

中文摘要 露天燃燒事件具有時效性,須立即取締才能有效全面遏止露天燃燒行為,且露天燃燒普遍為本縣經常性發生之逸散污染源,其中又以農業廢棄物為主要露天燃燒對象,並常於第一、二期稻作採收期間燃燒稻草造成空氣污染。本計畫藉由執行露天燃燒巡查作業及相關宣導管制作為,以有效掌握及降低露天燃燒狀況。 本計畫執行自105年3月1日至105年12月31日,各項工作執行成果摘要說明如下: 一、 宣導及管制禁止露天燃燒 (一) 自105年3月1日至105年12月31日,執行陳情露天燃燒案件複查,包含交辦案件,共計完成329件次。相關資料詳見第四章4.1.2節。 (二) 針對本縣較易遭民眾棄置廢棄物引發露天燃燒之地點不定期排班巡查,加強主動巡查頻率,降低污染行為及改善露天燃燒情形。相關資料詳見第四章4.1.3節。 (三) 截至12月31日,本計畫查獲296筆露天燃燒痕跡(含露天燃燒稻草)之案件,已建置在地理資訊系統(GIS)。相關資料詳見第四章4.2節。 二、 宣導稻草回收再利用 (一) 提供嘉義縣稻草處理與防制露天燃燒最佳方案,經蒐集國內外稻草再利用相關資料,考量嘉義縣特性及經濟、便利、技術及成本等因素後,就目前狀況而言以稻草現地切割掩埋及做為營建裸露覆材為本縣推動較為可行之方式。相關資料詳見第四章4.4節。 (二) 定期維護防制稻草露天燃燒多面向管制網頁,於每月5日前更新維護網頁內容資料,已完成105年度防制稻草露天燃燒多面向管制網頁定期維護更新,網頁服務內容提供一班民眾禁止露天燃燒相關法規、稻草再利用及稻草回收商等相關資訊。相關資料詳見第四章4.6節。 (三) 結合本縣以種植稻作為主之社區,輔導參與農廢(稻草)回收再利用方案,辦理稻草編織,提升農廢減量成效,經遴選有意願之社區為新港鄉中庄社區、菜公社區及安和社區,已輔導三社區成立稻草編織班,並特辦理一場稻草編織說明會,讓社區參與民眾認識稻草初階教學並結合再利用技術,之後三個社區分別在9月25日至10月22日前辦理各5場次稻草編織培訓課程,並10月27日於新港鄉公所前辦理一場社區稻草編織成果發表會,與會人數共計236人。相關資料詳見第四章4.11節。 三、 全面巡查稻田,及時防範稻草露天燃燒空氣污染 (一) 105年一期稻作收割之稻草流向,完成調查面積約993.6公頃,調查結果為就地翻耕掩埋884.32公頃(佔89%),移地再利用73.51公頃(佔7%),燃燒方式處理35.77公頃(佔4%);二期稻作收割之稻草流向,完成調查面積約1036.26公頃,調查結果為就地翻耕掩埋888.68公頃(佔85.76%),移地再利用126.11公頃(佔12.17%),燃燒方式處理21.47公頃(佔2.07%)。相關資料詳見第四章4.5節。 (二) 於主要稻作種植區辦理10場次「稻草再利用,勿露天燃燒」宣導說明會,已於5/19、5/25、5/26、5/31、6/3、10/6、10/12、10/13、10/18及10/20共完成10場次宣導說明會,分別為朴子市、太保市、六腳鄉、水上鄉、鹿草鄉、東石鄉、民雄鄉、大林鎮、溪口鄉及新港鄉,與會人數共計750人。相關資料詳見第四章4.7節。 (三) 於一、二期稻作收割期間設置1部流動廣播車輛,於主要鄉鎮(露天燃燒陳情次數較多)巡迴宣導農民「勿露天燃燒稻草」,維護空氣品質。相關資料詳見第四章4.3.5節。 (四) 因應本縣一、二期稻作收割時期,農民露天燃燒稻草,造成空氣污染,本計畫於一、二期稻作收割期前夕成立專案臨時巡查小組15人,不分平日、假日全面巡查稻田,並在執行巡查作業前辦理勤前教育訓練。相關資料詳見第四章4.3.1節及4.3.2節。 (五) 以磁鐵貼片製成的「露天燃燒稽查車」、「燒稻草罰5000元」、「嘜擱燒稻草」三張標示,張貼於稽查車輛上,於車輛行進間採取「行動宣導」的方式,為及時與民眾進行宣導勿露天燃燒,並在二期稻作收割期間辦理一場「露天燃燒稽查車隊,遍布我嘉」誓師大會,動員環保局38台稽查車輛,在嘉義縣各地巡查,展現環保局取締露天燃燒,維護良好空氣品質之決心。相關資料詳見第四章4.3.4節。 (六) 計畫團隊架設2處「千里眼」制高點即時監控設備,採全天候24小時監控,共發現11起露天燃燒案件(現場無行為人),巡查人員在第一時間將污染源減量。相關資料詳見第四章4.3.8節。 (七) 105年度稻作收割時期稻田巡查作業共計3,328件次,查獲稻草露天燃燒(現場無行為人)或燃燒痕跡共計93件次,其餘3,235件次未發現有露天燃燒行為,總巡查面積為1,562.3074公頃,燃燒面積為13.8723公頃,燃燒比率為0.89%;而第一期稻草露天燃燒巡查1,796次,巡查時發現正燃燒(現場無行為人)或燃燒痕跡共計50件次,其餘1,746件未發現有露天燃燒行為,總巡查面積為879.1051公頃,燃燒面積為7.9962公頃,查獲燃燒面積比率為0.91%;第二期稻草露天燃燒巡查作業,共計巡查1,532次,巡查時發現正燃燒(現場無行為人)或燃燒痕跡共計43件次,其餘1,489件未發現有露天燃燒行為,總巡查面積為683.2023公頃,燃燒面積為5.8761公頃,查獲燃燒面積比率為0.86%,相關資料詳見第四章4.3.8節。 (八) 稻作收割前,寄發「預警通知單」予有加強管制地區之露天燃燒疑慮之農民或代耕業者,宣導勿露天燃燒稻草。於公文中強調露天燃燒法令等加強,以減少露天燃燒情形。105年第一次預警通知單已於6月8日寄發,名單計71筆;第二次預警通知單已於10月31日寄發,名單計93筆,重複燃燒比率為0%。相關資料詳見第四章4.3.4節。 (九) 辦理補助各鄉鎮公所推動溫室農業廢棄物集中代清除處理工作作業,於6月15日與各鄉鎮市公所召開「補助各鄉鎮公所推動溫室農業廢棄物集中代清除處理工作作業」說明會,並於會後制定「溫(網)室農業廢棄物集中代清除處理工作補助方案」,截至12月31日止,太保市公所共申請4件次,清運量為3.72公噸。相關資料詳見第四章4.8節。 四、 媒體行銷宣導工作(成果詳見第四章4.9節) (一) 有線電視台跑馬燈第一階段於105年06月27日至105年07月03日及第二階段於105年11月01日至105年11月07日,分別在山線(世新)及海線(大揚)之有線電視台播出宣導跑馬燈,向民眾宣導勿露天燃燒及嘉義縣露天燃燒管制作為。 (二) 地方廣播電台宣導第一階段於105年07月13日至07月19日,分別在正聲廣播電台、雲嘉廣播電台、姊妹電台及中國廣播公司播放宣導廣播帶;第二階段於105年11月01日至11月07日,分別在正聲廣播電台、雲嘉廣播電台、姊妹電台及正港(appale line)電台播放宣導廣播帶,向民眾宣導勿露天燃燒及嘉義縣露天燃燒管制作為。 (三) LED看板託播第一階段於105年07月01日至07月31日及第二階段於105年11月01日至11月30日,在嘉義縣政府LED電視牆、民雄工業區LED電視牆及太保市農會LED電視牆,向民眾宣導勿露天燃燒。 (四) 105年07月01日於台灣時報刊登1則平面媒體宣導廣告,向民眾宣導稻草再利用,勿露天燃燒及嘉義縣露天燃燒管制作為。
中文關鍵字 農業廢棄物露天燃燒防制


專案計畫編號 105CY23 經費年度 105 計畫經費 5380 千元
專案開始日期 2016/03/01 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 陳柏凱
主辦單位 嘉義縣環境保護局 承辦人 黃秀菊 執行單位 維碩實業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年嘉義縣農業廢棄物露天燃燒防制計畫期末報告定稿電子檔.pdf 28MB

105 years of Chiayi County agricultural waste open burning control plan

英文摘要 The fire burning event is timelable and must be effectively banned in order to effectively prevent the open burning, and the open burning is generally due to the frequent occurrence of the county scattered pollution sources, which in turn agricultural waste as the main open burning objects, and often in the first , The second stage of rice harvest during the burning of straw caused by air pollution. The project is designed to effectively control and reduce the open burning conditions by performing an open burning inspection operation and related publicity and control. The program is implemented from 1 March 105 to 31 December 2005, and the summary of the implementation of the work is as follows First, advocacy and control prohibit open burning (A) from March 1, 105 to December 31, 2005, the implementation of the case of open air burning case review, including the handling of the case, a total of 329 times completed. See Section 4.1.2 of Chapter 4 for details. (2) to inspect the frequency of active inspection, to reduce pollution and to improve the open burning situation in view of the irregular inspection of the site caused by the disposal of waste by the public. See Section 4.1.3 of Chapter 4 for details. (C) As of December 31, the plan has seized 296 cases of open burning marks (including open burning straw), which has been built in the Geographic Information System (GIS). See Section 4, Section 4.2 for details. Second, propaganda straw recycling (1) To provide the best plan for straw treatment and prevention of open burning in Chiayi County. After collecting relevant information on straw utilization at home and abroad, taking into account the characteristics of Chiayi County and its economic, convenience, technology and cost, It is a viable way to promote the burial and laying of bare cover. See Section 4, Section 4.4 for details. (B) regular maintenance of the control of straw open burning multi-faceted control pages, updated on the 5th of the month to maintain the maintenance of web content information, has completed 105 years of control of straw open burning multi-oriented control pages regularly maintenance updates, web services content to provide a group of people Prohibition of open burning regulations, straw reuse and straw recyclers. See Section 4, Section 4.6 for details. (Three) combined with the county to grow rice as the main community, counseling to participate in agricultural waste (straw) recycling program, for straw weaving, to enhance the effectiveness of agricultural waste reduction, the selection of the community will be willing to community for the new port in the village, Community and security community, has counseling three communities to set up straw weaving classes, and specially for a straw weaving briefing, so that the community to participate in the public awareness of straw and re-use of new technology, after the three communities were in the September 25 to October 22 for the five sessions of straw weaving training courses, and on October 27 in the Newport Township office for a community straw weaving results will be presented, the total number of participants 236 people. For details, see Chapter 4, Section 4.11 Third, a comprehensive inspection of rice fields, and timely prevention of straw air pollution (Accounting for 89%), land reclamation and re-use of 73.51 hectares (7%), burning (1%), and the survey area was about 993.6 hectares. The survey results were 884.32 hectares (89%), (Accounting for 85.76%), the land use and re-use of 126.11 hectares (accounting for 4%); two rice harvesting straw flow, completed the survey area of ​​about 1036.26 hectares, the survey results for the local plowing buried 888.68 hectares (85.76%), 12.17%), and the combustion method was 21.47 hectares (2.07%). See Section 4, Section 4.5 for details. (B) Conducting 10 sessions of "straw re-use, non-open burning" briefing sessions in major rice growing areas at 5/195 / 25,5 / 26,5 / 31,6 / 3,10 / 6,10 / 12,10 / 13,10 / 18 and 10/20 completed a total of 10 sessions briefing sessions, respectively, Puzi City, Tai Po City, six feet Township, water Township, Deer Township, East Stone Township, Township, Dalin Town, Xikou Township and Newport Township, the total number of participants 750 people. See Section 4, Section 4.7 for details. (C) To set up a mobile radio vehicle during the first and second periods of rice harvesting, to publicize the "no open burning straw" in the main township (more open air burning) to maintain air quality. For details, see Chapter 4, Section 4.3.5. (4) In response to the first and second rice harvest period, the farmers open burning straw, causing air pollution, the project in the first and second stage of rice harvest on the eve of the establishment of the temporary inspection team 15, regardless of daydays, holidays A comprehensive inspection of rice fields, and in the implementation of pre-tour training before the training. See Section 4.3.1 and Section 4.3.2 for details. (E) "Three-day mark" of "open burning fire inspection vehicle" made of magnet patch, "5,000 liters of grilled straw", "Marked straw", posted on inspection vehicle, and taken "action propaganda" "The way for the timely publicity with the public not to open burning, and in the second period of rice harvest for a" open burning audit team, all over my Ka "pledge meeting to mobilize the Environmental Protection Agency 38 inspection vehicles, in Chiayi County Inspection, show the EPA to ban open burning, maintaining good air quality determination. For details, see Chapter 4, Section 4.3.4. (6) Project team set up two "clairvoyance" high point of real-time monitoring equipment, all-weather 24-hour monitoring, found a total of 11 cases of open burning (site no action), inspectors in the first time the source of pollution reduction. See Section 4.3.8 for details. (7) A total of 3,328 inspections of paddy field inspections during the 2005 rice harvesting period were seized for 93 days of scrub burning (no incumbent) or burning traces. The remaining 3,235 flats were found to have open burning, with a total inspection area of 1,562.3074 hectares, burning area of ​​13.8723 hectares, the burning ratio of 0.89%; and the first phase of the open burning of 1,796 straw inspections, inspection found burning (site no action) or burning traces a total of 50 times, the remaining 1,746 were not found There is open burning behavior, the total inspection area of ​​879.1051 hectares, burning area of ​​7.9962 hectares, seized burning area ratio of 0.91%; the second phase of open burning and burning operations, a total of 1,532 inspections, inspection found burning ) Or burning traces totaling 43 times, the remaining 1,489 pieces were not found in open burning behavior, the total inspection area of ​​683.2023 hectares, burning area of ​​5.8761 hectares, seized burning area ratio of 0.86%, the relevant information see Chapter IV 4.3.8 Section. (8) Before the harvest of rice, send the "warning notice" to the farmer or farmer who has increased the concern of the open burning in the control area. In the document stressed that the open burning laws and regulations to strengthen, to reduce the open burning situation. The first warning notice was sent on 6 June and the list was 71 pen; the second warning notice was sent on 31 October with a total of 93 pens and a repetition rate of 0%. For details, see Chapter 4, Section 4.3.4. (9) We apply for subsidy of township and town public office We push forward concentration of agricultural waste collection and disposal work in the greenhouse, and on June 15, we held "briefing of various township and town public places to promote greenhouse gas waste collection work" , And after the meeting to develop "temperature (net) room agricultural waste collection on behalf of the removal of the work subsidy program", as of December 31, the Taibao City, a total of four applications, clear traffic volume of 3.72 tons. For details, see Chapter 4, Section 4.8. Fourth, the media marketing propaganda work (the results see Chapter IV, Section 4.9) (A) the first stage of the cable station ballet lamp in the October 27, 2005 to 105 July 03 and the second stage in November 1, 105 to November 7, 2005, respectively, in the mountain line (the new ) And the sea line (Tai Yang) cable television broadcast propaganda marquee, to the public propaganda do not open-air burning and Chiayi County open burning control as. (B) the local radio station to promote the first stage in the October 13, 2005 to July 19, respectively, in the sound radio stations, Yunjia radio stations, sister radio and China Broadcasting Corporation broadcast propaganda broadcast; Stage from November 1 to November 7, 2005, respectively, in the sound radio stations, Yunjia radio stations, sister radio stations and the port (appale line) radio broadcast propaganda broadcast, to the public propaganda do not open burning and Chiayi County open burning control as. (3) LED kiosks The first stage of the first stage in 105 years from July 1 to July 31 and the second stage in November 1, 2005 to November 30, in Chiayi County Government LED TV wall, Minxiong Industrial Zone LED TV wall and the Taibao City Agricultural Association LED TV wall, to the public propaganda do not open burning. (4) On July 1, 2005, published in the Taiwan Times published a print media advertising campaign to promote the use of straw, not open-air combustion and Chiayi County open burning control as.
英文關鍵字 Agricultural waste prevention and control of open burning