

中文摘要 本年度計畫執行期間自民國105年1月12日起至105年12月31日止,根據計畫目標完成以下工作項目: 協助環保署進行科技計畫管理作業與行政支援,其工作內容包括:(1) 106年度科技計畫先期規劃;(2)105年科技計畫追蹤管考作業及協助確認105年計畫完成GRB資訊系統連結與登錄;(3)104年度績效評估作業;(4)107年度科技計畫先期規劃;(5)更新及維護「環保署全球資訊網」/科技發展之中、英文網頁內容(含永續發展室署內園地)。 完成辦理「106年度科技發展綱要計畫審查會議」,並完成彙集106年度綱要計畫書及協助完成送審程序。環保署106年科技綱要計畫共計11項,送審數為新臺幣2億1,953萬3千元,經行政院科技會報第11次會議通過,核定金額為1億9,451萬8千元,較105年成長1億604萬7千元。 為建立環保科技發展研發成果運用之法制環境、激發研究人員士氣及有效運用研發成果,故參考國內其他部會相關法規,完成「環保署科技發展成果歸屬及運用辦法」(草案)之研擬。 於105年5月24日完成辦理「105年環境科技論壇」。本次論壇邀請產、官、學、研專家針對「巨量數據於環境議題之應用」進行與談,並發表「環保政策與科技研究」、「環境檢測及監測」及「環保科技產學合作」等3大主題共8篇口頭論文及1場「智慧電網應用於居家節能減碳」專題演講,共計154人與會。本年度論壇納入電子問卷系統,整體問卷回收率達50%,並整理論壇成果紀實1篇,以推廣本署科技研發成果。
中文關鍵字 計畫管理、環境科技論壇、成果推廣


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-E1U2-02-202 經費年度 105 計畫經費 1480 千元
專案開始日期 2016/01/12 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 簡聰文
主辦單位 永續發展室(停用) 承辦人 蘇鈺珊 執行單位 財團法人成大研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105 年科技委辦計畫品質管理與推廣計畫 期末報告(上傳).pdf 11MB

Quality Management and Promotion for the 2016 TEPA’s Projects

英文摘要 The execution period of this project is from 2016/1/12 to 2016/12/31. The following work items are accomplished based on the project goals: The project executive team assists EPA to conduct technology projects management and administrative support, the work scope includes: (1) preliminary planning of Year 2017 technology projects, (2) reviewing of Year 2016 technology projects and confirmation of the linking and logging of 2016 projects to the GRB information system, (3) evaluation of Year 2015 projects performance, (4) preliminary planning of Year 2018 technology project, (5) updating and maintaining the English and Chinese content of the EPA official website/technology development projects (including sustainable development forum). This project completes the examination of the technology development framework projects of the year 2017, assists to collect technology development framework projects of the year 2017 and submits them to MOST. (A total of 11 EPA technology projects of the year 2017 were submitted. The total budget added up to NTD$219,533M. Approved on the 11th session of Board of Science and Technology, the approved amount was NTD$194,518M, representing a growth of NTD$100,647M than year 2016.) This project draft an “Environmental Protection Administration Regulations for Ownership and Utilization of Scientific and Technological Research and Development Achievements” (draft) referring to the relevant laws and regulations from other governmental departments in order to establish the legal system and to encourage researchers’ morale by effectively utilized the achievements of environmental technology development to the actual environment. This project organizes and holds the “2016 Environment Technology Forum” on 2016/5/24. The 5 panelists of expert discussion talk about the topic of “Application of big data to environmental issues”. With a total of 154 participants, 8 research papers were presented focused on three major themes: “The policy of Environmental Protection and Research Technology”, “Environmental technology collaboration between industry and academy”, “Environment analysis and monitoring”, and 1 lecture on “Smart grid application and household energy-saving”. 2016 Forum was incorporated with electronic questionnaire system, the response rate was 50%. The achievement of the forum was documented to promote EPA’s research achievements.
英文關鍵字 Project management, Forum on Environmental Technology, Effectiveness of the promotions