

中文摘要 國內未來現地處理技術宜朝向節約整治成本及高處理效率之方向發展,離場處理技術宜朝向再利用之發展。本計畫試驗結果顯示,模擬污染土壤的溼坯經過紅磚製程燒製成紅磚後,重金屬總量濃度皆有明顯下降。有關總石油碳氫化合物(TPH)分析結果,在經過紅磚燒製過程後,紅磚中 TPH 總量濃度皆無法檢出,測值為 ND。污染土壤所含總石油碳氫化合物及氯含量與戴奧辛的生成無明顯關係,未顯示戴奧辛生成所產生的污染疑慮。為使再製產品在使用時與一般相同產品無異,各種污染物「同時」符合不同模擬情境之法規標準,因此同一塊紅磚將無任一溶出濃度超標。此等紅磚產品將與一般使用無污染物原料製作之紅磚無異,因此這類污染土壤再製紅磚將無須特別限制使用情境。重金屬砷建議燒製溫度應不低於 1,000℃。重金屬銅、鋅、鎘、鉛之污染土壤用於紅磚製程,燒成窯溫度建議控制在 1,000℃。重金屬鉻、鎳污染土壤用於紅磚燒製,燒製溫度達一般紅磚製程要求即可。為使污染土壤再利用紅磚業者、政府管理機關便於管理、紅磚產品可視為一般紅磚產品而無需特別限制用途,本計畫研析之 8 種土壤重金屬污染物進入紅磚製程之濃度上限值列表如表6.6-1。為符合實際的製程需求並落實環境安全要求,紅磚產業申請污染土壤再利用許可時,應依污染土壤之土壤質地特性提出是否有摻配需求並研擬摻配比例,在申請文件中提供相關摻配需求之佐證資料一併審查。若該產業使用污染土壤濃度高於濕坯原料重金屬濃度上限值時,仍應經由另外提出之試驗證明產品之環境安全性,並經主管機關核可後,據以實施。有關污染土壤生產再製紅磚產品適用情境之建議,可參考歐盟資源化產品環境相容性的管理方式,包括WT產品(Without Testing Products)與非WT產品(Non-Without Testing Products),在非WT產品又細分為WFT產品(Without Further Testing Products)與FT產品(Further Testing Products)。此類污染土再製紅磚產品視為環境相容產品(即WFT產品),在符合污染土壤進料品管及濕坯原料品質管制的前提下,無須限制再製產品之適用環境。當污染土壤再製紅磚產品其濕坯原料超過建議管制值時,符合許可者可視為環境許可產品(即FT產品),並適當限制再製產品之適用環境。本計畫成果同時呈現現階段我國污染土壤再利用之適當管道仍有待進一步開發,建議後續可進一步朝向下列項目展開:1. 研析未經紅磚製程許可再利用之土壤污染物處理與再利用技術建議;2. 研析紅磚製程許可污染物轉由其他再利用產業許可之可行性;3. 建議未來在紅磚產業獲得重金屬污染土壤離場再利用許可後,實際在製程中採取樣品,分析重金屬之各階段溶出情形、殘留總量濃度等,驗證本計畫成果。
中文關鍵字 污染土壤、離場、溶出特性


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-GA11-03-A290 經費年度 105 計畫經費 15500 千元
專案開始日期 2016/11/28 專案結束日期 2018/05/27 專案主持人 吳培堯
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 黃志弘 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-105-GA11-03-A290.pdf 10MB

FY 2016 Control Analyses of Contaminant Release through Remanufactured Product Use of Soil

英文摘要 In Taiwan, in situ remediation should focus on cost effectiveness and high treatment efficiency. Off-site remediation should focus on material reclamation and recycle. The project results show that the total concentrations of the tested heavy metal contaminants are reduced after the red brick manufacturing process. About the total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) contaminants, the residual concentration after the manufacturing process was undetectable, indicated as N.D. The dioxins development showed no evidence of high levels of TPH and chloride during the red brick manufacturing process. In order to ensure the environmental safety of the red bricks containing the contaminated soils, the red bricks have to pass the standards of all receiving environments. Thus, the red bricks can be used as regular bricks in any way. The processing temperature should be at least 1,000℃ if the soil contains arsenic. The temperature should be at 1,000℃ if the soil contains copper, zinc, cadmium, and lead. The chromium and nickel can be processed at any regular brick manufacturing temperatures. Because the brick usage is designed regular, the upper limits for the concentrations of the studied heavy metal contaminants are listed in Table 6.6-1. Considering the need of mixing other materials before the soils enter the brick manufacturing process, the permit applicants of the contaminated soil recycling have to show the mix percentage and the reason for mixing. The products can be grouped into 2 categories: WT (Without Testing) Products and non-WT (Non-Without Testing) Products. The non-WT products are further divided into 2 parts: WFT (Without Further Testing) Products and FT (Further Testing) Products. The red bricks manufactured with the soils containing the concentrations less than the limits shown in Table 6.6-1 are categorized as WFT products. On the other hand, the red bricks are FT products and are substitute to further usage limitations. A few suggestions for the future work: 1. Study the contaminants not permitted in the red brick manufacturing; 2. Study the contaminants permitted in the red brick manufacturing for other manufacturing processes; 3. After red brick industry are granted with the contaminated soil recycle permits, a series studies are needed to examine the limit concentrations designed in this project.
英文關鍵字 contaminated soil, off site, leaching characteristics