;逸散源管制落實逸散管辦、港區評鑑以改善PM10。 二、中部雲嘉南減量行動 分析顯示烯烴為OFP主要貢獻項,芳香烴則為OFP、HI、SOA及OR主要貢獻項。烯烴相關之石化業管制專案已推動多年,本年度則推動芳香烴(以甲苯為代表)減量行動計畫。 PM10管制方面,沙鹿站受港區堆置場作業逸散、二林站受中科二林開發作業逸散、南投站受河川疏濬作業逸散、朴子站受到旱田農地揚塵、麥寮站及崙背站受到河川揚塵影響等。 PM2.5管制方面,99年至104年SN已減量31%及17%,距離減量規劃之41%及47%尚需努力。本計畫嘗試以空品分析探討特定行為之影響,如二林站PM2.5受一期稻露燃影響指標。另有埔里站受假日出遊影響指標。 全國NH3空品測站年平均以崙背站最高且逐年增加,分析該測站之NH3年平均變化與養豬數變化趨勢相近。屏東縣及雲林縣為國內前兩大養豬大縣,建議為優先強化管制對象。 三、固定污染源標準研修 環保署已於 105年11月8日修正發布陶瓷業標準。修正水泥業標準另增訂汞、氟標準為15μg/Nm3及1mg/Nm3。VOCs標準落實後O3事件日已改善。101~103年訂定之鋼鐵業、固定源、玻璃業及電力設施加嚴標準近期陸續生效,污染減量及空品改善需進一步追蹤。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、空污減量、六輕離島工業區、固定污染源、排放標準


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-FA12-03-A129 經費年度 105 計畫經費 11280 千元
專案開始日期 2016/03/21 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 郭子豪
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 戴忠良 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告EPA-105-FA12-03-A129.pdf 17MB

The Implementaion Plan to Improve Air Quality in the Central and Yun-Chia-Nan air basin

英文摘要 I. Emission control in emission hot spots As the new VOCs emission standards became active in July 1st, 2014.The average air pollutant emission from flares of the 4 petrochemical plants in was showing 93~99% improvement. Based on the radar map from the Taixi monitoring station, the propylene emission from the Offshore Industrial Park had decreased by 83% from 2007 to 2015. The data from Xiaogang monitoring station also showed that the ethylene from Renda Industrial Park and CPC Kaohsiung Plant was reduced by 57%. The ozone non-compliance days in the Yunlin-Chiayi-Nantou Air Quality Zones were 1.8 days/year in 2016, successfully stepping down from Class 3 Air Quality Zones to Class 2. The Kaohsiung-Pingtung Air Quality Zones was also 6.2 days/year, progressing toward Class 2 Air Quality Zones. However, emission of flares during maintenance still impacts air quality significantly. To control the emission in Taichung Port Area, regulations were strengthened to reduce emissions from Taichung Power Plant, Dragon Steel Company, and the logistic companies. To reduce mobile source emissions, filters were applied to trucks and ships as well as lowering the speed limit while entering the port area. Measure were also taken to reduce fugitive particulate emissions. II. Emission reduction in the Central Air Quality Zone The analysis indicated that the alkenes were the primary contributors to the OFP, while the aromatic compounds are the primary contributors for OFP, HI, SOA, and OR. Since the control of alkenes has been active for many years, this year, the control of aromatic compounds especially the toluene, is the primary objective. As for the reduction of PM10 emission, our research indicated that the emission of PM10 mainly came from fugitive dusts, for example the rock and sand stockpiles in Shalu, land developments in Erlin, and river dredging operations near Nantou. The Puzi Station was affected by farmland fugitive, and Mailiao and Lunbei Stations were affected by river bed fugitives. As for the control of PM2.5 pollutant, as of 2015, the sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides emissions had reduced by 31% and 17%, respectively, meaning more efforts will be necessary. This project also investigated the impact of air quality by particular behaviors. The Erlin Monitoring station detected high level of PM2.5 from June 20th to July 15th of 2015 due to the burning of crop wastes. The PM2.5 in Puli Monitoring Station peaks during weekends and holidays from heavy traffic. Lunbei Monitoring Station detected the highest concentration of NH3. Moreover, the concentration of NH3 had high correlation with the number of pigs in the Lunbei Township. Since Pingtung County and Yuinlin County are the top two pig raising counties in Taiwan, the EPA is aiming to promote the reuse livestock feces. III. The Revision of Stationary Sources Emission Standards The “Air pollutant emission standards for ceramic factories” was passed on November 8th of 2016. This year the emission standards for cement factories is being revised. Other than strengthening the traditional PSN standards, mercury and fluoride standards were also implemented. After the implementation of the new VOCs standards, the number of non-attainment days for ozone has significantly decreased. Further investigations are also required to understand the effects of the newly implemented emission standards for steel refineries, glass manufactures, electricity industries, and stationary sources on the PM2.5 concentrations.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality, Air Pollution Reduction, The No.6 Naphtha Cracker off-shore Island Industrail Zone, Stationary Source, Emission Standard